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(4 edits) (+1)

I finished your two games (and i'm hope you don't mind i review a little Solipsism Reigns here ^^') and honestly i guess is one on the best psychology otome game i play.

Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers, fly you fools ! (and i'm hope i'm doing my references right ;__; )

Doyle really creep me out o___o, in genre realistic way. I can imagine guy like him so yeah, creep me out hahaha T___T

(and i LIKE games with realistic characters so i write it a lot in my reviews when I see one haha) buuut i is a good character writing. Really smart this guy. And Leah, poor girl, i feel for her. It's surprising me for Akuji and Leah, to say he's been dead all this time, it's ingenious, never really noticed anything ^^, I just imagine Doyle like this 0___0 the fuck...? when he watch Leah doing the kissing with... nothing. In seriouness, it's so sad. Really. Ahhh, you writing so good, i can really imagine a movie out of this ! :D (and i know it's inspired of a episode of a series? :))

And i can imagine Fleur in one in the bad ending, the fuck wrong here? When she see Doyle in his bath of blood. Leah, i leave you one week and this is happening?

And, Doyle i sure 'the blood bath good for skin' it's false don't do this :/

But in all seriouness, I don't remember well, how long has it been since Aku died and Leah, how long has she been like this, in depression I mean? Sorry, my memory love going in journey when she want ;_; I don't remember ><

And, the fact we can doing the doyle pov it's so good, his thoughts are so well done! :o and scary for Leah, especially the parts where he makes her drink, so fuck up, but, when i see how Leah is mentally, especially the part where she kills Doyle under Aku's influence, i'm think, they are a good fuck up couple. It's good to see not healthy couple in otome or romanced visual novel ^^ I don't condome this in real life ofc, but in otome i love this, so many possibilites, and nobody got hurt. Plus, Yandere characters, my inner teenager weakness haha

They need therapie, both of them ofc, but just to see (as I said before) a couple trying to pick up the pieces to try to be happy while not being well mentally with such good writing, it's good. In good endings.

Because, in bad ending, oh boy, damn, Doyle go away of Leah ! >:( please, poor girl. And ahh so frustrating the doctor who can't see anything, and can't see anything in real life because, he doesn't have Doyle's history and there's nothing to suggest that a relationship that's starting to be abusive, it's "just" a boyfriend who brought his girlfriend who just tried to commit suicide, but I can imagine so much of Leah's terror at seeing Doyle being all cute in front of the doctor, terrifying !

AND my favorite part...

Breaking the fourth wall! Ahh, when i see Doyle being "...", i'm saying to myself ohhh...? He will do it, won't he? He knows I'm here, hahahahaha (help) he SO angry, like boy i'm just doing the VN, leave me by ;_; But, well, i can imagine me being not so pleased to see a random person trying to break my couple because i'm not exist, sooo!

And, when i hearing a unknown voice talk to me and I had not done the other game at that time, so i'm like??? hello? yes? why you say i'm belong to you? no? allo? but in reality i'm being so happy lol like the voice acting it's so good, and so... idk real, so yeah talk to me, yandere-like character ! :D (i guess? he is quite possessive, isn't he?)  i undersand half of it, because English is not my mother tongue and it had no subtitles (and it's not a critique, so don't worry! :)) , so I'm lost, help!

Annnnd when i finished Solipsism Reigns true ending, -good game btw, Kuro <3 good idea with the same protag who repeat herself off again and again in differents universes with the same love interest and the fact that her life is just an excuse to help the real one. same with the love interest who have just depression to not being protect for real his love <3- (i'm think when i doing other of your new games i'm replay the ending of all your games for a better listen of the mysterious guy^^) I meet the unknown guy.

