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Hint in rot 13: Gur fbyhgvba vaibyirf n arj jnl gb trg bagb jnyyf, frr jung lbh pna qb jvgu sver juvyr fznyy.
I think I found a bug, it will not let me play thunderbolt due to not having enough energy, however I have 8 energy and thunderbolt only costs 3. all that i have done this turn is play meditate 3 times, the reason i don't have 9 energy is that the game charged me one energy for the second meditate even though it is supposed to cost zero.
Edit: attempting to play thunderbolt killed the orc however I did not lose energy or the card and it said I did not have enough energy.
Hard level (I will post the solution if anyone asks me to
edit: fixed a cheese that let you skip the last three puzzles
I beat doom lord
deck (anger, anger, unbreakable, unbreakable, bloodlust, furious charge, block)
other cards that were in my deck but i didn't use them in the boss fight (overpower, sprint)
First phase (play anger, play unbreakable, play bloodlust fourteen times, repeat until next phase)
Second phase (anger (to draw unbreakable in case you didn't get it or furious charge), unbreakable (to draw furious charge), furious charge, block, end turn, repeat until phase 3)
Third phase (phase one strategy beats this)