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Hey! Sorry my reply is so slow >.< I'm working on some stuff for Spooktober VN Jam again this year, so I haven't really been checking here since  I've been super busy with that.

I don't suppose you managed to get it to work in the end?

Unfortunately, there probably isn't any advice I can offer, which sucks :( I know that what you said it a common-ish problem with games made in Tyranobuilder because back when I used that engine, I was searching for answers myself and came across several support threads on their Steam pages from other devs asking the same thing. As far as I'm aware, it was never fixed >.< The devs of the engine just said to people, yeah, that happens sometimes and we don't really know why, but usually it fixes itself... It was that sort of attitude towards fixing bugs in the engine that made me decide to stop using it (among other reasons.)

So yeah, I have no idea why it does that for some people and not for others :( Are you on windows or mac? Cos I think it probably happens to more people on mac, though I've seen it can still happen to windows users. All I know is that you're not even supposed to see the nodewebkit bit. The game is just meant to launch when you click the exe >.< If the nodewebkit thing is coming up, something has somehow gone very wrong.

I can't even do any investigating because I don't use the engine anymore >.< I made SR and Impostor with it, then got fed up with how buggy it was and switched to Nani x Unity. So I'm sorry I can't be of more help :( It really sucks to be powerless to do anything when someone actually wants to check out one of my games >.<


There is no need to apologise. After all, I am quite late as well :') . Ah well, that is a shame. I was looking forward to your game. Guess I will settle for your other games... which seem to be amazing! Also,  I wish you best of luck for the stuff you are working on! Do not overwork yourself though.  :) 

Thank you for the reply!

Yeah, sorry about that though that I wasn't able to help you get it working :( It really sucks! I hope my more recent games that I've made since switching engines will work for you at least x3 especially since I just released another two for Spooktober VN Jam yesterday!

And thank you :3 I kinda did massively overwork myself throughout September for the jam, which is why I'm so late to respond again x3 but now that it's over, I definitely plan to take it easier and try to rest up and recover :3

Hope you get to have a happy and spoopy October!!

Hey there! Sorry to make this random reply 2 months later, but someone posted something in the IMPOSTOR comments that made me wonder if it might possibly make a difference in getting this to open for you since both SR and that were made with the same engine :3

The person said that they couldn't get IMPOSTOR to open and that they're on Windows 11. They said that they went into properties and did the compatibility troubleshooter, which solved the problem and it opened fine for them after that!

It might not work for your situation with this one, but I figured I'd give you a shout just in case :3


….. Let us ignore the fact that I am replying this late. Thank you for your suggestion! It did not work, but I could have done something wrong. I will try again later and inform you if things do change! Thank you for your consideration! 

Also, I played 'Dawn of the damned' recently and I must say your work is wonderful! I really enjoyed the plotline and the design of the game is really gorgeous! I will soon be playing 'The graveyard shift' as well.  Thank you for all your efforts and take care! :D

Don't worry about that x3 my replies are almost always late, haha. I'm dreadful at managing to keep up with everything because I just get overwhelmed far too easily, and then it's like my brain short circuits and I have to wait for it to reboot xD

That sucks that it didn't work >.< Now I'm wondering how many people might be trying to play it only for it to not even run for them :( If it were quick, I'd just remake the whole thing in the new engine as it is, but even if I didn't change a single thing, it'd probably still take me months to do that >.<

That's awesome though, so glad you enjoyed Dawn of the Damned :3 It was a lot of fun to make! Hope you end up enjoying The Graveyard Shift too! Thanks for your kind words ^-^


I am soo sad …. I just finished typing my reply but ended up not posting it and... :'(   (time to restart)

Relatable. Managing things is not my forte... I hope you are able  do whatever you want to without any troubles or worries in the future ! Management can be a pain... but I am sure you can still succeed at things if you try and have patience!  Whatever you do, do not overwork yourself though! :D  (It's like this message is beaming with positive energy)

I know... I really wish that I could play your game. It seems really unique and interesting! I have not seen something as such before. Alas, it might not be possible but I really do not recommend you remaking it. It must be quite a troublesome and tiresome process, I presume. Not to mention, you had already made it once before. It may seem boring (or not?) if you have to repeat the WHOLE process all over again.  

All that aside, The Graveyard Shift had a very unexpected plot twist! I had not seen that coming and the minor variations caused due to different main characters was really interesting! Overall, I quite enjoyed the game. Looking forward to more  games in the future! :D

(I am going to type the graveyard shifts reply where you can uh... download it? I guess? Just in case someone's curiosity is peaked due to it. )

Have a nice day(or night)! :D

(It didn't take me  a month+ to reply this time!! Also this reply seems biggg... )

I've lost so much stuff that I'd typed up to post in different places over the years x3 Nowadays I tend to type everything up in a document so there's less chance of losing it, haha.

