very cool & restrained atmospheric horror, I felt like I was inserted straight into the cold open of a 1980's sci-fi, and I definitely wasn't the protagonist. if a game can make me say "ALL OF THEM???" to five red phonetic alphabet words on a black screen it's a good game
my only bit of feedback? ironically the setting was so atmospheric that I felt like I was 'breaking character' by firing on the first red asteroid, despite it being pretty clear that was how I progressed the story. why would I? it's not firing on me, it's just hanging around. if I was sent out here under false pretenses, and ATHENA can tell the difference between the alien craft and an asteroid, would it not make sense for ATHENA to lie and say the red asteroid had a valuable resource upon being scanned?
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super polished and super cleverly designed too!! i managed to get all of the endings
Apart from the good ending, I felt like there wasn't too-too much strategy in getting the gunman to react exactly how I wanted him to - I knew there were some combos I knew obviously wouldn't work, but there weren't any combos I knew would work, if that makes sense. but the completely unique voice lines for every combination made it worth it to just screw around tbh
speaking of the good ending, it's quite clever how it fakes you out with the fade to black AND the bang only to turn into a gunfight between the goon and the gunman, it's doing a lot with a little. plus, I assume that the name drops from the goon are supposed to lead you to the 'falco' hint?
absolute kino, congratulations on completing the jam - and congratulations on doing all those voice lines, bloody hell
such a cute way to advertise; it's like making the conversations you'd have at a physical zinefest digital!! i got 'boots to fill!' unfortunately I live far away from the USA so I couldn't buy the physical zine, but I did read all the digital ones I could on your website, they're really cool. i think my favorite one is the guy with the 'sad eyes,' cause that's just how it is sometimes
hello hi!!
i have basically no complaints about the game; it's a solid puzzle-platformer with a good balance between those two halves. all the stages are super tightly designed; I'd complete basically every stage with what felt like not enough candle left. there's a bunch of little things for player feedback like the pitch of the candle bros' voice getting higher the less wax they have, and the reset key is SO good
also the ending actually made me laugh; it's a rather sober game up until that point and the slow pan down to the buff candle face is just. *chef's kiss*
overall I think this idea could be taken forward into a full game if you wanted to; I could see this being easy to play on a phone!!
super polished, super slick, really well optimized for a short playtime, super everything EXCEPT FOR ONE THING.
see, as I got further into the game, I realised that I just couldn't get the more complex burgers right, ever. and I was fully prepared to point this out as, maybe a point of improvement or just to admit I wasn't good at Burger Now!
and then I realised that you can just skip items on the orders and not take a hit to your accuracy; only your money.
LOGICALLY this is a bug. if I ordered the double triple bossy deluxe on a raft 4x4 animal style extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze and I didn't get it I would not be a happy man.
it actually...made the game more strategic?? you're rewarded for skipping items that you know are above your skill level and only making the stuff you know is more expensive / in reach. you're rewarded not just for being a shitty burger flipper, but strategically and meticulously shitty burger flipper, and I think that's just hilarious.
anyway in my head this is a feature. congratulations on completing your jam!!
(p.s I did manage to finish the game!)
what a delightfully original concept for a game and specifically what a delightfully original challenge. while most of the other games in the jam (including mine!!) focused on a mad scramble to the finish line where 'gitting gud' relies on your muscle memory, this one actually rewards you for slowing down, paying attention, and not panicking.
the music is charming but it doesn't draw any attention away from the gameplay and. god the bug noises. THE BUG NOISES. not only are they fucking adorable they also immediately tell the player how many bugs are left to debug. it's so smart.
other than including instructions in the game (which I think I've already mentioned) I have literally only one idea for how it could be better: the "running out of time" screen shake should disappear if there's no more bugs. I read the screen shake as 'WATCH OUT THE BUGS ARE ABOUT TO EAT UR SYSTEM' rather than 'WATCH OUT UR RUNNING OUT OF TIME' and I think removing it would be a good way to indicate to the player that they've already won!
I would love to see you take this forward tbh. it's immediately charming, smartly designed and super super accessible.
i hope you enjoyed the game jam!!! i managed to get to level 11 before I hit a bit of a roadblock
i like it, picrew does deserve to be made fun of sometimes. the complete of options is a pretty good joke and - this may have been a bug - the hair suddenly being off center when the timer runs out got a chuckle out of me
if you ever come back to this, I think you could push the parody further by making the options even more limited or biased to the fictional creator's very specific taste in fashion or media.
hi hi!! your game is really solid!!
it has just the right amount of things you can do with your character, nothing feels like it's redundant. (which sounds like it's hard to do with a 20s game but, still.) visually the game is super polished; it feels like something I might've played on a flash game site back in the day when that still worked. it's probably my favorite part about it.
it has a couple of things holding it back from being a banger
first of all - the controls feel a little too slippery for something that's played in a rush. added to the camera that can't seem to keep up with the square dude (especially when they're falling) and it can make the game a little disorienting to play
I'm genuinely split on the 'random level' idea, because on the one hand it stops the game from getting frustrating / monotonous after many resets, but on the other hand I feel like 'gitting gud' at a specific section and being able to visually recognise how close you were to the next high score would've made it a lot more compelling? that comes down to what kind of experience you wanted the player to have
anyway!! i hope you had fun during this jam, cube!
p.s my record is 1058m
an eerie little game; the slow reveal of the Gazerkin in the wall combined with that music (good job!!) gives the game a creepy-cool kind of vibe.
I think the main way the game could be better is more feedback for the player! I often didn't notice my archer getting hit. I...admittedly wasn't able to activate that portal since I had no idea how many enemies must die to activate it - or specifically how close I was to activating it, and my hand was starting to cramp
But my highest score was 69! nice!
dude...this is pretty good!!
I love the graphical style - can't really explain why, it just clicks with me. I got a pretty bad audio bug with the music that caused it to overlay on itself, but when it was playing as it was intended - WOW. it's good because of the midi instruments in spite of them. it turned what could have been a silly premise into something oddly emotionally fraught? i hope gabby's okay
I also like how the recoil mechanic isn't spelled out for you - it adds to the idea that gabby's using her weapon for something it's not supposed to be used for. it feels good to get good - you get an a-ha moment.
now, some of the things that could be improved:
I find the skull enemies don't really...add very much once you get good? if you're still on your first run and you're a bit shit then you actually have to think about their positioning. but once you get good enough to really fly through each level, they're slow and unpredictable enough (and it's hard enough for you to steer) that you don't have to think about them, most of the time. or perhaps, the game is just so fast that you can't think about them?
also: if this is a speedrunning game - it's gotta have a reset key that the player can use if they can tell there's no salvaging this level or this run.
but the game kept me coming back and so far my best time is 0.36 seconds!! congratulations on completing the game jam!!
Hi - as a long-time Pokemon fan and fan artist, this intrigues me! The link to the discord has expired, but I'll give you my portfolio: