really quite fond of this. what you get to learn of the world is fascinating. the writing is very punchy and immediately gets you in the head of the dandelion gal, including (especially?) when she's upset with herself and her life and her feelings and and her actions the world around her. you get a fantastic sense of the characters and their awful fucked up relationship before they ever say a word to each other. which it makes it it extremely fun to watch when the dynamics of it get flipped on its head very sharply
altogether just sort of an infatuating little jaunt through the miserable lives of two miserable people and their miserable relationship with each other. cathartic in a way that makes you feel kind of gross to be there. also: it's all got fantastic sound design. lovely and extremely evocative art with impressively effective color design. very pretty girls. also it's just good erotica and the gunplay was hot as hell and will be stuck in my head
bonus: "so you're going along with me on the motherly angle, then, little oedipus?" is a line that is gonna replay in my head in my love life. thanks