This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-05-02 05:00:00 to 2022-06-06 05:00:00. View results
FIST is a paranormal mercenary roleplaying game, inspired by pulp fiction, classic video games, and action movies, designed to be simple to play and easy to modify. In the game, you portray a tight-knit unit of larger-than-life characters shunned by society, forced to survive as soldiers of fortune, possibly able to walk on walls, control insects with their mind, defuse bombs while tightrope walking, and so on - it's fun!
It's been out for over two years now, but there's never been a game jam for it - kept you waiting, huh? Your mission for this jam is simple: from May 2nd to June 6th, make something compatible with FIST!
It might be:
If you don't have the game, you are still welcome to join! More community copies will be added for the jam, so please grab one if you're not able to spare $5!
You can get the game here: Community copies are available for the jam. Also, if you bought the BLM or Ukraine bundles run by, you already have FIST!
FIST's official Discord server is here:
FIST compatibility mark can be downloaded here (thanks to TheMOCingbird and @LoneArchivist!):
After the jam is over, everyone who entered will be able to vote for their favorite entry. This voting period lasts from June 6th to June 13th.
The winner of the jam will receive a physical copy of FIST courtesy of Exalted Funeral, and a pair of laser sight dice which show dual silver pistols on a critical hit, created by independent dice maker King Zombie!
Every jam participant will get a free PDF copy of our upcoming campaign kit for FIST, titled MANDELBROT SET. The campaign kit isn't done yet, but it'll be released when the jam concludes on 6/6 (hopefully)!
Good luck everyone!
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