Yeah, I tend to get things done eventually but am forever frustrated at being slower than I'd like with a lot of stuff x3 Gradually learning to be a little less harsh on myself and take my time with things to avoid overworking and burnout, haha. Sometimes I forget I'm supposed to be being kinder to myself xD

You're right about remaking it cos it will take a hell of a long time >.< I'm still planning to do it though x3 But I won't be rushing or anything. It's just there are a fair few things about it that I'm unhappy with (mainly chunks of my writing, haha) so hopefully, I can remake it better :3

It'll be a nightmare because I don't even know if I even still have a copy of the original files xD And the code would be useless in what I use now anyways, so it really would be a case of starting from scratch, haha. Technically I should be able to remake it faster than it took me to make it the first time though since I don't have to rewrite the entire story at least x3

I'm glad you were able to play and enjoy The Graveyard Shift at least anyhow ^-^

Hope your week is going well! And don't worry about the size of your reply x3 It's always nice to talk about stuff :3 And I end up typing loads anyways xD


That is soo smart! :0 And very sad as well-  You sound very experienced! What luck, I seem to have found a professional in uh.. not losing your hard work?? c:

Don't you worry! I think procrastination and not being able to finish your work on time is a common trait nowadays. Honestly, I have a lot of work to do but am not able to complete it  on time! :'D  

Maybe I can share a tip with you about your speed? Always expect less that what you think you can do. As in, if you think of something like, "Okay! I will get this done within  5 days!" , change your five days into 10 or something as there will always be things that will get in your way and will stop you from reaching your expectations. Plus, people(well, me, at least) tend to end up having expectations that are wayy too high for them to reach sometimes if you try to enact them too quickly. You must plan your moves accordingly while using the above tip!

If your doing this though, don't end up thinking that you cant reach those expectations. Maybe if you work hard enough you will be able to reach your goals, as long as you are patient and not hard on yourself if you aren't able to reach them. Just keep trying and move forward! I'm sure you will be able to do almost everything you want to! Most importantly! Remember to compliment and reward yourself after you've accomplished something. Whether its for something big or small doesn't matter.  This will probably help you increase your confidence and make you feel good about yourself! :D

Haha! I've written um... things(I don't think they can even be considered to be stories XD)  before and boy, each time I read them I discover spelling mistakes and end up cringing at times at the way I wrote things so I guess I can understand what you mean a little.

 It cant be helped that you had written it a longg time ago now can you? At most, you should be proud that you are able to rewrite some parts and make things better! That means you've improved by a lot! Good luck in rewriting! :D

Ahh... Honestly, sometimes it can take longer to make improvement to things than to actually write them as people often tend to go back on small minor details at times! In this process, time seems to fly away so quickly! XD I hope you are able to remake it soon and quickly, but don't be too disappointed or stress yourself  if you aren't able to! 

Yup! I'm glad to be able to play your lovely games as well! ^v^ I look forward to playing some more in the future as well!  <3

Well... I have a few tests that I need to be answering soon the next week or so and uh... lets just say I'm a just little anxious about them!  'v' Besides them though, I'm living a life full of procrastination so I'm fine ! :'D

What about you though? Everything good at your end? Hope you have a wonderful week as well!! :)

(See? this is why you shouldn't say stuff like ," don't worry about the size of your replies" to people like me. You've dug your own grave there by saying something like that! >:D hehe!) 

Hehe, yeah, and there is always soooo much to do but never enough time to actually do it x3 You are SO right though! I've learned that the hard way in recent years that stuff always take sa lot longer than you think it will so double your estimate, haha. The problem is that a lot of the time, I still try to kid myself into thinking that I can get it done in a shorter amount of time xD The only improvement I've really made is to beat myself up a bit less when I ultimately fail to make it in time, haha. Which I guess is better than still having crazy expectations and still getting pissed off at myself when I don't meet them x3

It's so true though, there is always something you can't anticipate that gets in the way of plans and schedules, haha. And yeah, it's not good if, like us, you have high expectations and then ultimately fail to meet them so wind up crushing yourself >.< Maybe it should be my new year's resolution not only to succeed in not beating myself up at all, but to actually adjust my expectation accordingly in the first place, rather than kidding myself into thinking I can do things that are virtually impossible! XD

And YES, I have been getting a little better as well at actually rewarding myself for meeting goals that I've set :3 I used to reach them and be like, great, but you should have done MORE. And that's just not even remotely healthy cos it's like putting yourself down all the time and nothing is ever good enough >.< Now I reach a self-set goal and tell myself, awesome, you did it. Now you can play a bit of Switch tonight without feelign guilty, or something along those lines, haha.

Cheers for the luck, I will definitely need it! x3

That is true about it sometimes taking longer to improve things than make them from scratch! But yeah, I will just take my time with it and try to make it one of those little side project type things with no pressure :3

Oh, man, tests >.< Well, if they're still to come, then I wish you lots of luck and hope they go okay :3 If you've done them already, then I hope it all went as well as it could!

