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Axiom Delver

A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Spent waaay too much time on this, but it hooked me, good one

I think I found an issue in web browser window mode?
1. Click+hold a room,
2. Drag the cursor outside of game bounds,
3. Release hold there,
4. Move cursor back in game bounds
This results in an autoclicker. It needs some finagling when positioning the cursor back, but I could leave it for as long as I'd like on auto.

this RULES

Email sent :)

Thank you, I will :) I'll be writing from the [email protected] a little later today. Have a good one!

Hello, I recently got back to writing in the journal, and only now noticed that some entries in the random tables are duplicated.
If you would be updating the journal, I would love to make a list of the duplicates (and where they are), and send it to you? Cheers!

Absolutely, please do

Hello. Thank you for reaching out.
I will be deleting my rating, seeing that it is a work in progress.
The initial 1-star review was made after I noticed you've used AI-generated images for your work  - and from what I can see, you are using it in quite a few of your works, including priced ones. I don't know what your stance on AI images is, but mine is firmly based in the opinion that  AI is rooted in art theft and lowers the standards of the work it's been used in. Do with that what you will.

To reiterate, I will be deleting my rating of your work, but I implore you to use readily available assets, art packs, public domain art, or any combination thereof, that supports artists, instead of the easily-accessible solution of AI.

Yo, this is phenomenal, you've done excellent work!

I'm wondering if this will also fit on a cassette tape sleeve...

This is a really cool project!

Thank you!

Hello, I got a question about the order of operations on page 1. The 'complications' and 'aesthetic' tables - which of the tables are they? Let's say I pick the Arrayer of Armies - is the table right beneath his title the first table of complications? Is the aesthetics table on page 12? Where is the second table of complications?

If you would ever make an update to the pdf, may I ask you to put page references next to the key points, like: "aesthetic table (page .....)?

naughty naughty :)

Lovely demo, would love to play the full version

This is phenomenal. I have a Blades in the Dark character that I want to try this with - my Luna wears a reflective mask as if made of a one-way mirror. In reality, Luna can not see anything at all and just waits for the DM to describe the scenery, so she can act through whatever I say she does. She's been itching to break free from this situation.

More games should use the card tower mechanic, I'm happy to see this!

This looks VERY good

Hey, just wanted to say thank you - your Wallet Dungeons pushed me to try game design on my own.

Oh that looks cool, I need to give it a spin

Thank you very much!

Whenever you choose a Feature to make a Check attempt, you roll a number of dice equal to it's value. Then count all Passes and all Fails.

You need 2 Passes to clear an area.
You roll Prowess, which has a value of 5, so you roll 5 dice. You get 3 Passes, and two Fails = the room is cleared, that's for sure, since you got at least two Passes.

Now comes the Tally!
Passes: you two 5's and a 4; Fails: you got two 2's.
Start the Tally from the highest values: 5, 5, 4, 2, 2.

So it goes like this:
5: (Up your Features or choose new Items) x2.
4: (Decrease any Feature by one, or lose an item)
2: (Decrease any Feature by one) x2

 And... see if you're still alive and/or found anything good :)

Thank you!

Yo, this looks so good

The layout, the art, the idea is well executed - I'll give it a go

Please do, and please share the result, I'm interested in seeing how others interpret this!

If I could give a 6/5, I would

Absolutely fantastic.

Hi, I've been sitting on a hex crawl generator (art licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0; f*ck GenAI) for some time and thought I could make a simplified version for this jam.

I'm not sure if this is an acceptable entry for the jam? Itch allows for projects with external links, but I wanted to check here first.

This looks so good

Of course, please use it. As for crediting me, just the name "Axiom Delver" should be enough, I don't have a big platform (working on it, though). Unless you have a preferred way to give credit? I haven't been asked for permission before, not sure what info is needed :)

My starting point was 'Heroes who have already saved the land, and now juxtapose memories of peaceful past, and recent strife, with the hope for a future where they can rebuild'. I'll see how it develops.

This looks fantastic!

(I'm also VERY jealous, because I've started writing something similar, and only then did I find Cerebos...)

Conspiracies? Anomalies? Eldritch horror? And the greatest, oldest evil of all - Bureaucracy?! Yes, please, inject this straight into my bloodstream. (BTW, I see you, Bill Cipher, you're not getting me this time.)

Will do - I see the files are printed on a thicker cardstock, and I believe that with time&folding those lines are disappearing
I'll try it out, thank you!

Amazing, instant buy. Question - do the blue "fold" lines disappear when printed? If not, is it possible to get a version, where the fold lines are not that prominent? It somewhat takes away from the excellent graphics...

That's really smart, a very interesting take

This looks VERY good



Looks interesting and helpful.

this looks fun, I'll try it out

Hello, all of this art looks so flavorful, so good, and I immediately come up with plothooks and personalities as soon as I take a closer look!

I'll be frank - I'll probably use the art in handouts, and maybe in a booklet, but I'll be sure to add the attribution.

This is a really good take on the tic-tac-toe mechanic - I like how you've made the choice of placing an X or O actually matter.