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A member registered Jan 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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its np really just anxious your game is very good

happy to hear about you again and know that you are alright now, im eager to see what will happen in episode one after the prologue events and what happens next with the duo in their quest to be cool and popular

Coming back from who knows where like a crooked million year old old man*jk* "yes its finnaly here!"

awesome game though i expected more to play its been a while i dont see a new update...i will wait more for it when the time comes i will be back

mine left the bandits mangled and cut i dont know if its because i choosen the unprecedented blizzard date of birth, i wonder if the heat wave start would be different? also very good game and hope you keep up at it dakota

are you alright dev? alive? feeling well?

yep its a vampire game who uses rpgmaker

nice game right here keep the work up its one of my favorites following up to speaker and crimson veil and a few select others

lets see whats new in this game ive been out for a while now lets delve again in it

its better to heal both your mind and body than force yourself to the exhaustion oblivion and literally collapse hope things get better for you friend this double combo you are fighting is very tough(never had it tho but reading it all i can imagine the amount of hardship you are suffering and i feel bad for you please take care of yourself.)

ive been sick too for a long while no matter the remedies the sickness i have feels like a overly attached girlfriend because it is never gone im even possibly thinking of myself dying at some point(hope im wrong i still want to do many things before this)

i like alot your game by the way im not saying its bad quite the contrary i really love it sometimes i even get anxious with the time between updates because its so good so sorry if i gave off the wrong message this game is one of my favorites

if you dont lie it becomes "enjoyable" otherwise"rough" but as far as i gone in keisuke route last time it updated? no but for the new update? i dont know??


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identical twins dont necessarily need to be same gender they can have the same appearence traits like blonde hair  blue eyes and fair skin and be a boy and a girl

yo good to have you back and hope you get better i love your game and its very good news that you are fine despite everything depression sucks hope at some point you feel better

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nice story hope its continued so far to the point of this review its a awesome game and im quite enjoying reading i keep the awesome work up edit:theres a  huge amount of customization and alot in the story as i progress through it i love this game already and the ros are very nicely written and different from each others Great job dev


Awesome update in chapter 5 hoping for more anxiously.

ive been waiting for quite some time for the update on this game also take care of your hands we cant let it escalate into something worrisome good luck and good health dev.

glad things are going fine for now i hope things get better as soon as possible if it were a possibility, and be safe dev,take care.

you deserve it. you been developing this game for a long time so finishing this would be worthy of a long deserved break not everyone's brain can overwork without consequences and coding is very hard so courage you can do this. this game is easily one of the best vampire h games ive played this one is  a few leagues above renryuu in matters of effort by the dev i know you are creating this game for years it may not look like it because i used to not have contact or a acc in itch so i downloaded this game more ancient builds like the end of part 2 then first half of interlude to step 3 and on ive been keeping a close eye on this game and i can say for certain it will take a long time for a game this well made to be done again with the same amount of effort and passion when a sea of games is just a gold mine for the devs while making a not so good game this one is one of the few i actually would care if it were abandoned i would be devastated.

looks awesome like always

ohh now that makes sense

also the drawing is awesome im sure that took a truckload of work congratulations!

so then the new race that is immune to vampirism is related to faahlda or its something completely new and still unexplained as of yet?

