That sounds more like a sandbox mode. With a floor where you can spawn items and monsters. But that would ruin the evolution, where you die the first time you run into a new enemy.
Though it might help playtesting new items and changed balancing.
Then you might want to try the desktop and the new version. It feels quite a bit different to play with keyboard/controller and mouse. Aside from balancing changes there were bunch of new features added over time like trinkets and the duelist class recently. (2021-2023: new traps, spells and rings; spectral necromancer, alchemy rework, divine inspiration gets you more talent points, metamorphosis gets you talents of other classes, crystal key [see-through doors and chests], gas room, firewall room, laser room, reintroduction of sacrifice room, seeded runs, daily runs, more badges, ascension curse, scores for exploration, bosses and quests; score multiplier for ascension and challenges; lore pages) (2023-2024: duelist class, blacksmith quest on subfloor with new enemies, trinkets, alchemy rework )
Maybe you wanna tag this with "Fighting". On a different note: Would you mind uploading this to CC-BY is one of the licenses allowed there. Many enter their itch page as website on their profile. Submission descriptions also allow links, so it can link to the full version.
In contrast to newer assets, this one is not tagged with "Fighting". On a different note: Would you mind uploading this to CC0 is one of the licenses allowed there. Many enter their itch page as website on their profile.
No, I don’t have this issue. But
If at least import/export works, you can store your progress somewhere.
The tagged license is assets-cc4-by and not assets-cc4-by-nd like in the description. The link after the cc by-nd badge also goes to cc by.
From the can't list by-nd explicitly allows reselling and redistribution of the unchanged assets as long as it's properly credited. And that probably also includes making them part of game-making tools or code templates, but I'm not 100% sure.
And if I understand this text correctly, you are not allowed to use the creative commons "trademarks, names, and logos" if you modify the license:
cc by is pretty much a "you can edit and redistribute" and cc by-nd a "you can redistribute unchanged", without the redistribution part it's somewhat pointless to use creative commons licenses in the first place.
Great Burst was a submission to OGA Summer Game Jam 2019. Great Burst 2 is rewritten wrom scratch, only few graphics are reused and code to generate the same sounds, but it uses and reinterprets the same source assets I used back then.
The milestone is d2bb111 commit from last night.
Screenshots ×2 Great Burst (left) and Great Burst 2 (right):
Great Burst:
Great Burst 2: (pw: ogaSPRogaING)
( is the rom, is bundled with webasm version of binjgb and will likely become unusable when I upload the final zip)
> There are 4 rating categories; Gameplay, Graphics, Audio and Authenticity. Authenticity is the most subjective category here, some people see it as a hard rule where if your game isn't perfectly 64x64 or less, or has sub-pixels going on, you'll get a low rating, some people see it as how your design works given the restriction.
No, this is a full-fledged GameBoy Color game, which is also compatible with the original GameBoy, running in a JS emulator.
You can also download the rom (.gb), play it with an emulator or put it on a GameBoy cartridge.
SDCC is a compiler that can compile C into GameBoy machine code and pack it into a rom.
GBDK-n is a library for accessing the GameBoy hardware in C.
Most tiles are from
Detailed licensing information can be found here:
I only drew the muffin and the font wholly myself. I mostly adapt and improve existing tiles.
There is apparently MS Paint for XP on
It appears that jspaint can also be launched as an electron app:
git clone && cd jspaint && npm i && npm start
And there is also GNU Paint
As to what I am hoping to gain from this jam, the following are all my goals (just an FYI, I use GameBoy Color):
* Optimize spritesheets and palettes
* Maybe getting better at pixel art
* Manage to somehow play music on a GameBoy
* Using one of my favorite spritesheets (zoria)
* Doing and getting better at hardware hackery
* Build/improve my toolchain