Verry fun and interesting game, I am not realy sure how some mechanics work, would you be so kind and answer my questions?
1) Do other nobles then the one you enshadowed also spread shadow? and if they do, do they spread it at any % or only at 100%?
2) Do worms have a randon chance of spaning on baren land? I have notices that there was a new work "nation" where there previously was none
3) I didnt have much succes with the water or flesh attacks, but what happenes to the cities when they get conquered by those forces? Do they disapear forever? Will nations be able to recolonize them? And are nations able to colonize the empty pieaces of land( by empty I mean the ones conected by the network not just whatever hexagon is on the map )?
Thanks for your answer, if you do answer that is, otherwise I thank you for providing me with this new kind of entertainment.