Hello, AnnieIvanova, many thanks for your question.
The way to get the King to choose you is to behave like a 'princess'.
So doing things that make you seem meek, fragile, and perhaps even a bit stupid.
Of course, that might not make you popular with any of the love interests, so the key is to balance this behaviour with things you love interest is going to like.
A good tip here is to consider whether the rest of court can see you. If they can, anything you do will get back to the King, but if you are alone with your love interest or family, the King isn't going to know how you are behaving so you can do as you please.
There are also two points in the story where you mother writes to you letting you know (via how happy she is/is not with you) what the king things of your behaviour. This is supposed to help players track their progress.
I hope this helps, but if you would like a more in-depth guide on which options give you 'princess points' with the King, please email me at [email protected]
Many thanks for playing