game ruined by kidney failure
This game is so much worse than i tout
i used to have old save with enough money and grinded relations since version 0.12?
now im stuck with maria level 10 1 affection
and felicity emma 3 affection level 10
and i honestly have no idea why i got dialogue options where only one of them does not lose me relations
earlygame once again is nearly unplayable i had to progress to loan from Kali dad to unlock succubus outfit and 2nd floor
its also much harder than i remembered to acquire traits
major issue is money and relation grind. also its kind of funny i play 0.18 new save and i didn't saw single shred of new content
i wish i could get affection during sex and exhibitionist sex, it would solve problem of fucking maria 20 times just for her to still hate me, but let me bang her everyday
Felicity in 1 scene concluded that she "was mean to everyone" just for next scene to keep being mean to you and have all early sex scenes be very adversary...
i can go to ashley at night and convince her to have sex freestyle A2M style sex with me, but not to go to DATE
im sorry, there is a chance i m just bad at this, but it would be nice to have alternative evil path that just is easier to play or provide any rewards or fallback for people who can't do it
my friends recommended me the game without any directions and i probably expected it to be as similar game where i had fat stacks of riches and could earn money as bandit or slave trader if i was bad manager
i quickly lost all the money
my house fall into ruins because developer think cleaning is some 24/7 active challenge
my slave refused to listen to anything or learn skills
after 3 weeks of failed interactions and inability to train her i decided to rape her, it was only option i did not tried
she started poisoning my tea..and didn't became more obedient or easier to train
i got to the ending
game provide 0 satisfaction and is very demanding
i wish i never tried it at all
i spend 3 hours farming some minotaurs...
idk why author call this fun
and i keep losing in unfair labirynth that i can't skip
bcs labirynth is laggy if i click arrow twice i automatically lose turn...
and its nearly impossible to not click twice on mobile
why is this game so PAINFUL TO PLAY ON EASY
dominating guy have nothing to look in this thing...its all the grind no gain
i get to temple after grinding for hours
Im level 43
I cant beat the ladies and fox bitch told me i need to win on hard aka 2 vs 1
I cant win no matter what i do
I wish you could just knife the fox bitch like in normal game and not deal with her bs
Is there way to get level 100 fast so i could get thru this without losing constantly for fractions of exp?
Potion cure only 100 and ladies load 230 l-340 each