AHH HELLO, no, no, you're not being too persistent at all!! (If it's regarding the Russian TL, I'm sorry for the late reply, I was flustered by the kind offer and trying to come up with a good reply 😭 I've replied now, if that was you!)
HOT PEPPER BUNS FGHFGH 😂 I've never thought about it that way but I really love that 😂😂 Alas I have pretty soft preferences when it comes to love interests in general, even yans 🤣 so I was worried that people wouldn't like Raku because he's too soft, but I'm glad people enjoyed him regardless
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the endings!! I won't lie that I was considering writing a continuation to the "punishment" ending but I couldn't make it work plot-wise so I dropped it for the time being 🤣 I am considering a spicy spinoff project though 🔥 and wrote a few scenes for it already! I'll probably make a post at some point to see if that's something that people would be interested in lolol
Thank you again for playing and reaching out to me 🥹 I'm so honored!!