So, if i'm undersand right, his a guy who know his not real? and we real, you and the others players. And he knows that we are behind the screen, and he love us...? Yandere-Like i guess, and he say we wait for him....? I don't remember right, and it's all i remember of his talks for now haha <_< OH! and he REALLY angry when we likes the good cute ending with Kuro in the desert, but it's just that he loves to piss us off, right? cause maybe he can't having a good ending or just an ending with us? And you, he hate you or no? :o 'Cause i thnik i remember when you say to don't listen to him and he cut you off, so ? :o

Anyway, i like this bitch-ass guy, so i'm undersand right (of the others reviews) he is a character that will come a lot? *_* And love to have a game with just him,

but it must be complicated, just for the design of the character and the answers of the player because nobody plays the same so idk... maybe? :o

Anyway (again) i really like your two games, the VA is AMAZING, i like the voices of the characters (all of them) I have the feeling i talking to real humains being, (sorry Doyle your not <_<) so yeah good job for them! :D

And ofc i loved your other game (Solip)! :D I did a little review of it, but the level of love it have in it ! Good, good, good. Oh, and also the mystery man appears in Impostor and DD or not? :o

I’m shy to publish review so i’m was really not sure if i’m want to doing a review here, but i’m really like your games and i have listen your interview in Solip and your like sympathetic so… voilà, i’m here haha <_< I’m hope i’m not being too weird, like i’m doing this for good points, or idk, i’m don’t remember this expression in english cause my quota of write in english going to expire ;_ ; i’m writing slowly and with weird sentences so i cut myself off before we can read what i’m am saying with ??? face haha

Can’t wait to write another review of one of your new game <3 ! Thank you for creating this !

(Sorry for the mistakes)

Aww, thank you so much for taking the time to play through both of them and to write such a detailed review :3 I appreciate it a lot and I'm glad you enjoyed them both :D

Hehe, that reference made me smile :3 I guess I better continue under spoilers also!


I'm glad the characters came across that way in A9 because I was really hoping they would. And Rae, Leah's voice actor, even said in her interview that she wanted Leah to come across as just a regular person, so rather than putting on a sort of character voice, she acted with her natural voice. But yeah, it must have been pretty strange for Doyle to watch Leah doing all that stuff with the air when she thought it was Aku x3

Yeah, I can link the episode on Wikipedia if you want to look it up :3 The episode is called Tom & Gerri, from the British TV series, Inside No.9. The episode isn't a romance story at all, so I thought it would be fun to try and turn it into one for otome jam, haha. In the episode, the protagonist is male, and the homeless person is male. And the protagonist's girlfriend is dead all along like Akuji is in the game. I had to change a lot of things and add a lot of things to make it into a romance story, but I still tried to keep the original episode plot intact at the same time.

Fleur certainly has a tough job trying to look after Leah x3 It must have been pretty horrifying for her to see that things had gone so wrong >.<

Honestly, I can't remember how long it was supposed to be since Aku died either, haha. I think it was quite a while though, like over a year. And Doyle had been watching/noticed Leah long before Leah noticed him.

Yeah, I knew when I reached the end of writing Leah's route that I wanted to have some sort of new game+ type feature, but I wasn't sure how to make it interesting + create something within the timeframe of the jam that would feel finished. I figured if I made a Doyle PoV route with extra endings, it makes it worth playing through, gives us more insight into Doyle's thoughts, but because it's going over the same story again, didn't require heaps of additional writing so I was able to get it done in time for the end of the jam :3 I was really regretting it at one point though cos I was worried I wouldn't be able to get it all done, haha. I'm glad you still enjoyed his PoV because I was a little worried that it might come across as a bit boring playing through the story again.

You're right, it certainly wouldn't be a healthy relationship in reality, but it is fun to explore that sort of thing in fiction :3 And as you can probably guess, I'm a huge fan of characters with yandere vibes myself, haha. They both need therapy indeed!

That was a lot of fun to write the fourth break part :D And even more fun getting to hear Lars give Doyle such an emotionally charged performance! When I heard it, my face just went O.O He did such an awesome job as Doyle.

