Visual Communication Journal Wimba
Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Wimba adalah jurnal peer-review di bidang komunikasi visual. Jurnal ini dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Kelompok Keahlian Komunikasi Visual dan Multimedia, FSRD ITB sejak tahun 2009 dan terbit dua kali setahun. Jurnal Wimba menerima kiriman artikel ilmiah dalam bidang Komunikasi Visual, dengan petunjuk pengiriman dapat dilihat pada bagian Template & Submission Guidance.
Wimba, Journal of Visual Communication is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of visual communication. Published and organized by Visual Communication and Multimedia Research Group of ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) since 2009, the journal is published twice a year. Wimba Journal is open for article submission. Please check the Template & Submission Guidance section detailed information.
Redaksi/Board of Editorial:
Dr. Alvanov Zpalanzani Mansoor, MM.
Fadillah, M.Psi
Triyadi Guntur Wiratmo, M.Sn
Aninda Purnamashari, M.Ds
Hafiz Aziz Ahmad, Ph.D
Mitra Bestari/Reviewers:
Dr. Naomi Haswanto, M.Sn
Dr. Ruly Dharmawan, M.Sn
Dr. Acep Iwan Saidi, M.Sn
Dr. Agung Ekobudiwaspada, M.Sn
Dr. Imam Santosa, M.Sn
Dr. Didit Widiatmoko S., M.Sn
Dr. Intan Rizky Mutiaz, M.Sn
Dr. Pindi Setiawan, M.Sn
Hafiz Aziz Ahmad, Ph.D
Phone: +62 22 251 6567
Address: KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia - FSRD ITB
Gd. Desain Lt. 3, Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia
Wimba, Journal of Visual Communication is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of visual communication. Published and organized by Visual Communication and Multimedia Research Group of ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) since 2009, the journal is published twice a year. Wimba Journal is open for article submission. Please check the Template & Submission Guidance section detailed information.
Redaksi/Board of Editorial:
Dr. Alvanov Zpalanzani Mansoor, MM.
Fadillah, M.Psi
Triyadi Guntur Wiratmo, M.Sn
Aninda Purnamashari, M.Ds
Hafiz Aziz Ahmad, Ph.D
Mitra Bestari/Reviewers:
Dr. Naomi Haswanto, M.Sn
Dr. Ruly Dharmawan, M.Sn
Dr. Acep Iwan Saidi, M.Sn
Dr. Agung Ekobudiwaspada, M.Sn
Dr. Imam Santosa, M.Sn
Dr. Didit Widiatmoko S., M.Sn
Dr. Intan Rizky Mutiaz, M.Sn
Dr. Pindi Setiawan, M.Sn
Hafiz Aziz Ahmad, Ph.D
Phone: +62 22 251 6567
Address: KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia - FSRD ITB
Gd. Desain Lt. 3, Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia
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Template & Submission Guidance by Visual Communication Journal Wimba
Wimba Vol 6 No 2 by Visual Communication Journal Wimba
Fruit that sold in Bali were not only local fruit but also imported. Unfortunately many peoples in Bali still using and consuming the imported fruit for their dailly routine.
After seeing this problem, Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan in Bali made a festival to bring information about the usage and excess of holticultura in. But still many farmer as the participant in this festival and Baliness people didn’t know because the promotion media about this festival was still not too much to inform all of them.
By using interview, observation, and literature writer get the data and analysis to make the concept and the scenario design for public service ad film.
Using Television Commercial as the media that can reach every circle from Baliness people to farmer in Bali, expecting the information about Festival Agribisnis can be informed correctly and also using economical approach can changes people paradigm about local fruit that was healty, cheap, and can help economic matters in Bali.
Data collecting is carried out through observation, interviews, and related literature. Place symbolization approach are used in designing to achieve the visual identity and promotion media that can unite all of tour destinations of North Jakarta. The result from this research is the designing identity visual of North Jakarta Tourist Destinations using symbol and tagline that are readable and memorized easily by target audiences.
Visual identity that includes North Jakarta’s Tourism logo, icons of North Jakarta’s destinations, and also on promotion media will be used in various media such as map, poster, website, x-banner, guide book, ticket, signage, merchandise and social media so they can help tourism of North Jakarta to be more easily recognized by tourist and can attract the tourist to visit the variety of tour destinations at Jakarta Utara.
Target audience of this book is primary school children, who are mainly from family, live on the banks of the river. Children age was chosen because at this age they can rapidly absorb information around them. They also start to pre-change on their attitude, value, and behavior so it is expected to have impact on shaping their care-attitude toward environment at their current or future stage of life. This design project took sample on Cikapundung River located in Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia.
The outcome of this design project is a picture-story book as an educational media, containing story about characters with implied moral messages. Scene fragments in time and ambience background story came with illustrations and narrations, purpose to communicate the education message. By that message, the target audiences are expected to emerge their attitude and changing behavior toward cleanness and everlast river environment around them.
Wimba Vol 6 No 1 by Visual Communication Journal Wimba
For more clearly this case, it will be required to aggregation and review the data. Actually, the methods that to be used such as directly observation to station area, collecting theoretical data, share some questionnaire to visitors, make an interview to officers, comparing with several similar projects, and matrix analysis.
So based on the situation and data management, we need to redesign the sign system with good integration in Kiaracondong Railway Station for help visitors in railway station to acquire their needs like informations and navigations. In other goal, the redesign sign system can be increase the image of PT KAI in business transportation.
Some web series shows are created by total amateurs, requiring little cost for equipment, special effects or anything else. Others are produced by businesses or bigger media networks, and there are a lot of them out there that are so good that they're comparable to real TV shows, especially if they involve well-known actors and professional directing or production.
