Ahhh reading this I feel like you may have only played Arc 1? Did you continue the game after the credits after Iggy makes his wish on the cliff? There is quite a bit more of the game after that 🤣
Er.... I followed the game until a certain -vanishing- episode after meeting... Butch? Bucky? Someone with an ax.
Turns out they can't fly....
But yeah, no. I never watch credits. Ever.
And I'm not the only one, so if there is something after the credits you may want to hint at it. lol
Also.... the ONLY option to wish for was 'a hot girlfriend', and the only girl (girls, I realized the ax maniac was a girl after playing that other game in the series just now) was just....boring. So I went with wishing for nothing.
Because Orlam is clearly not a girl, and wishing for a hot boyfriend was not an option. >_>
But I guess I can suffer through the credits and see what is hiding there now that I know there is something. lol
Thanks for the tip.
....little sad that the only one you can call in the after-story is the far dork tho. *Sigh*
I really don't like him.... But you're stuck with him in the whole game here.
(Of course, my favorite character is Orlam, so I make no guarantees for my sanity on that topic. lol)
I did find Arch 2 tho. So yay. ^_^
For some reason I think you're underselling this game in the description.
I can't recall exactly what it said, but I remember ignoring this game 4 or 5 times before I ran out of all the good games and decided 'fuck it, might as well try', because it kept showing up alongside the yandere and horror romance games I was downloading.
The artwork doesn't give the impression of a good game to begin with, although it fits the game well when you actually play it.
So the description need to fit that.
But I can't put my finger on what exactly make the game look less worth playing than the game actually IS.
You'll have to figure that one out yourself.
...yeah, I'm still gonna side with Orlam in the arguments on this side of the story too.
Not that you seem to get the choice to -actually- do so. >_>
Orlam is still wonderful tho~ *squeels like an anime fangirl with my hands pressed to my face*
....although he -could- have tormented the fat guy directly, rather than the mc. *sigh*
But I still admire his ingeniousness. ^_^
Gen did WHAT?! NOOOOO!!!! 😭
My sweet darling Orlam.... *sob* *sob*
Why does everything always end so badly...?
Arc 2 was only marginally less sad that the first one... *sigh*
And in some ways, worse.
Poor darling Orlam.... *sniffles*
Act 3 is a big improvement! ^_^
MUCH better with the dancing~ ❤️
Is there different arcs based on who you show favor too?
I admit I tend to get a tunnel vision when I find someone I like in a game, and don't try out the other paths, or act nice towards....anyone else. *coughs and blushes*
.....I may be too antagonistic to notice if treating anyone but my love interest nicely would change anything.
Awww.... He's so sweet~ ❤️
(Orlam, I mean.)
To nitpick on the mc's bedroom there tho... violet is -not- blue.
(Although the artwork is nice.)
I'm not sure if this will ever be answered, so I'm just gonna ask....
Is that place a real place? Or fantasy?
Like... the whole thing started with an occult book, so it could be real....
But in the real world it doesn't seem the good food has helped Orlam be healthy.
Then again, his health could be caused by something else...
I can't tell if it's a Fae illusion, or a real world like Narnia.
Awww~ And going through all that trouble with the food too~
So sweeet~ ^_^
YAY! I got a happy ending! ❤️❤️❤️
And it's the happiest of all happy ending too! ^_^
Not a superfan of the asexual part, but that's cuz I'm a libertine. lol
.....or not a happy ending. NOOOOOO!!!!! 😭
My sweet darling.... *sob* *sob*
Do all the arcs end badly? *sigh*
Well.... I'll give you this; The game is a roller-coaster of emotions.
....which, according to my writing teacher and just about every writing class, is actually a really good thing.
...even if I personally wanted a happy ending with Orlam. 😭
When the game is done I think I'll do what I did with Death Note, and pretend it ended when everything was going well for the person I rooted for. *nods seriously*
....a Tarantella dance? 😂
I will never stop laughing at my Italian teacher's attempt to explain that dance and make the class dance it.... in Italian.
Awww.... Even in the annoying girl's route Orlam is cute~ ❤️
Look at him laughing with his whole body over his throne by the breakfast table~ ^_^
...I am dissapointed you couldn't refuse the girl tho.
I kinda hoped maybe waiting would make the stupid reciprocity words go away, but no such luck.
Awww... Orlam is sweet till the very end~ ^_^
...I think you'd have survived it. Probably.
NOOOO!!! I didn't get a chance to even warn him! 😭
This part was just lousy all of it. *pouts*
...except maybe the bit where you danced with Orlam.
....I'm vaugly getting the feeling I use that name a bit too often. Like.... double-diggits often in just this review. ^_^;
Arc 5 starts of really interesting. oO
Orlam is still as charming as ever~ ❤️
Great villain speech btw! ^_^
I wish the mc wouldn't be so bothered by what he did. *sigh* He should take lessons from Orlam.
Might help his anxiety.
....stiiiiil siding with Orlam on the repeated argument again.
And not just cuz I love him. *pats Orlam's cute little head*
Awww.... He's so cute with his little meatax~ ^_^
....I think the only person in this game I truly understand is Orlam.
Well, for the most part.
I had a healthy lack of respect for human life that tended to make bullies back away, so that part I don't get.
But everything else.... He actually makes sense.
A lack of feelings is as much as curse as a blessing tho. Tho it's downsides can only be noticed afterwards.
Nothing is sweeter while possessing that lack. You cannot miss something without feelings after all.
But it's terrifying to think back on when you've regained them. *shudders* Even the most horrible pain is by far better.
But only to one who has already experienced it. And it's never -bad-.
Not good. Not bad.
*shudders again*
Poor Orlam.... *hugs him*
Tho I see clearly that he did not loose his feelings. Whatever he believed himself to do.
I LOVE how unapologetic he is! ❤️
Huh. So affection DO matter.
I adore his sly grin too! ^_^
(But I've always been a sucker for a wicked grin.)
I do love how this game constantly divert the expectations that good triumphs or kind actions actually helps shit.
It's very.... realistic.
The boss fight was a bit sappy tho.
(The whole bucks thing.)
This story have more twists and turns (and bloody danger) than the labyrinth in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
My censored mode is off, so why is Sadie, when we get there, blurred out like a bad porn censorship? oO
Pretty sure whatever she looks like is not pornographic...
And just when you think the game has ended, it hasn't....
Poor tree.....
That was such a tragic ending....
But I suppose a little bittersweet too.
The ultimate ending.... Hrm...
It's no fancy castle with exotic food, planned conquests and passion.
...but I suppose it's not entirely without charm.
All in all tho, this game is surprisingly good.
Very professionally made too.
I wonder if it exists on Steam. I'm tempted to actually buy it.