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0.1.5 Character Customization

Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Added character creation settings and multiple savefiles. You can now edit your proportions, texture, and even import your own custom textures. Also the GUI has sound effects now! Sound effects provided by BCFRecords (  And about a bajillion more tweaks and bugfixes. The games still rough but a lot better than last version ^^ provided I didn't introduce too many new bugs.

 If you'd like to draw your own clothes or something, just draw on the following template and select 'Load Texture' in appearance settings.

In addition to these changes, I've reworked the whole project structure with the goal of making it more clean and modular (making my job easier) and I've fixed a bajillion little bugs and quirks. Changelog below:

## [0.1.5b]
### Fixed
- Forced locale to invariant (english), so we all use numbers with decimal points (sorry other cultures)
    This way we can share saveFiles without breaking each other's games

## [0.1.5a]
### Fixed
- Restored story progression (ingot spawn, npcs' dialog after swirly)

## [0.1.5]
### Added
- Game difficulty setting
- New Game panel lets you customize player texture, body proportions, game difficulty, gravity and timescale
- Support for multiple save files
- Custom texture importing
- Audio effects to all GUI components

### Changed
- Moved from binary to Json based savefiles, meaning you can now manually edit them with any text editor, and share them and stuff
- Old saveFiles will be imported as "Primordial Juiceling", and not deleted
- Toilet Realm is now much more pretty
- Buffed tutorial Ingot, made him look cool again (by disabling reflection probe)
- Made juice particles more plump
- Adjusted Holy Hammer handle tilt
- Increased car knockback
- Selected better overworld tree/weapon spawn seed

### Fixed
- Toilet flush sequence is now much more stable
- Joints between body parts now scale properly, resulting in more stable bodies when mutated significantly
- Car booster no longer activates when you hit shift unless you are in it
- Trimmed silent portions of various dialog audio, so non-voiced NPCs will sound better
- Re-enabled stats window sound effects
- Weapon scaling while grabbed
- Pressing 'K' in toilet realm no longer destroys the level

P.S. here's the texture I used for the cover image:


  • Juice Galaxy 64-Bit 184 MB
    Version 0.1.5
  • Juice Galaxy 32-Bit 180 MB
    Version 0.1.5
  • Juice Galaxy Linux 64-Bit 183 MB
    Version 0.1.5
  • Juice Galaxy Mac 191 MB
    Version 0.1.5
Download Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)
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