Web series creator posted new content on a consistent basis and built an audience of regular viewers. Berkala content is absolutely critical online. Successful online creators have had consistent content coming out on a regular schedule and creates a habit. More than any other medium, web series allow content creators to receive feedback from, interact with, their viewers almost instantaneously.
Producing web series requires a blend of both independent film or short film and television techniques. Web series 'Malam Minggu Miko' is one of the web series produced in Indonesia that successfully uses the short film format to attract audiences adolescence. Web series also managed to become a pioneer in the use of the mockumentary approach as a story telling approach.
Diradio.net is one company that provides streaming radio services. Unfortunately the market acceptance of the products offered by diradio.net are not too high. The problem of lack of information and education about this new media lead to low use of streaming radio. Other internal problems arise in this company, which is a mismatch in the determination of the target market.
Various data obtained through observation, library research, as well as interviews with some input on this design process. Data obtained was analyzed and showed that the company requires a new identity more in line with its target market. The results of further analysis is needed promotional media can educate the market about the benefits of streaming radio. As for the media that is designed magazine ads, e-posters, flyers, stickers, x-banners, t shirt, Sticker gadgets, ambient media, booths, billboards, car operations, web banners, and social media. Through a media campaign is expected that more people are using streaming radio, especially through service diradio.net
The method used for data collection is library research, observation for some communities batik and batik artisans in Magelang, and interviews of business owners and makers of batik motifs in Magelang City.
This design concept is to create a medium of information to provide knowledge and information about batik motifs Magelang. In this design, the author makes the information book because the book easy to carry around, and can accommodate a lot of information. It is expected that from this design can introduce a variety of batik motif Magelang Magelang that can be appreciated and preserved by the community.
Wimba Vol 5 No 2 by Visual Communication Journal Wimba
Fruit that sold in Bali were not only local fruit but also imported. Unfortunately many peoples in Bali still using and consuming the imported fruit for their dailly routine.
After seeing this problem, Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan in Bali made a festival to bring information about the usage and excess of holticultura in. But still many farmer as the participant in this festival and Baliness people didn’t know because the promotion media about this festival was still not too much to inform all of them.
By using interview, observation, and literature writer get the data and analysis to make the concept and the scenario design for public service ad film.
Using Television Commercial as the media that can reach every circle from Baliness people to farmer in Bali, expecting the information about Festival Agribisnis can be informed correctly and also using economical approach can changes people paradigm about local fruit that was healty, cheap, and can help economic matters in Bali.
Data collecting is carried out through observation, interviews, and related literature. Place symbolization approach are used in designing to achieve the visual identity and promotion media that can unite all of tour destinations of North Jakarta. The result from this research is the designing identity visual of North Jakarta Tourist Destinations using symbol and tagline that are readable and memorized easily by target audiences.
Visual identity that includes North Jakarta’s Tourism logo, icons of North Jakarta’s destinations, and also on promotion media will be used in various media such as map, poster, website, x-banner, guide book, ticket, signage, merchandise and social media so they can help tourism of North Jakarta to be more easily recognized by tourist and can attract the tourist to visit the variety of tour destinations at Jakarta Utara.
Target audience of this book is primary school children, who are mainly from family, live on the banks of the river. Children age was chosen because at this age they can rapidly absorb information around them. They also start to pre-change on their attitude, value, and behavior so it is expected to have impact on shaping their care-attitude toward environment at their current or future stage of life. This design project took sample on Cikapundung River located in Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia.
The outcome of this design project is a picture-story book as an educational media, containing story about characters with implied moral messages. Scene fragments in time and ambience background story came with illustrations and narrations, purpose to communicate the education message. By that message, the target audiences are expected to emerge their attitude and changing behavior toward cleanness and everlast river environment around them.
For more clearly this case, it will be required to aggregation and review the data. Actually, the methods that to be used such as directly observation to station area, collecting theoretical data, share some questionnaire to visitors, make an interview to officers, comparing with several similar projects, and matrix analysis.
So based on the situation and data management, we need to redesign the sign system with good integration in Kiaracondong Railway Station for help visitors in railway station to acquire their needs like informations and navigations. In other goal, the redesign sign system can be increase the image of PT KAI in business transportation.
Some web series shows are created by total amateurs, requiring little cost for equipment, special effects or anything else. Others are produced by businesses or bigger media networks, and there are a lot of them out there that are so good that they're comparable to real TV shows, especially if they involve well-known actors and professional directing or production.
Web series creator posted new content on a consistent basis and built an audience of regular viewers. Berkala content is absolutely critical online. Successful online creators have had consistent content coming out on a regular schedule and creates a habit. More than any other medium, web series allow content creators to receive feedback from, interact with, their viewers almost instantaneously.
Producing web series requires a blend of both independent film or short film and television techniques. Web series 'Malam Minggu Miko' is one of the web series produced in Indonesia that successfully uses the short film format to attract audiences adolescence. Web series also managed to become a pioneer in the use of the mockumentary approach as a story telling approach.
Diradio.net is one company that provides streaming radio services. Unfortunately the market acceptance of the products offered by diradio.net are not too high. The problem of lack of information and education about this new media lead to low use of streaming radio. Other internal problems arise in this company, which is a mismatch in the determination of the target market.
Various data obtained through observation, library research, as well as interviews with some input on this design process. Data obtained was analyzed and showed that the company requires a new identity more in line with its target market. The results of further analysis is needed promotional media can educate the market about the benefits of streaming radio. As for the media that is designed magazine ads, e-posters, flyers, stickers, x-banners, t shirt, Sticker gadgets, ambient media, booths, billboards, car operations, web banners, and social media. Through a media campaign is expected that more people are using streaming radio, especially through service diradio.net
The method used for data collection is library research, observation for some communities batik and batik artisans in Magelang, and interviews of business owners and makers of batik motifs in Magelang City.
