I think youre a minority in that take bro.
I Dont. admittedly i haven't played since 0.5 but nothing led me to think this was an incest game. I'm waiting for completion now but if i get the slightest hint this game is going compulsory incest im out. and i know i wont be the only one. I dont like the kink, if you do fine but don't for a second think your in the majority.
brother I'm sorry you're not into the kink and I'm sure if it becomes an issue there can be a patch to download to bring the cest part of the lore back to the game so I'd imagine the original game would be normal but people who aren't into kinks normally aren't playing porn games lol. You guys definitely are in the minority..I promise..which is fine it's no big deal but it is what it is.
Every game doesn't have every kink for a reason. People have preferenceses and dislikes and no amount of open-mindedness can change that. Its ludicrous to think because someone has one they like all or even most. People here seem to be more tolerant of different kinks which is a nice change of pace for the internet though.