Papers by Deny Willy Junaidy
Journal, 2022
Amid the significant growth of the scooter market in Indonesia, investment considerations have en... more Amid the significant growth of the scooter market in Indonesia, investment considerations have encouraged manufacturers to market more global and regional scooter designs, which may not necessarily suit the preferences of Indonesian consumers. In light of the importance of design as an influential reason for purchasing scooters in Indonesia, this study seeks to enhance the understanding of Indonesian consumer preferences for scooter design by examining the affective preferences of gender and age group towards the design attribute of body character, which was selected as this predominantly shape the overall appearance of scooters.

Design entrepreneurship is growing significantly in most countries. More designers are seeking fu... more Design entrepreneurship is growing significantly in most countries. More designers are seeking full- and part- time roles as entrepreneurs than before. With growing global market competitiveness, designers must pay more attention to design entrepreneurship. This study investigated the domain specificity of creativity in five young design entrepreneurs, particularly in decision-making when leading design critiques with protocol analysis. We used linkography to understand verbal expressions of personality traits, thinking styles, and motivations during critique sessions. To determine creative domain specificity, we analyzed correlations between creative design decision-making and specificity. We determined that conscientiousness had the highest mean score (37.47), and agreeableness, the lowest (12.34), suggesting young design entrepreneurs’ tendency to exhibit conscientiousness in domain specificity of creativity; they skillfully focus on specific objectives, and they organize and work diligently. However, they are unlikely to have agreeable personality traits: they do not easily follow other people but show idealism in their ability to lead their teams’ design decisions. Intrinsic motivation had the highest mean score (50.45), suggesting that participants aptly made decisions based on self-determination, self-perception, and an orientation toward their desired professional achievement. This study was important in that the findings could be implemented in design curricula for improving designers’ capacity.

This paper aims to study the characteristics of thought of 3D digital architects by using content... more This paper aims to study the characteristics of thought of 3D digital architects by using content analysis. First, we determine two factors: the theory of interactivity in digital media and the study of early thoughts concerning imagination. These factors are set in order to analyse the heterogeneous information of the thought of 3D digital architects. Next, a survey is conducted through the official website and other Internet resources that have published comments of four popular figures in 3D digital architecture: Frank O. Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Daniel Libeskind and Thom Mayne, which were then analysed through content analysis. This study introduces the characteristic of thought of 3D digital architects; this characteristic demands the engagement of virtuality and imagination. The findings of this study will encourage digital architects to direct their characteristic of thought towards virtuality and imagination.

book chapter, 2017
Research on strategy and practice of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) is an emerging field... more Research on strategy and practice of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) is an emerging field. Di erent industries and regions have various adaptations by digital- ization, ICT, design, research, tourism, cultural heritage, new media, and also con- nectivity, collaboration and innovation. Each subject contributes to and correlates in the chain of process that becomes much shorter and e cient in the future practice of CCIs. This chapter gives a brief introduction to current CCI figures and after that it will focus on CCI trends in Southeast Asia (SEA with countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE countries as Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania).
Citation: Feher, K., Junaidy, D. W., Larasati, D., Kovacs, A. & Rahardjo, B. (2017) Prospects of Creative Industries and Digital Economy. Perspectives from Southeast Asia and Central Europe. In. Novak, T. (ed) Go Hungary – Go Indonesia: Understanding Economic and Business Issues. Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences, pp.151-172. ISBN: 978-615-5607-26-4
Presentation given in accordance to:
Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP) - FLAGSHIP INDUSTRY
Resea... more Presentation given in accordance to:
Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP) - FLAGSHIP INDUSTRY
Research funding: Ministry of Education ,Malaysia; Malaysian Timber Industry Board
Title: Design Prototype for Commercial Commodity Sector: Rattan Material
Reference to this poster should be made as follows:
Al Rashid, A.H., Junaidy, D.W., Nor Hamizah, A.H., Muhamad Ezran, Z.A., Mohd Firuz, M.A., Mohd Firdaus, M.H. (2016). Rattan Furniture Design-Training Delivery Towards Commercial Value of Commodity Sector. In Abstract of 3rd National Conference on Knowledge Transfer (NCKT 2016).

