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Sorry it's taken me ages to get back to you >.< I was ill before and during Christmas, and still am now somehow (much better though now, thankfully!) I've not been on my PC, I tried and failed to catch up on stuff on my phone, it's just kinda old and laggy, so it's not the easiest thing to type on x3

Anyways, thanks so much for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :3 I'll do my best to answer your questions ^-^

1) Firstly, it's been a long time, but as far as I can remember, there shouldn't be any major differences between the large and small versions other than the download size. And possibly the little videos and some of the art being of slightly lower quality from being compressed much more in the small version. The larger version should technically be the better one with the higher-quality assets in.



2) Cody is actually me x3 I very rarely use my name in stuff because I hate it xD And the main reason I hate it is cos it largely seems to be a male name, but I'm female >.< haha. Annoyingly, there seems to be an alternate (more feminine I guess) spelling of the name that tends to be given to girls (Codie) but nope, my mum went and spelled it the dude way >.> My dad hated it, haha. He wanted to call me Anya! But my mum won. Apparently, she got the name from a female character in an Australian soap that she loved! But in all my life, I've never met another girl called Cody where it was spelled the masculine way like that, only ever dudes and people's male dogs xD

Had the game been made more recently, I have no doubt I would've just used 'Melancholy' or some other shortened version of my dev name instead, but as far as I can remember, I didn't even have a dev name at the time I wrote all of this since it was my first game x3 

3) It's really tough to answer your third question with it being so long since I made the game. I think the extras is unclickable until you've completed the game and gotten the main ending, and I know that I put in like a false title screen for the first time you start up the game after having seen that scene with the Architect, but once you've clicked one of the options and discovered that it's a fake title screen, a genuine title screen should replace it where everything works as it should. So if that's not the case, I guess you must've come across some weird sort of bug >.< There are some parts that are intentional for messing with UI and such, but all saves should be accessible when on the not fake version of the title screen. 

I'm trying to remember how it was set but I don't know if I'm getting the order right >.< I think once you've seen the scene you mentioned with the Architect, the game is supposed to give you a point in the background that tells the game you've finished it, and that should then persist once the game fake crashes and you restart it. So maybe something went wrong with that somehow and it didn't save the global point to tell the game you've completed it. I don't know why it would do that though because it worked okay when I tested it years ago >.<

It does sound like something has gone wrong though if you can't access the extras. I know some people were having issues with saves because they were reloading older saves when they encountered bad ends, and you don't need to do that, in fact, it's the opposite, you're supposed to be collecting the bad ends, so if you hit one and reload to pick different choices, you'll never be able to unlock all the stuff you need to unlock to get the hidden route since to start that, you need to have X amount of bad ends registered, and to register them, you need to let them play out and just be sent back to whatever world you were in before you hit the bad end x3 But I wouldn't have thought that would be what was causing any issues in your game since you've already seen the Archi stuff! 

But yeah, as far as I can remember, you had to unlock everything else and complete the game to unlock extras, but save files shouldn't be getting wiped :(

I wish I could get to the bottom of it and fix it for you somehow, but I don't even have the files anymore >.< it was all on my old laptop that died and I lost everything on it, same goes for Impostor. I have odd files here and there on a USB and portable hard drive from where I made a couple of backups, but not the complete lot to be able to actually work on it. I also don't have Tyranobuilder on any of my systems anymore cos I switched to making stuff with Naninovel in Unity >.< so there's nothing I can do :( 

I hope to remake SR in Nani someday now that I have a lot more experience cos there's a lot I'd like to change. I could certainly make it more polished + tweak the writing I'm not happy with (especially student route) + add some new content like a new route or 2 + new sprite art :3 That won't happen any time soon though, and even when I do start working on it, it'll likely take a long, long time to finish >.<

4) As far as I can remember, Anathema was the only name-related easter egg, but it's not the only one of my games that it gets a mention, same goes for Archie ;3 which brings me to your last question! 

5) Solipsism Reigns is my first ever game and the first of my projects that Archie appears in, but the character can also be encountered in the GxB/Otome version of Apartment No.9 (though it's much briefer than in SR, so probably not really worth searching for unless the game also interests you!) And then there are some extremely vague references in Limbo Line as well without Archie actually being there. 

It's a character I hoped to include more in my projects than I've been able to >.< the problem is that my projects are often made for/during game jams with tight time limits, so the voice actor who plays the character isn't always available within the timeframe of development. It worked out for A9, but hasn't since :( I do hope that I can include Archie more though because the character has a whole story of their own in my head! So yeah, there's a whole lot more to discover about him, it just might be quite awkward to get it all out there x3

I hope you got to have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year yourself! ^-^ With any luck, I won't be ill for much longer because it's getting silly now, haha. I'm really happy you enjoyed the game anyhow! Thank you so much for taking the time to play it and leave a comment <3 

And I agree about Dollmaker :P somehow he grew on me so much by the time I finished writing x3 like he worked his way into my heart, haha.