My local crew played through The Mall and we had a good time. The concept of the Whisper Cards eluded us so I simply excised them from the adventure; there were enough thrills and surprises with monsters run amok, negotiating with NPCs, Stress Fallout effects, etc. that we did not need the Whisper Cards. Also, I'd recommend having a list of 20 or so defunct mall store brands, so when your character says, "I follow the kid into the store on the left," you can quickly say "OK! It's a Sam Goody music store!" rather than simply "the store on the left." This immediately adds flavor and gives the players a mental picture of where they are. Overall we had a lot of fun surviving the Mall gone crazy and then getting to the root of the madness. We ended The Mall by A) getting to the heart of the madness and shutting it down, and B) having The Mall swarmed by agents from The Bureau (another Liminal Horror adventure). Our characters from The Mall will now be recruited into the Bureau.