How did you get the AI to reflect the custom Stat onto the 3D mode
A member registered Sep 12, 2024
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Formamorph community · Created a new topic Suggestion for a thing to be added and a question can i add my own stats to the stats tab
can someone tell me how to get the cock growth skill cause after completing the Manor quest and having the cock tf shrine active i should be able to learn it but nope after learning the first two skills from Rinny she says "Hmm... maybe later, okay" so what do i need to do or did i do something wrong?
Suggestion: can you add a multi pregnancy(the chance of becoming pregnant with more then one baby) and here is the percent chances; 25% for one, 2-3% for twins, 3% for fraternal twins or higher(this would work well with multiple cream pie scenes for the chance for the babes to be a different race from each other) and a 1% for triplets.
Issue, Bug or Glitch: having top ears and ears causes the earrings to disappear