This design concept is to create a medium of information to provide knowledge and information about batik motifs Magelang. In this design, the author makes the information book because the book easy to carry around, and can accommodate a lot of information. It is expected that from this design can introduce a variety of batik motif Magelang Magelang that can be appreciated and preserved by the community.
This study aims to develop understandings the creative processes and production stages, especially in characters’ design. The study used observation towards published Garudayana comic series,in depth interview with the creator, and literature studies on wayang and character design theories. The study finding the strong points of Garudayana based on creator’s understanding of manga , his ability to combine, and adapt in elaborating cultural content wayang purwa storyline.
The result shows that visual element, game play, puzzle-like character and sound effect are the most influential aspects of the games since they are considered suitable to the condition and the ability of the casual game players. Besides that, it is known that visual perception is a representation of the function of a common-theme-object with its interpretation that fits the context in a game. Therefore, visual interaction between the players and the researched games are based on four crucial factors: theme, game play, physics movement and simplified presentations of the visual elements. Through the perceptive process, similar kind of games would create a bonding, called challenge based immersion experience, in which this involvement demands the players to understand rules of the games. Such interaction is not influenced by playing time duration and usually does not cause an addiction to the games. Hence, it is clear that the concept of a mobile game has to be understandable through the games’ highly comprehensible way, rules, and purpose.
This research is mostly focused on the study of the visual aspect of a mobile game, so others still have the chance to do deeply study of the other three crucial aspects of the mobile game: game play, puzzle-like character, and sound effect.
will be deeply assessed by using a combination method of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative approach is used to identify the physical and graphic of it. The theory underlining this study is a packaging design theory and theories related to the form of culture. To identify the character of the packaging, theory associated with uniqueness, exotics and emotions are employed. Making use of questionnaire, consumer perceptions of the design are collated. To identify the average opinion of the respondents, a quantitative approach with Semantic Differential assessment method is adopted. The study of the food “oleh-oleh” packaging which can be useful source in design planning, shows that: (1) form, materials and how to package are the aspects influencing the construction of the package; (2) cultural context viewed at the packaging is cultural context seen as exotics, nostalgic experience, visual experience, (3) recognition from consumers is needed to show evidence of physical experience to the place visited and the desire to collect (4) aspects of culture on the packaging can be considered as an opportunity to increase sales; (5) the efforts of food manufacturers in decorating the package is considered quite successful in highlighting the uniqueness and the attractiveness of the appearance.
advertising concept culinary business. Actors’ culinary business with the help of graphic design utilizing digital printing technology in producing a media campaign with the
concept of a plesetan. The research methods used in this study play purely descriptive phenomenology methodology pioneered by Edmund Husserl. Data was collected through
field observations by documenting the work of the media campaign culinary business in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Interviews were conducted to reveal the informant lived experience of a first person perspective. With this method are expected to be found in the explanation of the concept of Javanese plesetan culture. Then also sought various forms of plesetan in the media and the promotion of outdoor culinary business in Yogyakarta. From the initial observations that have been made assumed plesetan performed by the high level of culinary competition. Found an interesting proof of the theory that good plesetan will continue spoofed.
and Flow concept are used to find out the role of Pocoyo animated film in developing autism imagination. By using colouring work of subjects (child with autism), imagination
that formed within children with autism are ascertainable. This research revealed that Pocoyo animated film could condition on subject’s imagination. When he on colouring
activity, there was “komunikasi-dalam” within him. imagination was formed because the film has a blank background, and minimal property. Emptiness made subject feel free to fill it with imagination he had. Subject also had Flow experience, which can be seen in the totality of the coloring pictures. This totality raised because he might have seized the opportunity that offered by emptiness of Pocoyo animated film to be filled with a variety of imaginations.
games. Thus, information about the traditional culture would be preserved, even in the demands of sustainable era.
with the habit of indulging reading literature in the train, chatting by amateur radio and end up in BB’s cyberspace and its facebook. Besides its positive effect, we are intoxicated by this IT communication. So we loose many productive hours of working time. The IT (Information
Technology) becomes frightening with its “clever” CDs in general education and so is the training of skills and competency with the help of IT simulators. Are we educating real human or virtual humans? Is this excess of IT happening a common happening, a risk of being modern? Or are there somekind of education missing? How to overcome it?
long. Manga as the form of comic medium that came from Japan is also well known for its uniqueness. Due to the strong relation within the Japan cultural background, manga
has integrated its own distinctive way in telling the stories, visually. One of the methods is known as the silent sequences. The silent sequences term is used to mention the scene in comics that told using minimal sequence and with very little -if any- text or narration. Some even used several of unconnected scenes to create a specific mood or a sense of
place. Such scenes could be found in abundance in various manga works, notably in the works of Osamu Tezuka or Mitsuru Adachi. Scott McCloud –a comic scholar- relates these sequences as the solid example of moment-to-moment and aspect-to-aspect type of panel transition. By using mostly visual images with less text and narration as the way of telling stories and creating the exact mood for the scenes, the silent sequences could serve as a good example of the universality and power of comic language. This paper is intended to take further analysis behind the context of the silent sequences and the possibilities in using it as a more universal way in visual communication as part of the power in children’s literature.
