Papers by Itzel Galaviz-Villa

The aim of this study was to determine parameters of dissolved oxygen, temperature and nitrogen i... more The aim of this study was to determine parameters of dissolved oxygen, temperature and nitrogen in the coastal basin of the Jamapa River as indicators of eutrophication. Six sampling sites were selected in the lower basin, where samples were collected in triplicate in each site, during three seasons; north winds, dry and rainy. Results of the research, analyzed using the Minitab statistical program, were: site 2 showing the maximum value of dissolved oxygen with 5.83 mg/L; site 5 with the maximum temperature value of 30.3 ºC, during the dry season. Whereas, maximum mean values of total nitrogen were at site 2 (4.596 mg/L) and site 5 (4.281 mg/L). Coastal basins can change markedly the nitrogen concentration with respect to weather and environmental conditions. As well as, reduced forms of nitrogen cause alterations in dissolved oxygen and the increase in water temperature, along with high concentrations of nutrients.

Acta Biológica Colombiana, 2021
El Paraquat es un herbicida utilizado en la actividad agropecuaria para controlar hierbas, su mod... more El Paraquat es un herbicida utilizado en la actividad agropecuaria para controlar hierbas, su modo de acción es por medio de contacto y no selectivo. Debido a su alta solubilidad en agua y baja volatilidad representa un riesgo potencial para organismos acuáticos, principalmente los que son cultivados con aguas superficiales que reciben impacto de la actividad agrícola. La tilapia Oreochromis niloticusy el langostino Macrobrachium olfersiison organismos de importancia comercial para la industria acuícola del estado de Veracruz, México.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la Concentración Letal Media (CL50) del herbicida Dasurquat® (ingrediente activo Paraquat) a través de un bioensayo de toxicidad aguda (96 horas). Se utilizaron como especímenes de prueba a juveniles de tilapia O. niloticus(peso promedio = 10 mg, longitud total= 8,75 mm) y otro el ensayo fue con poslarvas de langostino M. olfersii(peso promedio = 5 mg, longitud total= 5,72 mm). Se emplearon cinco concentracione...

revista Bio ciencias, 2019
En Mexico, los sistemas costeros albergar una gran variedad de vida silvestre, la distribucion de... more En Mexico, los sistemas costeros albergar una gran variedad de vida silvestre, la distribucion del fitoplancton dependera de la relacion de los parametros fisicoquimicos, donde la disponibilidad de nutrimentos controla la productividad primaria. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la abundancia de diatomeas y dinoflagelados, y con relacion con los parametros fisicoquimicos, tales como nitratos, fosfatos, silicatos y clorofila-a en el sistema lagunar Mandinga, en la costa de Mexico. La toma de muestras se realizo mensualmente en cinco sitios, durante la temporada de nortes y estiaje, y se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: valores maximos de temperatura de 29.1±0.8 °C, salinidad de 31.0±2.2 UPS, y niveles de oxigeno disuelto de 9.3±1.3 mg L-1. Ademas, una concentracion de clorofila-a de 14.6±5.6 mg m-³ en abril de 2012; las medias maximas mensuales de nitratos, silicatos y fosfatos fueron 20.3±44.9 , 256.2±25.2 y 2.9±4.2 µM, respectivamente. Las cuales se registraron, princ...

