Hey! Thanks for this amazing music pack. I'm using Pico 8 and it has its own built-in music builder without much room for other music. I really like this music but it's hard to turn it into a Pico 8 tune.
Would it be possible to have a MIDI file as there is another tool called Denote that can transform MIDI files into files compatible with Pico 8. I'm not really sure what the difference between, say, a .ogg, .wav., .mp3, and midi file is so if no I totally understand.
I have tried a converter but they don't export good renditions of any music, and combined with the light tampering Denote does I end up with something immensely different (and worse) from your astonishing original works.
I am a music noob and plan to use the music for my Wild West + Oregon Trail + Apocalypse game, titled [REDACTED].
Unfortunately, I cannot offer compensation so I understand if it's not worth your time, however as with all other contributors to my game, you will be included in the game credits and linked to in the end of the description of the game.
Thank you, if not for aiding me, for aiding dozens of other developers seeking to make Wild West/Adventure games!