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Moon Watch Feedback

Moon Watch
A browser game made in HTML5

We want your feedback!

Please answer our feedback form on Moon Watch! We really want to know your thoughts on our new game! We've also included the feedback form at several spots in the game. If you encounter any bugs or frustrations, please let us know about them! Feel free to gush about how much fun you're having too!

We made a few other small changes:

  • Meteors now spawn and despawn naturally over time - rather than just appearing
  • Updated particle effects for Garlic
  • Added a version number

We also included several bugfixes:

  • Fixed a glitch where the boss fight would end early
  • Fixed a visual glitch where your relics would be displayed improperly if you lost one in the relic event
  • Fixed a glitch where the game would skip the first level
  • Stopwatch is now correctly labeled as a utility
  • You cannot place turrets on yourself or in a wall

More updates are coming soon! Expect some serious new content in the next few weeks! 

And if you haven't yet, please wishlist us on Steam!

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