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A member registered Dec 15, 2017

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Will update and try.

issues when downloaded, hmm.

scatch that, my new save bugged out and didn't have the auto generations didn't unlock.
had to hard reset.

I just returned, and the data structure check/save system is fine.
I Just got back and it acted as if I am new, oh as of 2 weeks ago I did reset in that I lost my progress so guessed the save system wasn't in yet.

I guess this doesn't have a save system...yet?

itch client is like steam...but is custom-built for Itch.Io. so it's a game library, install manager, auto/manual updater, and game starter so I can start games from here without needing the .exe itself.

Welp here's hoping you don't have to keep re-making the link...I play this on the itch client and it stinks when it says it can't find something and I have to re-download it after seeing the new one....sadly I can't get it at this time.


API issues....not really.
input streams....some edits may be needed.

Chromebook does something fishy to the way it handles dragging, does it even support it?

Okay, Just had the idea after my first play into the game.
got to get a job and just felt a bit lost.

hi, love the game. I have a small idea two that may help.
a fellow game The Repurposing company uses switches and boxes to allow players to pick what they want to see, and has NPC roles for people in the world who deal in one kink or another.....that can help add quests and things for the player to do. I understand the idea of being no-rails....but maybe over time, a hints system can help them avoid or pick a fetish or idea.
so the start screen asks them what fetish/kinks they like to see...and you pick an NPC.
Here's an example:
Picking a male start with an NPC dominatrix leads to both Crossdressing and Femdom


hi, small bug.

in the controls it says to press A to open a folder, but I do and nothing happens.
unless there's a key conflict that's blocking it.

checking in, have you figured it out, or still trying to find the next step?

Mrcaddlr, depending on what they add it may change some systems around.
I already reported a few bugs or asked questions about the game.
here's hoping we get more in the coming months....but some Jam games are just that.
Jam games were saved in the state they were at, at the time of Jam.

Well, I as well love the game.
Maybe later you can give the reset more by having Sol and Luna maybe have more lines....and or maybe give the player something for their efforts and not just a reset.

I had about 0.7 and it tripped. not sure of the limit then.
If you say it's 1.0 and the game trips end by 0.7 then the limits are at least 0.5 to 0.7.

let me clearify, it's the same way you do bricks just replace the clay with water.

you burn water.

So once you get the do you use it?
I got some text popping up saying to consume it.

and Dystopia-user181, doesn't have spoiler blocking for now

okay, just checking.
was a bit confused.

New bug, when I buy the Essence Purifier.
It's locked.
but can be upgraded, just not used or have pipes connected.

now you tell me.
sorry about that.....wasn't sure and I found you on the itch client before the website.

No dice, seems your fix hasn't come to me yet.
doesn't even show itch there's an update.

Note: Web version works.
Download isn't working.

Currently the game will open in the folder and not start up.
this happened after the last update.
current folders.


No idea where game.exe is.

That's a good question.

no issue

Thanks, I was more asking with this last update what did you change.
a change logs as it's normally called.

Transmutation community · Created a new topic Changes?

Do we know if this has a change log, I get if the update is small but sometimes it helps knowing what's new
and if a reset is in order to see it or not.

I see, just checking.
I am here if you need a beta tester.

Click for Biscuits community · Created a new topic Update.

Is this program still being updated...or has it been postponed?

found it, if you keep your save file, and just remove and rebuild the game it fixes the bug...for now.
I think it's best if players stop using the hard reset system for the time being.

No dice didn't help in my case.
hard reset quit and then re-opened the game.

will try that.

One: hard reset the game.

Two: close and reopen the program.

Um.....the task system isn't working.
I have the finish 3 tasks mission and when a task is done.
it's not incrementing.

Expecting 1/3
finds 0/3.

Just checking in, did the content update not go as planned?

(1 edit)

the patch note window isn't closing when you click the button fixed, but now the upgrade window crashes the game.

finished the game, just hope you update it soon.
got both world locations and working on building the orb up.
any clue on the next update?