Not that it's a bad name, but I do wish you could name your cat for flavor.
Not that it makes any difference to my gameplay (this time around), but why not just fix the gender thing? Most games have them these day, so it can't be that hard.
Or is it intentional for realism?
....I keep hoping it's one of the rare few games where you can wiggle away from playing the hero, or maybe end up as a villain, but apparently refusing to help is a choice that isn't a choice. *sigh*
Oh, well... at least there was a false to that let you think you could for two seconds.... I'll count that as a victory.
(I don't have high hopes for superhero games, so it's less annoying when that tiny hope flickers and dies. It IS in the description after all...
And hey! I could choose to save a dog over a human. It's not a cat but still better than a human.)
The mc is also clearly an idiot who opens the door to strangers.
And unlike my refusal to do so, she actually have a good reason. >_>
Granted, she's stuck with a shitty power as well, so maybe it comes with the territory.
Like THE most useless power ever!
....*remembers Moist from Dr. Horrible* Okay.... maybe not THE worst.
But still pretty useless. least in my antisocial opinion.
But kudos for making it realistic why she'd take that shitjob.
-Without- being brute-forced.
I DO like that you have choices tho.
Like.... words cannot express how much I appreciate that! ❤️
Also... the neutral ending really IS neutral. lol
I mean... not a bad job, I think. If the title of the ending was the job anyho'.
Not quite working for a villain, but better than working for the heroes. ^_^
Ah, well....
Better load my save and see the rest of the game tho. lol
This is actually turning out to be better than I initially thought it would be.
I deeply hate your saving slot system tho.
Every time you save you have to scroll down.
And the more saves, the further down.
And there is not nearly enough saves....
I miss Ren'Py's endless saves. *sigh*
But I do that with every game that doesn't have them...
Pop quiz!
Does the receptionist recognize the disguise you're wearing to the interview, can she see through clothes and fake mustaches, or does the game completely ignore your clothes?
I -really- hope she has the brains to turn down room and board.
It's like walking straight into a potential prison cell. >_>
Your current landlord will be plenty happy as long as you can pay, and a cardboard box on the streets would still be better than anything connected to a superhero agency.
Kinda wish you could say you just want to earn money. lol
But I get it.... it's a job interview.
(Still hope I can end up a villain in the end tho...)
You talk a lot for someone who choose to walk in silence.
....when did the mc decide to register?
After I said no, or when I said no?
(I would have said HELL no! ...but that wasn't an option.)
...I don't understand the question about loneliness... o_O
Can't you just like being alone? -Without- feeling lonely?
Is that an option hidden under one of the answers, and I just can't see it?
Is that what the 'I've never felt that' means?
Huh. Are these really things people look for in a relationship?
I mean, I know the whole wanting someone to take care of you seem to be popular (for some reason), but the others? o_O
....why isn't "Them being an awesome person" (I'd say villain, but again; hero agency, so maybe not smart to say that...) an option?
*stare at the screen*
*keep staring*
....what is the -least- objectionable....?
*stares some more*
Ugh... That's a tough choice.
Is there a reason you can't identify as genderless?
With the guy in the chair I mean.
FYI: The hints about a certain guy in a helmet is TOO obvious.
A blind child could see the connection.
At some point it stops being funny and starts being...IDK...sad? annoying? make you wanna roll your eyes at it? Something like that.
Either way, it's the first hint of bad writing I've seen in this game thus far.
So unless it's the buildup to a twist, and you manage to pull it off without giving people a reader's whiplash, that's bad writing.
I see there is some rooms that's not finished yet. Cuz of being sketches.
Do you plan to fix those? Or...?
....I hate the mc. *sigh*
I live in the eternal hope she'll become demoralized by the sighs she sees, become bitter and jaded, and realize that people are not worth saving.
Aaaaaand now she'll let just anyone see where she lives, made all the more obvious by the 'flight-y' mode of transportation. /facepalm
Yep, this mc has all the qualities of a hero: Idiocy, nativity, and a idiotic savior complex on top of more stupidity. >_>
If the game wasn't so well-written, I'd given up in frustration a long time ago.
Alas the storytelling is extremely compelling, and a certain chair-bound person is kinda cute. Thus I must go on. *sighs dramatically for effect*
Yes... let's take phones from people who probably bug and trace it... THAT'll work out well.... >_>
*wacks the mc over the head*
I'm a bit sad you couldn't choose to have lunch with just Giffin tho.
But I see why, considering the setting and all.
Still would prefer it.
And regardless of me bitching about the game, I just have to say it IS a really good game.
The graphics is good. The writing is compelling and draws you in to the story.
While I prefer villains to heroes, Griffin has a mischivious streak I like, if nothing else (even if he refused to burn the fanmail) and he's sorta cute.
And I LOVE how many choices you have!
Especially the ones that are real choices. (Like quitting early.)
I actually would be tempted to buy the full game (if it was on Steam), but I'm still hesitant, considering the odds of the ending sucking as bad as a superman movie, soooooo....
Is there ANY chance that you can turn to the dark side at the end?
Or at the very least romance a villain in a nemesis-love kinda thing?
(Or both. Both is even better! ^_^ )
And also.... Is the game on Steam? Or will it be? ^_^