I'm just drowning in 'to-do's' before Christmas, haha. Always get stressed out trying to prep for it cos I struggle to deal with everything going on in my online and my offline life at the best of times, but when there's extra stuff like meeting up with extended family for Christmas, it makes it even harder to juggle everything xD And I was desperately trying to make sure I wish everyone a Merry Christmas in time, haha.

 Especially since I got an early combined Christmas and birtdhay present from my dad on Monday of hand tattoos x3 cos now it's awkward to type, haha. So yeah, I will wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year while I can ^-^

And it's fiiiiine :P I'm the type of person who would just still try and keep typing replies even if it took me months to do it xD Even if I get a bit overwhelmed with trying to be social a lot of the time, I do like being social, so it's like a constant battle cos I lose energy so fast trying to talk to people and keep in touch, which tends to make me slow to reply >.< but I desperately want to keep making and maintaining connections with people because it's nice to be able to talk to people from all over the world about different things <3

Well that is a good start! Ill congratulate you for that! :D  Making improvements and changes in your life can definitely be a  tiresome and tedious thing but in the end, all you have to remember is to take it slow!  If you were to suddenly change yourself from how you used to act then you would end up suffering rather than benefitting as your brain would probably end up overloading from the huge load it suddenly has to take up. So, you are doing amazing! Keep it up as well as you can and you will reach your goal in no time! :)

Yup. That is definitely a HUGE problem. By the time I'm done with things that were wayy too much for me I usually end up like  fruits in a blender, a smoothie.  ._.  

Ohh. That is actually a really good resolution! You know... I had recently come across an article about setting resolutions that are actually achievable rather than setting things that you most probably wont be able to complete. It made a lot of sense and honestly yours sounds absolutely perfect! It would help you first get the "not beating myself up at all" part done then giving yourself a little break as a reward for being able to accomplish something like that and then slowly moving forward. :D

Ahaha... Nice way to reward yourself! I feel soo guilty if I ever do things without completing my important work first  but  I procrastinate too much to ever actually reach my goals.  ._.  

You're welcome! (Uhhh... how do you respond to cheers? Idk? Help? XD )

Yeah! That's the spirit! :D Good luck once again!

Ahem... well, as I'm replying this late, they definitely are over~( Honestly, they went fine but I definitely regretted a lot XD ) Thank you  for the uh.. good words? encouragement?  cheer? Honestly, I will need these words  later as I'm going to have practice exams soon... ;-; (R.I.P me )

Ahh Christmas! Wonderful Christmas! ...You know? I actually ended up reading this on Christmas but never had the time and motivation to reply... So uh... Merry Belated Christmas(?) Ehe... Ah how wonderful. You wish everyone on time huh?  I honestly would too but I have a problem of procrastination. ;-; I say that Ill do it but then I end up neglecting it completely. When you encounter things like this that may seem stressful you should prioritise the thing that is most important to you! For example, you could keep the wishing other people online for later(actually do it though if you want to)  and prioritize your family first! :D That was just an example. A way of saying that you should prioritize the special things in life. :) 

Wooah! That seems soo cool to get as a birthday gift! You must have been happy! Also, if you don't mind me asking, when is your birthday? I would like to wish you if I can! :D  ( Me contemplating whether your birthday has already passed by now and if I should wish you now or if it would be awkward to wish you later if your birthday had not passed and I wished you already so uh take this as a note just in case  any of my speculations were correct! XD )

Well I already talked about Christmas but it is soon going to be a New year! So Happy New year! I hope you have a wonderful and fantastic  year waiting for you ahead! I hope that you are able to bare all the troubles that will come your way this year and that you have pleasant days awaiting you in the future! Remember! Even if things seem bad,  there are  good things in life too! So cherish them and keep them close!  :D

Whoa! Really!? Then can you reply to my friend? She types sooo much sometimes! Like I'll wake up to see 50+ long messages about different things that she reads or watches! The problem, here is that she writes about things I don't even watch! ( of course, I do reply almost every other time but sometimes its just too much ._. ) 

I can most definitely relate to you with that! I like being social (sometimes... If I'm in the mood! XD ) but I end up exerting wayy too much energy and for the rest of the day I'm just done with everything and want to be alone for sometime. I feel soo overwhelmed that I just want to play games and relax but a busy schedule(that I barely follow but lets not talk about that) awaits me...  It truly is amazing to be able to talk all kinds of different people! Like, right now, I could totally be talking to a serial killer!? (I don't think you are one but just for the dramatic effect I need to add that!) Or mayybeee I might actually be talking  to some really kind, pretty and amazing stranger who I wish to get to know more about as they seem really nice and fun! hehe. :D