Focus Group Discussion. Afterward, the data were compiled and analyzed through the theory of Emotional Branding and the study of Sundanese culture. Therefore, this research is considered as a Qualitative Descriptive Analysis research. The findings of this research show that the a corporate identities of these two restaurants has been using the Sundanese ethnic culture for a while till today. A local ethnic culture considered as one of the trends in the branding design which involve several parties (especially designers) to process the design components in such a way that the local ethnic culture is not turned into a merely “cosmetic” of brand identity. Through Emotional Branding, someone could make
Sundanese’s culinary as a lifestyle by promoting the authenticity of its tradition supported by the four factors that exist in Emotional Branding.
is documenting the 1995-2008 Indonesia’s comics through systematical and descriptive statistic review. It is an empirical study in order to set the footing for further research on Indonesia’s comics especially on 1995-2008 time periods. It is the starting point of the new and rich yet debatable for its origin and identity of Indonesia’s comic development. Based on research findings, there are three aspects that generate new Indonesia’s comics. They are the competitive spirit that ignites the Indonesia’s comic artists to strive in making comics, abundance of visual and sequential reference in elaborating slice of life and enhancing story in comics from translated manga, and lots of comic events held to make the comic artists busy producing comics and promoting towards new and eager to explore the new taste of Indonesia’s comics.
packaging design of ‘Kiranti’, a herbal ready to drink which is better known as a traditional medicine by earlier Javanese culture. Kiranti as a text is combined by verbal and visual
elements that are meaningful to the readers. How the representation of women and constructions as well as decoding by its consumer are the main questions of this research. Using of discourse analysis method, Kiranti’s text can be traced not only from the visualization, but also of ideas or opinions behind them, such as socio-cultural situation in which Kiranti disseminated. In addition, consideration of readers position as consumers are very important in interpreting the text of Kiranti, because implified particular knowledge in society. Decoding by readers are diverse, ranging from the interpretation of the same message as producer’s intention, differences in interpretation, until modify its message. Visual and verbal elements that appear are the result of the selected signs combination by the producer of meaning, that seeks to utilize conventions that can be accepted easily by society. The combination of the signs are also affected by the construction of discourses, such as codes of Javanese culture, the concept of beauty and menstruating women, as well
as the inherent characteristics of femininity (gender), that represented by visual elements, both graphic imagery (photography and illustration), typography, color, and form of the bottle form.
naga yang ada pada Vihara Satya Budhi, Bandung melalui telaah historis dan budaya untuk mencari dan untuk mengetahui kedudukan simbol dan makna bentuk naga yang ada pada Vihara Satya Budhi. Adanya migrasi masyarakat Cina ke Indonesia turut memberikan pengaruh dan perubahan pada visualisasi naga, namun hal ini tidak berdampak kepada bangunan klenteng yang tetap berpegang teguh pada ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan
oleh leluhur bangsa Cina. Naga merupakan simbol kekuasaan karena sejak dulu sudah disamakan dengan kedudukan kaisar. Selain kekuasaaan, naga juga merupakan simbol kebaikan dan keberuntungan. Temuan penelitian ini adalah kedudukan naga pada atap bangunan klenteng merupakan simbol identitas dari bangunan peribadatan Cina. Selain pada atap posisi naga pada tiang merupakan bentuk yang sering dijumpai. Hal ini merupakan gambaran bahwa masyarakat Cina diharapkan tidak melupakan kebudayaan leluhur. Dan posisi naga pada tempat dupa juga memiliki arti bahwa naga sebagai pemberi keberuntungan kepada umat manusia patut disembah.
masih ada majalah-majalah yang terbit dengan bahasa daerah, maka tentunya menjadi menarik untuk memberikan apresiasi atau kritik terhadap eksistensinya. Pertanyaan
lebih lanjut, apa yang ingin dicapai majalah-majalah ini jika oplahnya minim? Salah satu argumentasi yang bisa dijelaskan adalah masalah ideologi majalah. Tulisan ini hendak menguraikan tanda-tanda visual yang muncul pada sampul majalah Djaka Lodang, sebagai salah satu majalah berbahasa Jawa, kemudian membongkar ideologi yang mengendap di balik tanda-tanda tersebut. Ideologi yang menggerakkan majalah juga menjadi ideologi yang dihadirkan dalam keseluruhan desain majalah.
Objek penelitian adalah majalah ‘Djaka Lodang’, sebuah majalah berbahasa Jawa sebagai contoh kasus untuk mengurai permasalahan ideologi ditampilkan melalui tanda-tanda visual dalam sampulnya. Majalah Djaka Lodang adalah sebuah praktik atau manifestasi ideologi Jawa, karena di dalam majalah tersebut memuat nilai-nilai yang diyakini oleh kebudayaan Jawa sebagai konteks dari majalah itu, serta gagasan yang ingin dikomunikasikan kepada masyarakat Jawa (sasarannya). Sebagai sebuah praktik ideologis, maka tanda-tanda visual yang ada pada majalah berbahasa Jawa bisa diurai dan dimaknai dalam kerangka ideologi Jawa. Pada sampul majalah, tanda-tanda visual menjadi unsur pembangun yang paling dominan yang bisa diurai melalui analisis semiotik untuk melihat argumentasi ideologis yang ada di balik tanda-tanda tersebut.
representation is how the world is constructed and represented through the film media. The approach to study the movie is dynamic picture analyzation based on visualization theory. This approach gives the writer an opportunity to break down the component in a movie into smaller units of representation. According through this research, the writer has concluded that the robot ‘body’ on Surrogates has completely represented the perfection
body of human beings in the 21st century. Appearances and behavior of human body has been successfully sent the message to the audience about the story of this movie. By the
end of this research, the writer has described the variable of body sign representation in the movie as a unity, so that the writer can decide the components and structures to create it.
called as Feng Sui or Hong Sui, is an ancient Chinese way of thinking that emphasize in environment organization. Principles of Feng Shui’s four key points are to produce a positive Qi energy, to maintain stability among Yin and Yang, to produce a productive cycle Wu Xing (Five Elements), and to represent the symbolism from Chinese culture. The purpose of this research is to establish an understanding on the relationship between Western principles of visual art and principles of Feng Shui in logo designs, like the similarities on the way of reading logo as well as the differences. Logo designs were analyzed, described, and explained using Western principles of visual art and principles of Feng Shui’s four key points into three sections, which are visual elements, logo composition, and logo interpretation.
