These cards look nice! I read that I can use this asset pack in both commerical and non commercial projects, but you also said I should not redistribute it.
I'm making a WebApp to play with cards and I'm looking for different skins to implement, this project is open-source and free to use and reuse under GNU GPL v3.0 so I'm asking directly to you is it fine if I include your asset pack as a customizable option of the game's cards? I'll be putting credits about you and your asset pack in the documentation and in the dedicated section of the settings of course.
Viewing post in Hand Drawn Playing Cards comments
Thanks for contributing to this project. If you want to try it, here is the link: It works best on Android devices, where you can install it as a webapp. If you are interested in how it works, here is the documentation:, you can check the credits in "About" inside the app or in the documentation