I've spent easily 5 hours now trying to place track haha. If they don't line up exactly, the locomotive derails. Are you able to make some 'S' curves? What about some placeable train-specific filling stations too. Just a couple ideas. Would love to see it, hopefully its easy to port this to fs25 when it comes out too.
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Also. You know how when you place multiple bunker silos, they snap together? I wonder if we can port that functionality into this, to make rails line up correctly.
Do you have any tips or tricks for getting rails to line up correctly? I have spent way too much time trying to perfect it only for the locomotive to drive straight off a curve haha
I have been told that the move object mod that lets you move placeables once you placed them makes it SUPER easy to place them perfectly? I personally use a modified version of the building snap mod that lets me snap to a 0.02m grid and 0.1 degree instead of the standard 0.5m and 1 degree. Makes lining things up super easy for me. But what is this about a bunker that snaps together?? I am not aware of this? Maybe I could implement it in?
I also have added a lot more track options for the next update! I am also including a coal and Iron ore loading building! I am currently working on it
Heyyyy!!! JWeezy 🙂 would you maybe be able to share that modded version of building snap with us haha 😅 IV literally been trying to do exactly that for a week now using notepad++ but for some reason when I go into the game 0.02m for the grid and 0.1° for the rotation doesn't seem to show it's still the default .5m grid and 5° rotation. The LUA file is saved with the edited grid and rotation when opening it back up but I'm missing a step or something.
I actually figured it out!!! 😅 Right after sending that, I'm a fucking idiot..... Lol every time I would start the game back up I would stupidly go into the downloads hub from the main menu and I kept updating the mod not realizing that every single time I did that modgub was technically "fixing" the mod back to the original creators specs. I noticed that fs22. Mod assistant still registered it as a working mod with no errors so I started a game and sure as shit the changes I made were working 😅 sometimes I just wanna punch myself in the throat lol
As far as I know, the base game bunker silos 'snap' together somehow. If you place one, the next will 'snap' next to it, at least for the large one. Not sure how that is accomplished, but would be a superb feature.
The Move Placeables mod did help, but its pretty time consuming getting terrain and track to cooperate just right so the locomotive doesn't derail.
Yeah I looked into it.. I had high hopes for that snap that you were talking about with the bunkers, but after I dug into the coding it appears that the code would limit the "snap" to a straight line, and doesnt allow for any angle changes. so basically, the only things that I could apply it to would be the straight track, that snaps together pretty well anyways from the grid snap.. maybe at some point somebody will be able to rewrite the code so that I can implement it the way I would like to, but that is above my skill level at the moment..
I am glad the move placeables mod helped! I will say, I know its tedious and time consuming, but it gets much easier with practice! I am pretty quick with it now