I feel like I don't actually have the right words to properly explain how I feel about this one, so forgive me if my comment is kinda disjointed and clumsy x3 Overall, I really love how unique and so incredibly stylish the whole thing is :3 The art is gorgeous, the story is original and keeps drawing you in more and more as you play, and Ezekiel is a wonderfully intriguing MC to step into!
The atmosphere is almost suffocating but in a really decadent and beautiful way, if that makes any sort of sense, haha.
And just the way the narrative is delivered in general is a delight. It's like taking a dive into a deep, dark lake only to be caught by some beast that tries to drip, drip, drip despair into your soul until you drown x3 Very much my cup of tea, haha.
I should say that I haven't exhausted all of the possibilities yet! Initially, I refused to interact with anyone and was amused by the outcome, but then I decided to pick Macy to play with :3 From what I've heard so far though, the entire cast did a fantastic job of bringing the characters to life!
All of the character designs are incredible, and I think Salxire's is probably my favourite, so whenever I return to this, I know who I'll be tormenting next :P