This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-10-24 22:00:00 to 2021-11-22 23:00:00. View 11 entries


We spend increasingly more time on our computers, tablets, and phones, right? For work, for entertainment, to keep in touch with our community. Let's take a break and craft something with our hands. Draw, print, cut, glue and assemble, and make a tabletop role-playing game zine! 


Your entry can be a module, a game, an adventure, backgrounds, optional rules, a solo game, any variation around the TTRPG theme is accepted.


  • Pretty simple. Create a tabletop role-playing zine using scissors and glue.
  • The layout has to be done exclusively with analog techniques! No software allowed for the layout part. However, you can print texts blocks, draw digital images, print, cut and glue them. Basically, do your thing, as long as it involves paper, scissors, and glue you're cool.
  • Any other analog technique is valid: tape, stitches, needle and thread, you name it.
  • To sum up: Assemble your zine with analog tools, scan it and submit it to the jam. (if this is not possible for some reason, the zine-thingy is a 3D item or you made a Pop-up zine, do what you can, upload a photo, a plan)
  • Upload PDF copies of the zines. PDFs folks!
  • Be kind to the rest of the community. Unless used with the intent to illustrate a positive impact avoid racism, sexual harassment/abuse, domestic violence and discrimination.
  • You can upload an additional plaintext (no images, no headers, just text) version of the zine if you feel that the handcrafted one might have accessibility issues, suggested by stargazersasha discussion here 
  • You're free to charge for your submissions if you want.


Share your work in progress on twitter with the hashtag #scissorsandgluejam

Come and chat about crafting and gluing on my discord server


A randomly picked winner will receive a $20 gift card from Floating Chair Club!!!

Two randomly picked winners will receive each a copy of Broken Luck and a copy of Skyrealms, two zines I've made.

3 awards in total. 


The Jam will run from the 26th of October until the 23rd of November. It's a pretty long jam, because cutting and gluing ain't easy, plus there is no undo button here.


I'm Iko, I run The Lost Bay Podcast, a show about/with indie tabletop RPG designers and creators, and I also make ttrpg zines. You can reach out on twitter 


The idea of this jam has been inspired by conversations with members of the ttrpg community about handcrafted zine-making, specifically MangustaExpress and ZachHazard,  and also by this cool video by Nate Treme 


The amazing photo of the cover is by Olia Danilevitch


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A cootie catcher solo story-game about cats and dreams
Crowdsourcing character backstories with leaflets
an urban low magic locations zine
An Advent Calendar - inspired dungeon crawler
Scenes from memories that never happened - A zine
A non-lethal guideline for lethal TTRPGs
A solo exploration & survival tabletop game
As many spells as I can write on my lunch break