This research used the qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data were collected through several methods, such as interviews and literature reviews. The four stages of analysis procedure are description, formal analysis, interpretation, and evaluation or judgement. Upon completion, there are three findings. First, the way of reading a logo design using the Western principles of visual art is simpler and straightforward than the principles of Feng Shui. Second, several relationships among the two principles were found in visual elements, logo composition, and logo interpretation. Third, the integrations between Western principles of visual art with principles of Feng Shui in a logo design represents its ideologies as well as the ‘shield’ to protect the company from any harm.
convergence and the application of visual icons which represents emotion.The icons that represent emotions, expressions and feelings are titled emoticons. Emoticons are highly used in IT based communication gadgets such as portable PCs or cellulars. This paper develops and depicts the creation process, perception and cultural aspects that influenced the development of emoticon through visual communication design study theoretical and historical review.
can create strong image with high rate of effectiveness and also about the philosophy of Chinese culture contained in the elements that formed identity sign such as name selection, logo shape, Chinese typography, and color, has not been written.
This study assess the existence of restaurant’s/cafe’s identity sign located in Bandung, West Java. By analyzing the elements in Chinese letter identity sign, this study seeks to evaluate the legibility of Chinese letter identity signs. Knowing the exact level of effectiveness of a identity sign for the next design, designers can notice more the recipient background, so they can still functioning as identity sign and convey information about the existence of restaurants and cafes. In addition, this study tries to identify the elements of Chinese culture contained in the Chinese letter identity sign, by elaborating visual element analysis of identity signs, such as: the selection of names, colors, shapes, the usage of symbols in Chinese culture and font type. Chinese society is a society that its culture has evolved over thousands of years. Starting from the color in Chinese culture has its own significance, also typical objects in Chinese culture has profound meaning for the people. Some elements
of Chinese culture can be felt so deeply in restaurant/cafe identity sign that is designed in Chinese letter.
Chinese letter that serves as text to convey information becomes ineffective, because of its presence in Bandung, a city that the majority of communities can not speak Chinese.
Therefore, Chinese characters used in identity signs in Bandung shift their function from text (logotype) to be ornaments (logogram) that give the feel and identity of Chinese. So text message is no longer the main thing to be said, but image is, as a primary goal to be conveyed.
get the advertised credit cards. Each established bank like BNI, BCA, and Mandiri has its own way of advertising its credit card. It was found that the three banks used each own
creative strategy to market or advertise its own credit card and its other credit card-like products.
The purpose of this research to see the similarities among the three banks’ credit cards and among their other credit card-like products, both of which were the subjects of this
study. The methodology used in this study is juxtaposition one. In addition, the approach employed was semiotics. The latter was used to analyze the message construction in
each visual advertisement, particularly in its message meaning and visual sign. Since both the semiotics and creative strategy approach are not adequate to analyze the message construction, the interdisciplinary approach was used. Therefore, advertising, message, and persuasive psychology theory were employed in this study. The advertising theory was used to analyze the anatomy, type, and display of advertisement. As for the message theory, it was used to analyze both the message delivery techniques and the message styles that were used in the advertisements. As to the persuasive psychology, it was used
to analyze the method each credit card advertisement employed in persuading its target audience.
The analyses shows that the credit cards of the three banks shared some similarities and differences as far as the creative strategy is concerned. One of the similarities is that they tend to use emotional strategy in their advertisements although each bank, in fact, use different emotional strategy approach. BNI bank tends to use psychological approach in
its creative strategy; Mandiri Bank tends to use psychological and sociological approach equally; and BCA bank tends to use sociological approach thoroughly in its creative strategy.
that collapsed in the 1980s era. These comics were published by PT Elex Media Komputindo. There are possibilities that these comic artists indirectly also influenced by American and European comics imported and published in Indonesia at the end of 1980 decade. At the
same time, this is an era where these comic artists have possibilities of great significant visual input before Japanese comics influenced them in the 1990s. So, the American and
European comics could possibly had an impact for local comic artists.
The research was done by defining visual storytelling theories before having an insight of the influence of foreign comics to the local comics. These theories would serve as a defining frame for American, European, Japanese comics to describe the influence on Indonesian comics. Some Indonesian comics published by PT Elex Media Komputindo at 2004-2008 span were used as case studies.
From the research studies it had been discovered that American comics have the tendencies to visualize ideal form of human being in heroic acts. European comics have the tendencies to visualize everyday, ordinary characters doing adventures in extraordinary places. Japanese comics have the tendencies to visualize a journey story of a warrior in having his or her skills improved with in depth personal storytelling.
Indonesian comics published by PT Elex Media Komputindo at 2004-2008 span had tendencies to be extensively influenced by Japanese comics. It could also be suggested
by the restraining Japanese comics format proposed to the comic artists by the publisher. But on the other hand, Japanese comics were populer during 2000s decade, making
the Japanese comics the main comic references for the comic artists. The research also discovered that American and European comics that were read also give some minor
influences for the comic artist.
developed by Indonesian game developer. As a game with historical theme, there are some efforts to reconstruct the classical Majapahit social life. Through virtual comodity offered by game, the value and naration of the history potentially change.
