Ill be dead honest, fuckin love the game. I just finished getting one of the endings and MY GOD do I love the characters, some take abit to get used to, but once you get used to em you'll love em! My fav is Misaki, literally my goddamn goof ball sunshine. I can't wait to see this game be released on Steam, and I am not normally into story games like this but holy hell did I GET HOOKED IN. Honest to god the ending with Misaki doesn't feel like a bad ending, I won't spoil too much, but you'll get me.
I gotta give to the voice actors, the artists, story writers, programmers, and whoever that made this feel like I am on discord but for serial killers. Likeee, I can USE WHATEVER PHOTO AVATAR I WANT?? LIKEEE DUDEEEEEEEEEEE, IT'S AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG, JUST TRUE PERFECTION IF YOU EVER SEEN IT.
Also such a miss opportunity to at least throw in a dexter reference of any.
EDIT: If you add Gianni to this game, I'm gonna flip.