And ahaha, yes, that bit afterwards with the mysterious character is likely to be quite confusing if you've not played SR first, which is why I gave the player the option to say that no, they don't remember him, haha. Not that that helps much because he doesn't really explain anything x3 He is absolutely the possessive type, yeah! Sorry about the lack of subtitles >.< I only do it like that because it's part of his nature as a rule-breaking character, but it must be quite frustrating without the subtitles there. If you want, I can email you what he's saying in both the scene in A9 and in the scene at the end of SR. It sounds like you managed to get most of it though anyway :3

Yeah, you're pretty much right there about him! He's a sentient character that knows he's essentially haunting my games, and he wants to keep the players of my games all to himself. He loves the player deeply, but he's also pretty messed up, and one of his favourite things is to watch the player suffer. He finds that fun. He doesn't like it so much when things work out happily because it bores him, and he despises being bored. He hates me because I get in the way of him having fun with the player x3 He just wants to spend time with the player because, in his mind, the player belongs to him. So yeah, he is pretty yandere-like x3

And you're correct that he will be a recurring character throughout my projects :3 I'm hoping to sort of slowly tell his story over time. And you're right again that it's a bit complicated because I don't have any way of knowing which of my games a player might have played already; if any. Hopefully, I will be able to make it all tie in in a way that's not too confusing, haha.

I'm glad you think it shows that I put all my love into SR :3 I certainly poured my heart into it and I hope to remake it someday in the new engine I'm using. I would like to rewrite some of the routes (especially the student one) redo the sprites and stuff, and also add some new content such as new routes.

Currently, the mysterious character isn't in Impostor, but the voice actor who played him also plays the purple-haired male character in Impostor :3 And he's not in DD (yet) because DD is still in development and I only managed to release one character episode in time for the jam at Christmas, so there's lots more content still to come for DD :D

Well, I'm glad you took the time to write everything that you did :3 I love hearing what people think of my projects, so I appreciate the feedback. And you don't need to apologise at all. Don't worry, I understood what you meant throughout :D I don't think you came across as weird at all :3 I'm just happy that you enjoyed the games enough to want to write about them ^-^

Thank you again for playing and for all your kind words :3 I hope you have an awesome weekend!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hehe, you're welcome! :)

Oh, and sorry again for mistakes and weird sentences ! ^^'

Spoilers (again, i guess x))

Well, she did it well! Leah like so much like a real human being! :)

Ohhhh, thank you for the link! I save this series in my loooooong list of... series haha. Sound so great! <3 Thank you for the discovery ! It will help my with my writing, i like scenario like this ^^ And it's for that i like your VN :)

Yes! I can't imagine to see a friend (?) going though so much and end up like this ! I imagine myself feel like a failure to not be able to save him/her in time! :/

Wow! And she like this for a year? Damn. Doyle feel like so much a hunter with his prey :O And... if he loved her all that time, he must have felt so lonely and reinforced his Yandere-attitude in plus ! :o To see her, doing that with the air and all, like he said in the VN! And if i'm remind well he know Aku no? Not knowing, knowing him but see him alive and all, no? :o

I see, good thinking of your part! And it wasn't boring at all! On the contrary haha ! :D I like differents POV of characters! You see thing of a new light! Of new dark light for Doyle ! (I'm the queen of humor uwu)

Yep. You can write fuck up characters and explore you can't doing in reality cos' it's forbidden for good reasons haha !

And i see that for yandere characters, haha! And i like who you write them !

Yes, totally! The voice acting doing makes it all anxiety-provoking! In "good way". Like, if he jump in my screen, i will not being surprised at all! haha

I said yes cos' i'm was panicking XD ! Ohhh, i was guess right! I like possessive-type character haha! Honeslty i'm can undersand for not subtitles, it's fit for the ??? part of wtf and breaking fourth wall ! :D

Oh, i have understood well ? Ah, good for my not good hearing haha 

Buuuut, if you can send me what he saying, i'm will being grateful! But, your sure? i'm not want to put another charge of work on you ! :o

And, i'm not familiar with itch so... who you can email me? :o I'm such a old grannie sommetimes with technology ;_;

Hm, i see! And he not a monogamous character haha

More seriously, it is a single entity or multiple ? Like plenty of 

alternative him for all players ?

