I have recorded a video on how I use it to design a level in Unity if you're curious.
Viewing post in 8x8 1bit Dungeon Tilemap comments
hey mantao!
thanks for sharing your video! good to see that my asset is being used in the community!
your game looks very interesting. its been a while since i played a platformer. i look forward to its release later this month!
if you dont mind i also have some suggestions regarding your video. i love devlog videos they are one of the best things to watch to get motivated. and your devlog series looks very interesting. although i was looking forward to hearing what you think of when you were designing a level and overall what your thought process was. its really fascinating to me to hear how people go when designing a level or an asset or anything. if you could do a commentary style voiceover addressing your thoughts and design process that would be wonderful
either way consider me subscribed to your channel. looking forward to the next vid
also if i may, another note about the game this time. you have some really interesting visuals going on in your game! the moving chains look great! although the levels are a bit empty lookin. maybe you can juice up the levels a bit? i have some examples in the asset page if you need a reference. although its your game maybe you want it this way and i totally respect that
thank you for using the asset. looking forward to hearing from you soon
Thanks a lot for taking the time to watch the video and give suggestions. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I didn't talk much because doing these devlogs is so new to me. I had no idea what would be interesting or boring to the viewers. I will definitely talk more and share my thought process in the next one :)
Indeed, it needs some more life. Now that the structure is here I'm adding moving slimes and bats. I've been trying to add Unity's 2D lights as well but didn't succeed so far 😅.
Hi PixelHole, just letting you know that the game is done and playable here : https://mantaogames.itch.io/castle-skeddadle
I've also published a new devlog and took your feedback into account :)