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Sea and coastal areas are locations that have enormous potential that can contribute greatly to the national economic growth. The potential of marine and coastal areas includes the potential of fisheries. Fish life in shallow water or... more
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      SeagrassMarine spatial planningOpen Spatial Data
The Coral Triangle covers an area between the Indian and Pacific oceans that represents the global epicenter of abundant marine life and diversity. The region surrounding these oceans includes some or all of the land and seas of six... more
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      Climate ChangeCoral reef managementMarine spatial planningNatural Resources Economics
the development of a decentralized marine spatial planning is enacted through Coastal Zone and Small Island Management of 2007.
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Sea and coastal areas are locations that have enormous potential that can contribute greatly to the national economic growth. The potential of marine and coastal areas includes the potential of fisheries. Fish life in shallow water or... more
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      BusinessSeagrassMarine spatial planningOpen Spatial Data
Located within the Coral Triangle marine biodiversity hotspot, Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (NP MPA) is situated approximately 32 kilometers (km) off the Southeast coast of Bali Island. As a popular tourism destination, NP-MPA... more
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      Marine Protected AreasSustainable TourismWildlife ConservationMarine and Fisheries Policy
Nusa Lembongan has high marine biodiversity, one of which is seagrass. Seagrasses are Angiospermae, that live submerged in the water and grow well in shallow marine waters and estuaries. Seagrasses are not true grasses. Although they are... more
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      SeagrassZostera Marina
Warming due to Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is often found in cities with highly dense built-up areas where the ambient temperature is higher than their surroundings. Global warming, which has become a growing concern for the past... more
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Autonomous decision-making in this study is defined as the process where decision-makers have the freedom and ability to find problems, select goals, and make decisions for achieving the selected problems/goals by themselves. Autonomous... more
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This paper develops an evaluation method for assessing autonomous decision-making performance and demonstrates it using a case study. Focusing on community decision-making practice in energy-environmental innovation projects, a... more
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      Decision MakingCommunity Engagement & ParticipationEnergy
Sumba Iconic Island is a collective program established by the national government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) with various governmental and international institutions such as the National Electricity... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergy Governance
This paper develops an evaluation method for assessing autonomous decision-making performance and demonstrates it using a case study. Focusing on community decision-making practice in energy-environmental innovation projects, a... more
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      Decision MakingCommunity Engagement & ParticipationEnergySustainability
Sumba Iconic Island is a collective program established by the national government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) with various governmental and international institutions such as the National Electricity... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergy GovernanceISoCARP
Puti Rahel 15409013
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      TUGAS AKHIRTUGAS AKHIR SKRIPSIUntuk Menyelesaikan Tugas AkhirSebagai Referensi Tugas Akhir
Desa wisata merupakan salah satu atraksi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan serta memberikan kontribusi yang positif bagi masyarakat. Dalam membangun desa wisata hal yang penting ialah sebuah komitmen antara pemerintah serta aparat desa,... more
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      SociologyUniversitas Majalengka
In Indonesia, tourism is recognized as a science that allows granting a permit for establishing an undergraduate-level study program for tourism education in 2006. Various campuses in Indonesia have since opened tourism study programs. On... more
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      Tourism GeographyTourism
Problems and challenges in increasing the knowledge of partners who are ready to compete in serving tourists can be done through the interpretation of cultural arts. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of cultural arts... more
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The development of the digital technology affects how humans perceive aesthetics in digital media. Including how the Indonesia gastronomic presentation is perceived in digital media both visually and audio. Gastronomy is the study of food... more
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      GastronomyDigital MediaSocial MediaMedia
Kawasan Industri yang ada di Cikarang Bekasi memiliki posisi strategis dan peran penting sebagai Special Economic Zone di Zona Internasional (ZONI), namun selama ini keberadaan kawasan tersebut masih bersifat enclave sehingga belum mampu... more
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    • Public Policy
Despite being a common practice in other countries, bonus zoning is still relatively new in Indonesia. Bonus zoning is a zoning regulation tool that allows developers to increase density in exchange for the improvement or provision of... more
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      BusinessGeographyEnvironmental PlanningZoning