So I was pretty excited when I saw this but then I got in and tried it out. The game looks nice and all but there's a lot of little issues. The camera/movement is pretty bad, being stuck on a 2d plane in 3d space is pretty dissatisfying, it might not be a bad idea to have an actual player character in the space that would allow for some more intuitive movement in the building space or some vertical movement such as wasd in relation to camera instead of the fixed plane or ascend/descend buttons. The prefab builds are also less interesting than I had hoped, it seemed little more than find part, grab part, press space and it assembles itself. I can see this being an interesting novelty with some logic behind getting the thing moving, but for building I found it a bit lacking. There was also some weird skipping with my cursor as if it were lagging that made it difficult to move and select parts and some resolution/window type options would help too.
Hi! You can move up and down via R & F on the keyboard. You should be able to move pretty freely…Let me know if that helps? We designed controls around typical First-Person. You can also access the controls via settings (icon) for keyboard/mouse or game controllers. I just posted a link to a visual of the controls. We wanted to make things simple to start with kits and getting a hang of our visual programming interface for simulation. We will be releasing more complex kits and programming actions. Thanks for your feedback!