Se hace referencia a la gestión de cuencas en México, puntualizando que so- cialmente el país est... more Se hace referencia a la gestión de cuencas en México, puntualizando que so- cialmente el país está dividido por 13 Regiones Hidrológicas Administrativas y la manera como están representadas a lo largo y ancho del País. Posteriormente, se hace una descripción detallada del medio físico de la cuenca baja del río Usumacinta, señalando su superficie y los países por donde atraviesa; y que está compuesta por 21 municipios con 34 449.03 km de los cuales el 66 % corres- ponde a Chiapas, 28 % al estado de Tabasco y 6 % al estado de Campeche con un análisis fisiográfico de la cuenca baja del río Usumacinta, su edafología y descripción de los municipios por los que atraviesa, sus principales cultivos y sus actividades agropecuarias. En cuanto a la Presión Antrópica sobre la calidad del agua en la cuenca baja del río Usumacinta, se hace referencia a la importancia y calidad de sus recursos hídricos y los servicios ambientales que ofrecen al ser humano. Se define el pa- pel de la Red de Monitor...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2019
Olfactory receptors (ORs) in the dendritic membrane of olfactory cells are the key elements in th... more Olfactory receptors (ORs) in the dendritic membrane of olfactory cells are the key elements in the molecular recognition and discrimination of odorants. On the basis of female and male antennal transcriptomes of Yemma signatus adults, a total of 66 candidate Y. signatus olfactory receptor genes (YsigORs), including one olfactory co-receptor (Orco), were identified in this study. All the sequences were further validated by cloning and sequencing. Tissue expression profiles of all YsigOR genes in the antennae of females and males were analyzed using real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). The result showed that some YsigOR genes displayed significant differences in the expression levels between sexes. YsigOrco had the highest expression level in all YsigOR genes; however, the expression level in males was twice as that of females. Our study provides valuable biological information for studying the olfactory communication system of Y. signatus.

International journal of environmental research and public health, Jan 11, 2018
Cadmium is a major heavy metal found in polluted aquatic environments, mainly derived from indust... more Cadmium is a major heavy metal found in polluted aquatic environments, mainly derived from industrial production processes. We evaluated the biosorption of solubilized Cdusing the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) produced bysp. MC3B-22 andsp. MC3B-10 (Microbactan); these bacteria were originally isolated from intertidal biofilms off the coast of Campeche, Mexico. EPS were incubated with different concentrations of cadmium in ultrapure water. Residual Cdconcentrations were determined by Inductive Coupled Plasma-Optic Emission Spectrometry and the maximum sorption capacity (Qmax) was calculated according to the Langmuir model. EPS were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) before and after sorption. The Qmax of Cdwas 97 mg gfor Microbactan and 141 mg gfor MC3B-22 EPS, these adsorption levels being significantly higher than previously reported for other microbial EPS. In addition, XPS analysis revealed changes in structure of EPS after biosorption and showed t...
Agricultural Science, 2013
The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of insecticides (DDT and their me... more The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of insecticides (DDT and their metabolites) and heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu and Hg) in benthic organisms such as oysters, crab and shrimp. The studies were carried out in six lagoon systems along the Gulf of Mexico: Madre, Tamiahua, Grande, Mandinga, Alvarado and Mecoacán. The sampling sites in each lagoon system were selected in the areas of commercial fishing. The levels of pesticides in oysters and crabs indicated they were in constant contact with these compounds, which are used in livestock, agricultural and aquacultural activities, and in the efforts carried out in adjoining zones to control the vectors of dengue and malaria. The concentration ranking of heavy metals in F. aztecus in the Tamiahua system was Cu > Cd > Pb, while for L. setiferus in the Alvarado system it was Pb > Cd > Hg.

Water, 2016
Coastal zones support fisheries that provide food for humans and feed for animals. The decline of... more Coastal zones support fisheries that provide food for humans and feed for animals. The decline of fisheries worldwide has fostered the development of aquaculture. Recent research has shown that extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) synthesized by microorganisms contribute to sustainable aquaculture production, providing feed to the cultured species, removing waste and contributing to the hygiene of closed systems. As ubiquitous components of coastal microbial habitats at the air-seawater and seawater-sediment interfaces as well as of biofilms and microbial aggregates, EPS mediate deleterious processes that affect the performance and productivity of aquaculture facilities, including biofouling of marine cages, bioaccumulation and transport of pollutants. These biomolecules may also contribute to the persistence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and their impact on cultured species. EPS may also exert a positive influence on aquaculture activity by enhancing the settling of aquaculturally valuable larvae and treating wastes in bioflocculation processes. EPS display properties that may have biotechnological applications in the aquaculture industry as antiviral agents and immunostimulants and as a novel source of antifouling bioproducts.