Awww, he love me! And he want me to suffer... :D help

More your write about him, the more i'm curious! :p He his already such a interesting character! I like character like him, haaaa ! <3 

I'm want to know why he so obessed with us! Like who he know us? Who he know how to breaking the fourth wall? does he still have a physical form or has he lost it and is wandering in the webcam? (horrible fate if it is the case o_o) He is in my webcam ? XD And i'm happy you you confirm he a yandere ^^ yes and h.e.l.p haha

And be careful with him ! x)

YES! Ahhhh, i'm want to see your new projects, your new characters and him, haaaa *_* And i'm wish you good luck with all that ! Break a leg!

Oh! A remake? If you do, i'm will take it! Oh and for the sprites and all (i'm talk about Solip), i was a little reluctant at first and I'm VERY picky about drawing while my proper draws are... um.... <_< buuut honestly I thought with the quality of writing it would pass! And I was right! And afterwards the sprites made me nostalgic of old manga so it's was ok! And i liked the sprite of Shiro :3 And... new routes ? +_+ Yes!

Ohhh ~ You said to me such interesting things here +___+ ! I will pay for DD and Impostor one day, maybe i wait for a new games or uptades for taking them in pack ! :D

And, you're welcome! :DDD I was taken away with passion for writing this review so i'm was pretty impressed of me lol And thanks! i'm happy i'm not being too weird or weird at all, i'm glad haha And i'm happy your happy with my feedback haha XD

And you too! Have a wonderful weekend ! ;D

You don't need to apologise :3

Alrighty, spoiler time it is, haha.


Yeah, I think the whole cast did a fantastic job of bringing all the characters to life :3

It's probably one of my favourite series! I would like to make some games inspired by some of the other episodes at some point too. With each episode being completely different, there are so many cool ideas in there :3

You're right there, it was exactly like Doyle was a hunter just stalking his prey all that time x3 But yeah, he would have been able to see Aku back when he was alive, waaaay before Leah even noticed Doyle existed. So he was watching them as a couple and was jealous of Aku. I think I only very briefly referenced it rather than went into detail, but Doyle would have noticed one day that Aku was gone, and he would have seen in the local newspapers what happened since Aku was an actor. They probably would've covered the story of the tragic accident. Instead of being sad, Doyle would have just thought that maybe he finally had a chance with Leah >.<

I'm glad you thought the PoV stuff worked well :3

It's no trouble for me to send what the guy is saying in that scene in A9 because I still have the script that I sent to my friend who played the character :3 So I can just take the dialogue out of that to send to you. Don't worry, I'm not great either when it comes to figuring stuff like that out x3 I'll just leave my email here, and you can just send me a blank message to that address or something so that I have your email address to send the dialogue to. So mine is: [email protected]

I might be able to find the old scripts for what he says in SR too, but I'm not 100% sure where the files are because my SR stuff is all over the place >.< haha.

Yeah, in a way, you're right with what you said in that he's technically just one being, but because he's digital, he can make as many copies of himself as he needs, so that there is one version of him for every single player :3 So when he's talking, he's talking specifically to you rather than all the players at once. To be honest though, even I don't know everything about him yet because I still have a lot to figure out x3 All I know is that I want to tell his story over time. But yeah, being stuck in a webcam would be a really horrific fate >.<

Thank you for the luck :3 I will certainly need it x3

Yeah, the sprites are one of the things that bother me the most about SR. Since I needed so many with all the world-hopping going on, there was only one set of sprite generators that I own that was going to work, and even then, it wasn't enough because I had to use a different set from a different artist for all the friend characters. So it bothers me that Mc and Kuro are in one art style, and then all the other characters are in a different style >.< And it also bothers me that most of the Kuro sprites are made from female sprite generators just because there aren't enough resources around for male sprites, haha. I'm glad you decided to check the game out regardless :3 Cos I think the sprites probably put a lot of people off from even trying it >.<

Hopefully, I will have a new free game out at the end of September for Spooktober VN jam if I can manage it :3 And I should, hopefully, be able to get another update out or two for DD by the end of the year!

