The game is impressive but I have few comments
- The textual turorial is a lot too long and dispensable
- When you select an action, you can't change. This is tough. It is surely a choice but the player can't prevent the orientation the forms will take. It feels unfair and freely punishing as the game is already hard.
- As ennemies are randomly appearing, the fact you cannot regain life is punishing too, because winning the game becames a combination of luck and skill. That expose the fact that even with a lot of skill, you can be dumbly trapped. Unfair stuff...
- The price of cards affecting the players movements. The game is already hard, the actions are expensives and the fact that it affects the movements turn the game even harder...
-It could be interesting to destroy a turret by the shots of another turret on the same line. This could serve to destroy a turret and could provide an instant shield (the turret itself)
-Regaining life: by destroying ennemies, taking trinkets or by reaching the next level could rebalance the game and, if it will not be a lot easier, it could looks more fair to the player.
I don't want to be tough, I really appreciate your work, I just think that the player experience should be a little more balanced. There are surely things that I don't know about your jam, and I am sorry if a asks for too much.
But you already made agreat work ! Thank you a lot ! You are amazing !