Our analytical model for agroecosystems having sugarcane production (SAEs) in the central Gulf of... more Our analytical model for agroecosystems having sugarcane production (SAEs) in the central Gulf of Mexico is based on several philosophical currents for a realistic analysis of a specific time and location, according to the context and focus of the currents. Given the premise that the search for complex knowledge is a product of continuous learning, the model is partially founded on the theory of complexity. Traditionally, when adequate procedures are used to undertake any problem of investigation in its totality, it is called a dialectical method; in contrast, another starting point is systemic thought. With the use of these theoretical-philosophical tools, it is possible to construct a model that promotes communication among actors, between sugarcane producers and institutions, so they may jointly design technological products and services according to the level of production and the needs of each grower.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH
The aim of this study was to determine parameters of dissolved oxygen, temperature and nitrogen i... more The aim of this study was to determine parameters of dissolved oxygen, temperature and nitrogen in the coastal basin of the Jamapa River as indicators of eutrophication. Six sampling sites were selected in the lower basin, where samples were collected in triplicate in each site, during three seasons; north winds, dry and rainy. Results of the research, analyzed using the Minitab statistical program, were: site 2 showing the maximum value of dissolved oxygen with 5.83 mg/L; site 5 with the maximum temperature value of 30.3 ºC, during the dry season. Whereas, maximum mean values of total nitrogen were at site 2 (4.596 mg/L) and site 5 (4.281 mg/L). Coastal basins can change markedly the nitrogen concentration with respect to weather and environmental conditions. As well as, reduced forms of nitrogen cause alterations in dissolved oxygen and the increase in water temperature, along with high concentrations of nutrients.

Reviews in Aquaculture
Aquaculture practice in Mexico is commonly carried out with some freshwater species, which are in... more Aquaculture practice in Mexico is commonly carried out with some freshwater species, which are introduced in the region for its production, with technology developed in other countries. The growth of this activity has been slow, sometimes leading to loss of investments due to difficulties in the implementation of foreign technological packages, poor selection and inadequate management of the species, or farming sites, and even confusing legal procedures. Mexico stands out for the development of crops of exotic species more than native species, of which most are freshwater type. There are thirty-four recorded species of freshwater fish, six of them are native and twenty-eight are introduced species. The success of cultivating native species lies mainly in the process of selecting species with potential and certain characteristics. Mariculture is relatively new in Mexico; it has been intensibly developed, mostly in the northwest of the country. It has a great potential due to the high commercial value of its species, excellent quality and demand in the market. Ornamental aquaculture is the most developed in Mexico; the main producer is the state of Morelos, with total technological expertise in production of introduced and native species. It should be noted that this success has been achieved, in some cases, with the support of projects from government institutions, universities, research centres, associations and private companies. Pointing out that the common factor for a successful aquaculture practice is an ecosystemic and sustainable approach, continuously improving practices and fish farming management, while complying with regulatory standards.

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are natural events produced by massive concentration of toxic phytopl... more Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are natural events produced by massive concentration of toxic phytoplankton that can color red, ocher, brown or yellow large extensions of water, its intensity depends on the different species of phytoplankton involved in the proliferation. The spreading of these formations involves an interaction of biological, chemical, meteorological and anthropogenic factors. Several species with potential toxicity have been reported along Mexican coasts, such as Gymnodinium catenatum, Karenia brevis, Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum. The toxic bloom not only causes an impact during the event, it produces negative effects afterward, such as accumulating deposits of organic matter, alterations of benthic community structure and composition, species presence/absence, and bioaccumulation of toxins in organisms such as bivalve molluscs mainly. Poisoning may occur by consuming contaminated seafood or by direct exposure to aerosols of the toxins, which can provoke diarr...

Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research
The domestication and culture of freshwater shrimp native of tropical and subtropical American Pa... more The domestication and culture of freshwater shrimp native of tropical and subtropical American Pacific zone requires the study and development of technologies in open systems where their response to types of farming, feeding and management strategies generate practical information for the production of this species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of stocking density on growth and survival in M. americanum juvenile-adult, cage-cultured and to determine the optimal density for grow-out production. The caridean shrimp Macrobrachium americanum was cultured for 152 days in a 16 cage-culture (3 m3 each) at densities of 1, 3, 6 and 9 org / m3, respectively, with stocking sizes from 12.1 ± 1.7 to 13.5 ± 2.3 g. The prawns were fed twice daily with Camaronina 35%. Water quality parameters were within standard range for caridean shrimp culture. There was a significant effect of density on final weight, growth rate, specific growth rate, K condition and survival, and an invers...

