this is really cute and i love the visual design w/the drawing animations + videos... great stuff
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You can run individual scripts with node by using "node path/to/script.js". When you run "npm run upload" you're actually running "node _functions/upload-neo.js".
You could move that script to another node project, but you'd have to tweak it since it's designed for strawberry starter (specifically, it checks for a config.jsonc file in "src/_data" to check for a subdirectory, and it reads a folder named "_site" to check what to upload.) You'd have to initialize a new project with "npm init" and then install the script's dependencies with "npm i form-data jsonc". That's overkill if your site isn't already a Node project, though.
However there's a Neocities Command Line Interface that lets you upload your site from the command line. It has a different syntax and some quirks but fundamentally does the same thing - only uploads what's changed. This is the best way to go about uploading things if your site isn't already a Node project, I think! I would use that tool to upload your base site and use npm run upload to upload the blog.
really good game... i know the intention was to make something small but it did pay off - for me this reaches the highs of other love <3 game games like sylvie lime... the movement tech was really interesting and fun. the story is nice too, it's simple but it works well, and there are lots of fun mysterious moments that build on it a lot (the mysterious executioner crashes etc)... you should be proud of this one