This research is aimed to analyse the signs that build a system presenting reality and simulation in the game. In the context of hypersemiotics, the fussion of reality and non
reality is a result of sign using that creates hypereality (hypersigns). Identification of hypersigns explained in simulation frame of character, environment, space and time. Some aspects related to the background of simulation explained in logic of simulation.
As the result of this research found the signs that construct visual element of this game are a system that makes player exist in a virtual world of Majapahit. History aspect has been
through a framing process that makes some events in Majapahit history no longer being dominant in this game. In the other hand, historical aspect seems dominant in the using of Majapahit figure’s name, some visual elements and some things related to legend and myth. History in Nusantara Online game is an artificial history, its naration depends on the player’s choice in experiencing every details of the game. Simulations in the elements of character, environment, space and time are related to contemporary aspect and postmodernism culture where the players live in.
Research was conducted to discover whether visual character transformation from The Sims 2 to The Sims 3 gives off more emotion of enjoyment to characters and creates an interaction between player and character that is entertaining. To achieve this, quantifiable quantitative methods were used to learn a player’s perception about visual character transformation between the two games. Upon ascertaining the player’s perception, emotion elicited from the transformation and discrepancies in interaction were also examined.
The results showed that TS3 has a distinctive character more dynamic and emotional in talking behavior, but omit the features of the content of conversations and background
characters. Perception of respondents on the basis of this assessment that they prefer TS3 polished character of his attitude. This polishment adds visual strength of character
associated with the emergence of identity, character, behavior of speech, emotion and dynamism role. TS3 visual character of the more interesting it makes the interaction
between respondents with TS3 lasted more pleasant character.
mind of the audience target. The creative concept was created to build up the rhetoric to communicate his political message. The main purpose of this research is to know aspects of rhetoric that is used by participants of presidential election 2009 in communicating a political message that reflects the vision and mission through the medium of television political campaign advertisement.
Data in the form of political campaign advertisement of presidential election 2009 television media was analyzed by looking directly series of motion picture which has been captured then described with text analysis method in which the overall visual and narrative elements of advertising is a cultural text that became the focus of the study object. To understand aspects of the rhetoric used in political campaign advertisement of each Indonesian presidential election participants 2009, identified with the method of text analysis which is associated with the theory of rhetoric so that will be known the forms of rhetoric and rhetorical strategies used by each presidential candidate and vice
presidential candidates in communicating their political message and in it represented an ideology which underlying the combination of signs behind those advertisement. While,
understanding the rhetoric of work processes in sign system is identified with the method of text analysis associated with the order of narrative story advertisement. The purpose of understanding of the two main things above is to dissect more critical about aspects of rhetoric, concept of rhetoric and logic rhetoric used in the three advertisements. Critical
understanding that is meant here is comparative analysis of rhetorical strategies of each presidential candidate and vice presidential candidates communicating their political messages to build a visual image through a system of signs which is constructed on a political campaign advertisement on television in relation to the concept of rhetoric and logic of rhetoric of each presidential candidate and vice presidential candidates become a rhetorical discourse Indonesian presidential election advertisement 2009 thoroughly through the process of interpretation.
pada kenyataannya sangat bernuansa teks bahasa bukan ‘teks’ gambar. Atas dasar itu, perlu ditinjau sejauh apa perbedaannya dan sedekat apa persamaan antara tanda pada gambar dengan tanda pada bahasa, tentunya di dalam latar komunikasi rupa.
visual storytelling especially in comics. Especially in Japan, the development of framing, imaging, and methods of designing a sequence which makes the reader easily read the
story through panels in comics are well developed and shared from comic artists toward their assistants. This method is known as graphic narrative and visual storytelling [1] and applied not only on comics but almost on all visual entertainment media and influence each other then creates cycle of media. The cycle of media surfaces simulacra and unique hypereality phenomenon. This paper tries to depict the uniqueness of simulacra of media cycle phenomenon on Ragnarok Online case study in Indonesia which will enrich the study of visual culture.
with spirit. This research itself is a basis for development of game character (research and development). The conclusions derived from this research used as bases for character development, therefore creating a new and distinctive work. Moreover, this research is equipped with preliminary data-collection and narratives about golek and characters derived from literature and interviews. A result from this research is a new kind of characters that have its distinctive side compared to usual characters in the gaming world. Uniqueness is come out from the distinctive side of golek puppetry in performing visual form that’s match
with the personality of the characters performed.
participation both passive and active. If properly created, urban screens can produce relational space that useful to increase the meaning of place. The emergence of relation
between physical space and virtual space, material and immaterial, dynamic and static, and between public and private interests will produce the augmented place. The Augmented place will continually create a new different place from we have known. The existences of new media screen may inspire the public to interact among people and people with the place and in the end creates engagement with the place. This paper contributes to inspire the urban planners to increase the meaning of the place in the city of space which have decreased in space quality and provide motivation for the artists to build interaction between art work and public sphere. This paper will focuses on the emergence of relational space in the form of public response to the urban screen.
yang berbudaya tulis. Masyarakat tutur adalah sekelompok orang yang belum atau tidak terbiasa dengan budaya tulis, masyarakat itu misalnya orang pedalaman (primitif), anakanak, nelayan, petani dan tentunya masyarakat prasejarah. Primadi (1991: 686) dalam penelitiannya menyatakan bahwa gambar yang dibuat masyarakat prasejarah mempunyai derajat kesamaan cara menggambar setinggi 92,105% dengan gambar anak, gambar tradisional dan gambar primitif. Oleh Primadi ketiga gambar itu dimasukkan ke dalam golongan gambar pendahulu, yaitu gambar yang mencerminkan cara berkomunikasi dari
masyarakat tutur.