La cuenca del río Usumacinta es la de mayor extensión y desarrollo hidrológico en Mesoamérica. Es... more La cuenca del río Usumacinta es la de mayor extensión y desarrollo hidrológico en Mesoamérica. Esta cuenca abarca una superficie total de más de siete millones de hectáreas, siendo la cuenca baja exclusiva de México. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la presencia de fósforo total, nitrógeno total y nitrógeno amoniacal en las escorrentías de origen agropecuario, y su efecto en la calidad del agua superficial del río Usumacinta, Tabasco. Se tomaron 17 muestras de agua de escorrentía en los municipios de Tenosique y Balancán, Tabasco y se determinó la concentración de fósforo total (365.1-1993), nitrógeno total (351.2-1993) y nitrógeno amoniacal (EPA 350.1-1993). Los resultados obtenidos indican que las concentraciones de nitrógeno amoniacal y fósforo total exceden los criterios ecológicos de calidad del agua CE-CCA-001/89 para la protección de la vida acuática (N-NH3 0.06 mg L-1 , Pt 0.1 mg L-1) y las concentraciones de nitrógeno total exceden los límites máximos permisibles establecidos por la

Journal of Agricultural Science, 2016
Farming aquatic plants can be used as an alternative in the treatment of effluents from aquacultu... more Farming aquatic plants can be used as an alternative in the treatment of effluents from aquaculture production units and in turn, in the production of biomass plant for feeding terrestrial and aquatic organisms. This research aims to evaluate the efficiency of duckweeds Spirodela sp. and Lemna sp. in the treatment of tilapia effluents (Oreochromis niloticus). The experiment was performed in triplicate and was conducted under natural environmental conditions within the facilities of the Laboratory of Applied Aquaculture Research (LAAR) of the Technological Institute of Boca del Río (ITBOCA). Each treatment contained 230 liters of effluent in each tube, with a water column of 40 cm and a seeding density of 400 g/m 2 of vegetative biomass. The evaluation of the efficiency of Spirodela sp. and Lemna sp., in the removal of dissolved nutrients, was performed in 7 monitoring times; 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h. The results showed an efficiency in nutrient removal at 120 h of 75, 74 and 66% of N-NH 3 ; 96, 92 and 75% N-NO 2 ; 93, 88 and 75% N-NO 3 ; 75, 72 and 64% N-NTK; 73, 60 and 58% of N-org., and 73, 63 and 68% of P. On the other hand, the removal of TSS and BOD5, during the first 24 h, was 83, 54, 58% and 65, 59, 33%, in the treatments. The efficiency in nutrient removal of both duckweeds, showed that both plants can be used in the treatment of effluents, being a sustainable and economical alternative for the aquaculture industry.
Hidrobiologica, 2010
... An aliquot for inoculation was extracted from each dilution and was applied, using cross-stre... more ... An aliquot for inoculation was extracted from each dilution and was applied, using cross-streaking, to ... al Fortalecimiento de la Calidad del Postgrado Nacional 2008 to Dr. Fabiola Lango Reynoso ... AguilAr-ibArrA, A., S. VillAnueVA-FrAgoSo, P. guzmán-AmA & A. Vázquez-botello. ...
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2016
Mexican aquaculture production systems have been analyzed here in areas of the Pacific, Gulf of M... more Mexican aquaculture production systems have been analyzed here in areas of the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea. The species that are developed in aquaculture systems are: oysters (Crassostrea gigas, Crassostrea corteziensis), abalone (Haliotis fulgens, Haliotis rufescens), clams (Panopea generosa), shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), prawn (Macrobachium rosenbergii), tuna (Thunnus thynnus), tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), carp (Cyprinus carpio), trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), and bass (Micropterus salmoides).
Papers by Itzel Galaviz-Villa