Hello! I just made an interesting discovery that I thought I'd share. I'm aiming to use the font to make a lil trad roguelike game. Turns out, the png included in the downloads has an alpha channel, which for some reason means that the tilesheet importer in tcod gets confused. Took me ages to work out that this is why the tiles weren't showing up! I fixed it by saving it as a jpg and then turning it back into a png from there. I don't know if there are other contexts where having an alpha channel in the png is useful, but this might be something to consider tweaking in the download?
Very glad I've got it working - it's a beautiful font and I'm looking forward to doing some cool stuff with it xx
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Thanks for sharing your solution, I'm sure it will be useful to other users who run into the same issue :)
I shouldn't expect an alpha channel to cause an issue with an imaging API - I imagine that would be a big problem. It might be worth issuing as a bug to tcod on their git repo.
The png is exported at 4bit by default (not entirely sure why) - though looking into it I could probably crunch it down to 1bit. I'm not sure if that will remove the alpha channel or if that will have a negative impact on other implementations.
How did your experiments go?
Cheers! Yeah, you've nailed it - I'm very much going for the vibe of one of those "games you have lost the instruction manual for" like Royals or Starseed Pilgrim, if you're aware of either of those. The idea I have for a fuller version is that initially you'll only have the Point move, but the more people you save on each map, the more abilities/things to build you'll unlock (and the inspiration for those abilities is all rooted in anarchist/protest playbooks for outmaneuvering police etc). But still a little ways off that vision, I think!
Really though I'm just trying to do the font justice :D