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i cant wait for the next update of this game all of them are nice in their own ways but i wonder if there will be some kind of special training method for the after expedition mc other than training with the elders or absorbing Qi like there is already in game last time the meditation of mc was stopped because of assassins so i can just wonder how stronger the mc would get if he/she actually made it i also am anxious to meet the true family of mc from the zhong clan and the first parts of its history just thinking about everything to come and how certain events with ros and the what ifs in the story that are still blank like as i said the mc true family from zhong clan it makes me very excited and anxious at same time i cant wait to play more and dev,dont give up your game is awesome and a few things you did on the history for power balancing and be not completely unfair is still unseen by some but after i had read several times the story i saw how broken ruo was in the power balance while mc was both on the winning side of the race of evolution and the losing side when competing with ruo thus causing mc to be talked down and mistreated after the Qi awakening the first emperor gave mc i saw scenes which by far its noticeable what you are cooking and i want to see far more of it. and on my earlier post about a second option to having Qi powers or inner energy ones it was not a critical post just a suggestion to add for people that dont like the plot twist of inner energy being a lie and the newgame+ like power up of using Qi and such so that these people dont feel annoyed i particularly dont mind that after the danger zone you lose inner energy  since the first emperor himself said it was squeezing off the mc potential so in that point having no inner energy is actually perfect since at some point mc will be far more than ruo could ever dream of and that is already glimpsed at the battle against the zhong clan and its allies where you help ruo against them not counting at that moment mc was fighting several adversaries of late houtian or even peak if i remenber correctly so yes i know how broken mc can be i just said what i said on my last post because i wanted to give more options in case people feel annoyed by events that lead consequences such as the one that gave mc qi powers  and removed its progress with inner energy and i repeat that i found the immensurable power boost after the danger zone the mc got sorry if i cant convey the correct mensage even now but what im trying to tell is that i dont have anything to complain about your game i just thought of a suggestion and i expressed myself badly i dont know if im expressing myself good enough and i convey the correct message... if this dont express i dont know what will: this game is one of the best ones of its genre i know of and the only one of its genre i actually care and count the days to play even a minuscule update of it

Okay then!

this design looks very nice and i wonder if there will be something like the false memories for the memory recovery of mila when the story gets more advanced and her experience as a former noctorna hunter becomes something highly needed like fighting against the masked white haired vampire and now with the "game" on "equal grounds" somewhat when it comes to supernatural powers being the difference between mila and "that" vampire the years of experience compared to mila that was asleep and only recently woke up. so with both knowledges finnaly taken back from the "fog" mila  would and could be a force and something like a dark awakening where after the complete recovery of her memories her light powers would return but not one of actual light but the opposite which is darkness magic that would be nice dont you think?

when next update?

also are you alright dev?

i know and that is quite sad for it to happen to a good game with clear efforts in to it

its alright if it takes time a rushed out update is never nice because perfection requires time to be made if it takes some time its okay i wish to play another awesome chapter/chapters of the story which was thought out with a calm mind rushing out updates is not good for the mind or body not saying it stresses out alot, and has high risk of burn out. i know that not because im a dev but because my life is always in a rush without a single time to take a breathe and take time for myself...

thanks for answering cause im excited to play the next update this game is getting me actually a bit anxious hahaha

when there will be a new update?

he could actually make it a choice with tang wei to keep things as they were or to receive the  power of the Qi cause at the point of the expedition the mc "can" be a middle stage houtian if they manipulate mei mei to give the ascension pill or receive the blessing of the spirit inside the expedition zone so basically you will go to late houtian,peak and on, so the mc evolution will be inside the "normal-guidelines" instead of being the nightmare-fueling monster of power that tang wei was xiwen himself was surprised with mc's appearence and he/she being able to harness qi considering that the grandfather of mc still hasn't taught him/her to use since he was absent most of mc's life so i think it can be a feature for those that dont want to go all their effort on building a good strong character to be in vain at that point. and a a alternative ending that differentiates from qi route and inner energy route that would open more room for possibility of replaying the game differently instead of a semi-set path that gradually changes until you receive qi.


i am back for the new version of this game lets check what changed now

when the new update comes?

 corrupted kingdom is one of the few that is enjoyable of the 18+ games i played so far which uses koikatsu i can name on my hand the ones that are nice and this is one of them, this game will be reborn anew and better because we believe in you and its not a chastity caged patreon that will make this game drop dead when patreon first came around it was nice and fun to get support from it and now? hahaha.. its almost like they want to distilate the rules of freedom themselves created to help devs so they can get a disgustingly pure community to the point many devs are leaving it and i saw plenty of games be done for because of a rule patreon changed like your case so best luck to you and the game this game deserves its support and so does your efforts ive been following the game for a while even if i wasnt playing it for some time the amount of updates you give this game shows your determination on making your game and because patreon is becoming a prude he is choking many 18+ games creators out of its site i dont want this game to die and i hope everything goes well for you -Abyssal28

is the different duo spirit intentional or is it a bug cause it somehow let me choose two of them but of different category like bull and elephant(strength and vitality) if its intentional its very good otherwise sorry for not warning earlier ;/