This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-10-26 22:49:34 to 2021-01-01 05:59:59. View 77 entries

Now with that fresh 2020 smell!

Check out the 2019 Not A Game Jam Game Jam for inspiration!

That's right, the Not A Game Jam Game Jam is back in 2020! We're angrier, we're gayer, and we're still not making games, apparently:


From the 2019 jam's page, here are some "rules" for this jam:

This Is The Not A Game Jam Game Jam. Make "games" which are literally impossible to play. Make games with no interaction. Make games without mechanics. Make games that are meant to be read, where play is a secondary concern. Make a list of everything that makes a Game a Game and then make a game that has none of those things. Make a game that Isn’t. (The "Me" that exists in 2020 would like to add on to this to say "Piss someone off about it.")

Analog and Digital "games" are welcome in this jam as well as any other types of "games".

There’s so much importance placed on how a game plays, to where we playtest ourselves into burnout. Make a game that’s finished when you hit the last “.” Make something that you finish & walk away, never looking back.

While this game has an “official” run time, please know that we will literally always take “late” submissions. This is also Not A Game Jam, so like, who cares about the deadline, don’t stress about it.

We encourage you to charge for your Not-Games. We have the opportunity to set a standard and if you’d like to follow it, you can set the minimum price for your entry as $5 and the suggested price as $10. With that said, we also encourage you to include consideration for those in financial hardship by either including a plaintext copy of your game available for free, offering community copies of your game, or any other consideration.

New for 2020:

Here are some optional rules for the 2020 run of the Not A Game Jam Game Jam:

  • Who Are We Versus? - Make something that isn't a game that is spitefully targeted at the last reply guy who said one of your games wasn't a real game (don't call them out by name though, be discrete)
  • This Is Just A PDF - write your whole "game" in the itch page's description and then just upload a blank PDF for your game
  • I Have No Words And I Must Jam - make a "game" that doesn't use the written word
  • Billboard Top 100 - The file you upload for your "game" must be in .mp3 format
  • Piss Someone Off - piss someone off (be double sure you're punching up with this)
  • Give Me $5 - Seriously, I wanna buy some hot wings
  • Cross-Promotion - Make something that isn't a game for another game jam and submit it to that one and this one
  • Your Rule Here - @ me on Twitter and tell me a rule I should add and I might

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please let me know on Twitter, I'm @LeviathanFiles. I mean it, I wrote this jam page in 5 minutes so if you have an idea to make it better, please let me know.


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Play like a master.
"Sweet mother, I cannot weave..."
Not a Game, but a Self-Care Ritual
A Vegan Cookbook, attached to a Lyric Game about the food that makes us
A very serious game about personality.
a non-game with over 50 unique cards!
A game that has won every award. Seriously.
FEVER FEAsT FOLLOW-THRU to mantras for breakfast., it's fuck you for lunch
Eight Approaches To "Self Control"
poetic mini-zine fold-your-path-adventure game
A religious text which was originally discovered in JPEG compression
You are holding a USB flash drive and must plug it in.
Can you catch Big Foot?
Play in browser
​A word association game that is based on song titles. Are you hip enough to play?
Interactive Fiction
Play in browser
ive spent a lot of time with myself and i have a lot of thoughts actually
A game about a cup, and its opinion on dice, and by extension, you.
Literally just a CBT exercise
This is not a game. You know how to use the device. Proceed when ready.
You wanna play a rpg? Is that what you want from me?
do what you can, with what you have left. or don't.
You're all lost, starving, in the snowy wilds. You need food. You must sacrifice somebody. But who? Discuss. Vote. Live.
The premier way of experiencing Play Campaign for North Africa
a pdf describing a game in which you use a polyhedral randomizer to influence your emotions
A list of not-quite-names. For an RPG character maybe?
A musical and visual toy: for two minutes, paint a landscape with a tone matrix
An unplayable RPG about dying in the woods.
An Unplayable Lasers and Feelings Hack
Highlighting is your friend
A retort to use when you want to end a conversation
Roll that boulder bro
Play in browser
A game made for the Not a Game Jam about being a haunted house.
community-based grant and funds pool for indie asset artists, creatørs, and lovelies
Bob is just trying to draw a perfect circle, Bob's trying his best.
im not your maid, stop being lazy and make a game yourself.
Not This, That's For Sure
This is not a game, it's an essay I wrote for Latin class in 2006.
it's a jpeg of my mom's dog brooklyn. she's very fancy.
Deliberately unplayable tarot game.
please don't play because this is not a game
Play in browser
A game you can't possibly play
[Not] A game about pressing a button for a [non-existing] game jam
Run in browser
Part of the Not A Game Jam