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A member registered May 10, 2024

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(3 edits)

A story whose end can be predicted five minutes after the start, that's how I would briefly describe the game.

Probably because of this predictability, I didn't get any WOW effect. Although the author could have given up a tiny hope for an unexpected turn if he had not said himself: "Eventually, that suffocating loneliness is going to eat you up from the inside." So how does this game feel?

For two hours, Zoomer's suffering is described, with all the consequences. Not even like that. For two hours, the sufferings of a zoomer from the world of "Hello Charlotte" are described. Azalea literally has the character of Charles with his eternal "I'm so dirty" and Vincent's design. And this means that the characters will get into excessive self-reflection, smoothly flowing into graphomania. The artificially stretched pace of the story, thanks to a bunch of completely unaffected text. Literally, if you cut the text of the book in two, it will not lose anything and even gain.

But perhaps the main drawback I find is that I can't empathize with the main character. Azalea is an empty person. (Not to be confused with an empty character.) There is literally nothing in her life except satisfying her most basic needs. Even a 15-year-old rebel girl who decided to become an EMO has more inner peace than the local heroine. That's probably why she's been staring at the TV for so long, showing static... And that's why she's so crazy about the feeling of love, because before it she was literally be n o t h i n g. Azalea is the mob she was laughing at.

The main tragedy of Azalea is that she is to blame for all her problems. She wants to get in touch with people, but instead of going and talking, she just obediently waits for someone to come up to her on their own. She suffers from an illness, but she also forgets to go to her doctor. She is completely passive towards herself and her life, but at the same time wants to be happy. This is infantilism, elevated to the absolute. And how can you empathize that heroine?

In such a project, I would really like to see the author vision. Not the chewed "HC". The novel wants me to perceive this as the author's self-reflection expressed through his creation. But, ironically, I don't see anything personal in this story. I hope romono will finally move away from emulating etherane and be able to make a project that feels more independent.

Я в приятном шоке от того, насколько автор продвинулся по сравнению со своей прошлой игрой. Виден огромный рост его как разработчика.  Визуал и музыка стали составлять стиль, который способен напугать игрока. А сюжет интригует и держит до самого конца. 

С нетерпением жду новых творений автора. 

I am pleasantly shocked by how much the author has progressed compared to his last game. His huge growth as a developer is visible. Visual and music began to make up a style that can scare the player. And the plot intrigues and holds until the very end. 

I am looking forward to the new creations of the author.

It's a freaking amazing! 

(2 edits)

As I understand it, there is no separate ending after passing the optional content? (but game is cool. Much cooller than Omori)