Bila masyarakat tutur sudah mempunyai cara untuk berkomunikasi melalui gambar, maka tentunya perlu mengkaji sifat-sifat gambar yang terkait dengan tanda-tanda komunikasi. Fokus tulisan ini akan membahas sifat-sifat khas gambar yang menjadi tanda-tanda dalam komunikasi rupa. Pengkajian keilmuan tanda-tanda komunikasi khas gambar didasarkan keilmuan bahasa rupa. Hal ini karena keilmuan bahasa rupa dibangun dalam konteks perupaan, bukan bahasa seperti pada semiotik.
bukan berbasis waktu. Dalam membentuk sebuah cerita melalui urutan visual, terdapat aktivitas pembingkaian, pencitraan, dan sistematika panduan sekuens visual yang membentuk stuktur penuturan visual yang kompleks.
Dalam perkembangan industri komik modern khususnya di Jepang, pembingkaian, pencitraan, dan sistematika keterbacaan urutan visual secara sekuens mendapatkan perhatian yang serius dengan munculnya metode perancangan yang mengarahkan dan memudahkan
pembaca dalam mengikuti alur cerita yang kemudian disebut dengan graphic narrative & visual storytelling [1]. Komik Perempuan Indonesia kontemporer, yaitu komik yang ditujukan bagi pembaca remaja perempuan yang dipengaruhi genre sejenis di Jepang, memiliki pola penuturan yang unik karena kompleksitas informasi yang memasukkan unsur emosi dalam bertutur di luar kompleksitas struktur penuturan visual itu sendiri.
Makalah ini bertujuan menelaah keunikan ini melalui kajian graphic narrative & visual storytelling yang pada akhirnya memperkaya keilmuan budaya visual.
Dalam zaman percepatan teknologi ini, penciptaan desain-desain baru selalu diharapkan. Kekayaan aksara daerah maupun keberagaman budaya visual di Indonesia dapat menjadi ide untuk pembuatan font-font (typefaces) di dalam komputer. Seorang perancang huruf dapat menciptakan huruf-huruf latin yang berkarakter aksara daerah dan budaya visual Nusantara dengan menangkap karakter visual (elemen tradisional) daerah. Penciptaan font tersebut
dapat dipergunakan untuk memperkaya bidang Desain Komunikasi Visual pada masa kini. Tulisan ini menampilkan beberapa eksperimen karya mahasiswa Tugas Akhir DKV-ITB.
Perancangan desain typeface huruf latin dengan karakter Aksara Batak Toba ditempuh antara lain melalui proses penelitian konstruksi visual, anatomi huruf dan kajian elemen-elemen geometris terhadap huruf latin (Roman) dan aksara Batak Toba yang menghasilkan pola dasar desain huruf. Tujuan final seluruh proses penelitian adalah mewujudnyatakan karakter aksara Batak Toba (aksara silabik) ke dalam huruf latin (aksara fonetik) dalam bentuk font komputer yang fungsional.
Nasionalisme Indonesia inilah yang dalam dua dekade terakhir dirasakan semakin menipis, karena gencarnya penyebaran faham kesejagatan dan fenomena posmoderen.
Iklan sebagai media yang setiap hari mempengaruhi masyarakat dianggap berperan dalam hal ini terutama iklan televisi. Banyak iklan-iklan yang menggunakan gaya hidup sebagai strategi pendekatannya, namun ada pula iklan-iklan yang menggunakan pendekatan emosional dengan menyentil rasa memiliki dan kecintaan pada Indonesia, dengan menggunakan ide-ide nasionalisme yang mengejawantah dalam pencitraan iklan televisi. Cara mengejawantah dan kadar nasionalisme yang digunakan berbeda dalam tiap iklan. Tergantung bagaimana keterkaitannya dengan pesan yang ingin disampaikan dalam menciptakan citra produk.
visual sebagai bentuk kolaborasi antar ilmu pada elemen lingkungan binaan khususnya gerbang jalan tol di Indonesia.
Homo sapiens (manusia keturunan Adam-Hawa) mempunyai kemampuan berimajinasi dan sekaligus mewujudkan imajinasinya. Tak ada mahluk Tuhan lainnya yang sanggup
membayangkan imajinasi dan kemudian mewujudkannya.
Garca dan situsnya diyakini menyiratkan informasi yang mencerminkan buah pikiran (perasaan dan pengetahuan) tentang kehidupan dan kepercayaan manusia prasejarah.
Garca hadir dalam suatu ’ruang’ (goa, gunung, cadas, cliff) tertentu yang terkait dengan makna-makna kehidupan manusia prasejarah. Oleh karena itu garca sebagai suatu informasi menyiratkan bagian penting dalam ritual masyarakat prasejarah, sehingga tak heran bila digambarnya pun di lokasi-lokasi (ruang) yang menimbulkan ‘gejolak’ perasaan tertentu bagi masyarakat prasejarah.
Manusia prasejarah yang membuat wujud (visual) garca memang bermaksud agar informasinya tersampaikan kepada para pelihatnya. Mekanisme penyampaian informasi
penggambar garca (kreator, produsen, sender) kepada pelihat garca (pembaca, aseptor, receiver) adalah bagian dari mekanisme komunikasi-visual. Syarat utama berkomunikasi visual tentunya mempunyai pola-pola yang berulang. Dalam kaitan ini, boleh dikatakan pola-pola berulang yang diwujudkan pada garca menyiratkan informasi-informasi yang dipahami manusia prasejarah ketika itu.