Your passion definitely shows :3 I'm so glad you decided to take the time to type everything up and share your thoughts! And you just seem awesome to me :D Weird is great too anyhow, haha. I'm definitely a weirdo x3

I hope you have a super week ahead :3


This entire review of review of review of review it's just spoilers!

So... Spoilers :D

Oh...! Seriously ? I'm hyped haha *_*

Okayyy! Damn, i imagine Doyle staring into space all the time. And i know Doyle said that no one but Leah had noticed him, but Aku is blind to ever having noticed Doyle stare at his apartment window. I mean, i guess i have noticied some dude who was looking at the window where my girlfriend was working, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

And yeah, with the thoughts that can have Doyle i undersand he like: yeah, drama queen asshole just die, it's my chance ! :D And thank you for clarifying for me ! :)

I'm see, i'm see! :) One of your friend played it? :O It's great to have someone who you can work with in your job that you know! Thank you for that! You're very nice ! :D Don't worry if you can't to find the script SR ! Offering to send it to me is already really sweet :)! And we can creating a club for not techno advancing gramma haha x)

Oh, great! I had understood well! It's a great capacity and not totally horrifying when you know about his personnality haha <_< He can't get killed if we destroy the one we speak to us individually, because he can create many him as he please humm 🤔

Buuuut, it's great we can have a one for yourself <3

It's great this detail, that he speak to only me! Good thinking ^^! And they all the same personnality? :o

Again, good luck for creating his story and beware of him! x)

Yeah, totally, just imagine this, being stuck and all... We can undersand your mind slipt. Like him... hahaha <_<

You're welcome, haha ! ~

I can undersand this can bit frustrating ! :/ But, it's work for me in the end anyway ! :) And, yeah, i guess if i'm not be playing A9 and all, and not to have been intrigued by the mystery guy and to have liked the writing, I wouldn't have tried the game to be honest. (Sorry if it's brutal way of saying that ><) But, lucky me i'm a glad i played A9 and discorverying your universe! I will thinking a little more before judging a work of art by details that put me off now :D!

Ohhh *_* You interest me haha :D I will definitely give it a try if it comes out or I'll wait for DD updates ^^ ! :D And try to not to faint because of the work ! :( Be careful!

Haha, thank you :D ! And... awww my heart! Thank you so much for your kinds work, i'm touched <3 :) ! My heart is swollen with emotions haha ;w; ! You're adorable! And like i said in one on my review, you're seen a good person a well ! :D Haha, weirdo assemble!

Thank's ! You too (again haha XD) ! And i'm sorry (again, as well) if i can a little weird with my way of saying things cos' i have a blood test tomorrow and i HATE stings and i'm a scaredy-cat so ;__; ! So this is why if my sentences are more bizarre and all cos i'm stressed, like really stressed and I can't manage to to write in english or think haha <_<

Oh, and i'm hope it's okay i'm have responding here, because i don't know whether I should write all this in the email or not ^^' !

Anddd, that's all! In my way of sleeping ! (Who i'm am kidding, hahahaha <_<)

Just letting you know that I've read all of your message, but I'll be heading to bed soon so I'll reply to everything here in an email sometime tomorrow instead :3

Just wanted to wish you good luck with your blood test! I have to have them quite frequently so I'm used to them, thankfully. Just remember that it'll only take a second, and then you should make sure to treat yourself to something nice afterwards :D That's what I do whenever I have to go do something I really don't wanna do and it makes me stressed. I usually get an extra tasty coffee or something afterwards so I have something to look forward to, haha. I hope it goes well for you anyhow :3