even for the slave class? says the required level is 3, and swapping between captives over and under level 3 has the slave class icon highlight/grey out, suggesting it can be chosen...
A member registered Jan 02, 2024
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other than maybe Strive for Power? or the games like StationMaster or Fort of Chains, not really, and definitely not this... interactive. S4P is mostly juicy writing with a gallery for game events, and FoC has some images for events and choices, but nothing, again, interactive outside raunchy writing and your imagination. there are a few other sort of "farm" games on this platform, the first one to spring to mind that is similar to this is SlaveBar (SlaveBar M ~ Episode 1 [v1.4] by nymphokyun)
SlaveBar M ~ Episode 1 [v1.4] comments · Replied to MartPriest in SlaveBar M ~ Episode 1 [v1.4] comments