Proses kreasi yang mendasari pola-pola itu yang akan ditinjau secara singkat dalam makalah ini, dengan maksud agar dapat lebih menghayati gambar cadas prasejarah. Fokus gambar cadas pada makalah ini adalah mengenai gambar cadas prasejarah Kutai, atau garca Kutai prasejarah.
konvensional antara masa lalu, masa sekarang dan masa depan karena MTV menempatkan dirinya pada masa sekarang yang tanpa batas.
Permasalahan utama penelitian ini menyangkut penggunaan Cara Wimba dan Tata Ungkap pada bumper MTV sebagai sebuah kajian bahasa rupa media rupa rungu dinamis atau lebih populer dengan sebutan media audio visual dinamis. Lebih tegasnya lagi, pertanyaan makalah ini menyangkut persoalan-persoalan tentang: (1) bagaimanakah bahasa rupa yang digunakan MTV pada setiap bumper-nya, ditinjau dari Cara Wimba dan Tata Ungkap; (2) sejauh mana kita mengetahui pemanfaatan Naturalis-Perspektif-Momen Opname dan Ruang-Waktu-Datar pada bumper MTV; (3) bagaimana memahami bumper MTV dapat menjadi identitas dari MTV.
Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mengetahui dan memahami struktur komunikasi visual bumper MTV ditinjau dari Cara Wimba dan Tata Ungkapnya; (2) Mengetahui dan memahami pemanfaatan Naturalis-Perspektif-Momen Opname dan Ruang-Waktu-Datar
pada Bumper MTV; (3) memahami Bumper MTV sebagai identitas dari MTV.
Pengkajian dilakukan dengan melihat langsung gambar hidup dan merujuk ke storyboard yang telah dibuat sebagai panduan, lalu bumper MTV dianalisis dan diuraikan menjadi 2 bagian. Pertama, meninjau dari cara wimba bumper MTV tersebut dengan 5 Cara Wimba. Kedua, meninjau tata ungkap bumper MTV dengan 4 Tata Ungkap. Setelah hasil analisis tersebut didapatkan, kemudian dibandingkan dengan 2 konsep bahasa rupa yaitu: Naturalis-
Perspektif-Momen Opname dan Ruang-Waktu-Datar sebagai perbandingan untuk mencari titik temu sebuah konsep bahasa rupa bumper MTV.
Although people seem to see only the negative impact of this medium, on the contrary there is also the positive side. The power within comic is enormous, but unlike the tsunami-like power that could devastate anything on its path, comic’s power is unlikely otherwise: powerful yet penetrate in silent even to other culture and society as shown through the expansive ‘export’ of Japanese comics, known as manga.
Manga nowadays is known in most part of the world, especially in the South East Asia region. Imported as entertainment medium, manga influence could easily be seen in these countries, especially in Indonesia. Not only it proved to be booming in sales in these ‘foreign’ countries, manga also succeeded in penetrating to their culture, by creating devoted readers turn artists with manga-esque style and storytelling. The majority of young people in Indonesia now draw in this popular manga-esque style, following their favorite manga artists. Furthermore, it also changed how these people ways of reading: from left to right becoming right to left, creating the pretty boys genre in another medium and in the society itself.
Unlike other popular culture medium (such as television) that its influence is clearly shown and catch the attention of people who rise against it, comic had proved otherwise. This
paper is intended to observe how this phenomenon happened through qualitative analysis of comic culture (especially manga), the content within manga and its powerful and cultural influence with a case study of Indonesia.
Internet is described as a many-to-many medium. Games turn out to be one of the first popular settles in the Internet among e-commerce, portals, free advertisers, and sexual
exploitation sites. Online Game becomes a new frontier that could connect people to interact and play similar game on the same time and Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing
Game of Ragnarok is one of the best and successful Online Game worldwide. It is one of the phenomena in online gaming today. Recently, official Ragnarok Online Characters (NPC, Monsters and Players Characters) have developed in quantity approximately 200 and still have possibility to increase. In international Ragnarok Online provider, more than 120,000 customers connected in 12 servers on real time basis at the same time everyday and this exclude local Ragnarok Server provided by several countries with similar number of player.
Ragnarok Online is a virtual representation of reality, it creates and represents visual social semiotics, which became very important element of communication in recent years. As one of visual product in modern culture, the distance between reality and virtual realm become closer and sometimes it blurred and formed new realm. A new dawn of community born in virtual realm and develop in some way that many though it would consume the community
it represented. Is it possible that the characters and environmental design, which is built, really has the enormous attraction? Or is there something else work behind the surface such as the representation and online culture. Although there are many contradictions about the impacts of Ragnarok Online, this paper is endeavors a new insight of Ragnarok Online, which may have not being researched by others. The combination of online culture and virtual media design with interactive and inviting visual interface may open wide the possibility of encountering new methods and keys of success in designing digital media through descriptive analysis.
paradoks-paradoks yang akhirnya mempertanyakan kembali sisi kemanusiaan kita.Teknologi menjadi pisau bermata dua, di satu sisi membuat kita menjadi dimanjakan, sedangkan
di sisi lainnya menjadikan kita terkurung dalam kegalauan yang tak berujung. Kebendaan menjadi tujuan utama, alam material menjadi dominan, Realitas menjadi realitas semu
yang memunculkan banyak simulakra. Film Animasi “The Animatrix” adalah representasi sebuah tesa dan sekaligus prognosis terhadap realitas dari modernitas yang sedang kita
jalani saat ini.