Rattans are the climbing palms whose bare stem is used in the construction of cane furniture and ... more Rattans are the climbing palms whose bare stem is used in the construction of cane furniture and mats. It is a vine that grows in tropical forests and is used primarily in the furniture industry. In 2014, the export of rattan furniture in Malaysia is ranked lowest with a value of RM 35,149,879.00 compared with wooden furniture exports valued at RM 6,328,334,275.00. The decline in the value of exports in the sector will affect revenues and indirectly rattan furniture industry will decline. This could also risk of loss of job to the producer of rattan furniture. There are three phases conducted in this programme which are: presenting the ideas, fabricating process and commercialization. It is believed with this knowledge transfer programme, those who engaged in rattan production will receive the most immediate benefits. This article provides an academic perspective on the contribution of industrial design academic to both innovation and performance. This perspective could be referred and adapted by rattan industry players in Malaysia to be more updated and be aligned with current R&D process. This would enable them to compete with international market. With more proper design and development process, rattan furniture producers could produce more desirable products that attract foreign buyers and increase the export of rattan industry.
Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa lembaga-lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini di Bandung masih sangat min... more Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa lembaga-lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini di Bandung masih sangat minim memiliki alat permainan. Adapun salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah karena minimnya dana. Mainan anak yang tersedia saat ini belum mempertimbangkan kontribusi aspek-aspek perkembangan anak secara serius, umumnya masih terlihat mengandalkan keunggulan rupa, seperti warna dan bentuk.
Pengembangan piranti permainan alternatif bagi Pendidikan Anak Dini Usia dini (PADU : 4-6 tahun) ini merupakan hasil rekayasa penelitian yang juga melibatkan kegiatan pemberdayaan kewirausahaan kaum muda kawasan pemukiman padat di Lebak Siliwangi, Bandung.

Diantara sekian banyak komoditas buah-buahan yang dihasilkan oleh Jawa Barat salah satunya adalah... more Diantara sekian banyak komoditas buah-buahan yang dihasilkan oleh Jawa Barat salah satunya adalah buah salak, dikenal dengan salak Manonjaya. Daerah penghasil salak di Jawa Barat sebagian besar dihasilkan dari Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, 6 kecamatan sebagai penghasil utama salak, yaitu Kecamatan Cibalong, Cineam, Manonjaya, Cibeureum, Kawalu, dan Sukaraja, dengan total luas areal perkebunan lokal ± 7.831 ha dan Salak Super ± 350 ha. Budidaya Salak berperan besar bagi hajat hidup masyarakat Tasikmalaya. Kecamatan Cineam merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang memiliki potensi alam yang cukup melimpah khususnya buah-buahan seperti: salak, dukuh, nangka, rambutan, pisang, dls. Diantara sekian banyak buah-buahan yang berada di Cineam, buah salak merupakan komoditas utama. Hal ini terlihat dengan terdapatnya ribuan hektar kebun salak atau boleh dikatakan hampir seluruh wilayah Kecamatan Cineam didominasi oleh salak. Perkebunan salak di Cineam merupakan kebun milik rakyat yang dikelola oleh penduduk secara mandiri. Salak Cineam dari sangat berperan penting bagi roda perekonomian masyarakat boleh dikatakan sebagai ujung tombak perekonomian Cineam. Kenyataan tersebut dapat dilihat dimana sebagian besar penduduk Cineam memiliki kebun salak yang secara tidak langsung juga menjadi petani salak. Salak Cineam mampu menghasilkan ratusan ton dalam setiap bulannya apalagi pada musim salak yang biasanya terjadi pada peralihan dari musim hujan ke musim kemarau. Pemasaran salak Cineam meliputi Bandung, Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Cirebon, Purwakarta, Kuningan dll. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa salak Cineam adalah pemasok utama salak Jawa Barat.

Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC2012)
This research proposes a new approach for creative design based on comprehension of human feeling... more This research proposes a new approach for creative design based on comprehension of human feelings during user interface operation. The discussed method in this approach captures verbal input during interface operation through protocol analysis, and it identifies words and expressions which indicate the comfort of mind experienced by humans. Further, the method employs associative concept network analysis to identify the in-depth impressions, which are inexplicit indicators of comfort of mind, behind the verbalized words. In-depth impressions of subjects, identified during an experimental study in which they used operational devices in vehicles, indicate their level of comfort of mind with the product interface. Applying the proposed method, such impressions can be used further in the creative design of future products so that they will provide comfort of mind to users.
JAIST Fellowship Report Presentation
The craQsmen's graph (red) has been placed over the designers' graph (grey). Figure 4: A model of... more The craQsmen's graph (red) has been placed over the designers' graph (grey). Figure 4: A model of design delivery to challenge craQsman's cogni6ve fixedness to extreme level.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Design Creativity (3rd ICDC)
This study focused on parent-child interaction, specifically, formative play and communication in... more This study focused on parent-child interaction, specifically, formative play and communication in stimulating co-creative play. The findings indicate that indulging in role-taking behavior (i.e., taking over a task for their child) and intense interaction lead to collectivity that is less productive to originality. Thus, in the study, more openness and collectivity created distraction when the children analyzed the task at hand. Stronger collectivity or openness offered the children an apprentice-like experience that allowed them to acquire a formative skill (i.e., craftsmanship), whereas individuality stimulated their exploratory thinking (creativity).

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Design Creativity (3rd ICDC)
This study aims to detect the meta-contents of design creativity in modern society, which has sha... more This study aims to detect the meta-contents of design creativity in modern society, which has shaped the development of such designed products. To identify the meta-contents of design creativity, we investigated cognitive features through design discourse using the qualitative analysis Based on the survey to define design cognition focusing on the mindset of humans by discourse analysis; we identified the cognitive features underlying creative design ideas, comparing those in designers and craft artisans, to identify both inner and social senses. Second, we discuss the meta-contents of design creativity characterized in industrial development by bridging the local meta-contents determined by the content analysis. The discussions in this work approached the nature of human creativity based on the investigation of the cognition and meta-contents of design creativity. The results could help deepen the creativity of design thinkers.

Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design
Comfortability of operation is essential for the success of the products. Particularly in the cas... more Comfortability of operation is essential for the success of the products. Particularly in the case of vehicle interface operation various situations exist, and the evaluation of comfortability is difficult. We aim to investigate elements of comfortability and capture comfortability during-the-operation while operating a vehicle interface. We focus on skin conductance response as an indicator of human comfortability. We conducted and experiment investigating operation of three types of devices in two different vehicles. We analyzed a set of quantitative parameters of skin conductance and compared them to the conventional evaluations of comfortability from these devices using questionnaire. In this particular situation of operating three types of devices, the results show a common tendency between these parameters and the subjects’ evaluations. The investigation of comfortability using skin conductance can aid comparison of comfortability from different devices operations. We outline future work on extensive evaluation of comfortability during vehicle interface operations.

Junaidy, D.W., Kaner, J., Ioras, F. and Nagai, Y. (2015). J. Design Research, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp.395–423, 2015
At the very early stage of idea generation, allegedly, a master craftsperson encounters cognitive... more At the very early stage of idea generation, allegedly, a master craftsperson encounters cognitive dissonance to maintain beliefs/mindsets from various conceptual stimuli. We aim to capture the underlying form of cognition by examining the structure of thoughts collected from the subjective conceptualisation. A think-aloud protocol was employed to obtain verbalised thoughts of both Indonesian and UK master craftsmen. The keywords of verbalised thoughts were evaluated and extracted using a list of typical mindsets. The evaluated keywords were then analysed by means of a conceptual network to reproduce a model of the individual's mental state. This study discovered that Indonesian master craftsmen's conceptualisation is greatly influenced by the strong typical mindsets of object-attribute that emphasise rationale and mastery, which stimulates a pragmatic viewpoint. Furthermore, UK master craftsmen's conceptualisation greatly considers strong typical mindsets of object-attribute that emphasise wisdom and passionate, which indicates a rigorous mind. This paper reveals that both pragmatic and rigorous mindsets can create potential or barriers for creative cognitive resources.

This paper investigated the in-depth cognitive levels of artisans (craft artisans) and designers ... more This paper investigated the in-depth cognitive levels of artisans (craft artisans) and designers (design trainers) as they observed design problems (in the early stage of idea generation) during design training. A concept network method based on the associative concept dictionary was employed to extract the verbalized thoughts of four artisans and four designers. We then identified semantic relationships based on a factor analysis. We discovered that, in contrast to designers, artisans tended to activate lower in-depth cognitive levels. Our study demonstrated that artisans placed greater focus on product appearance and technical aspects, such as operation (replace, reduce, etc.) and shape (waist, body, etc.). In contrast, designers paid greater attention to the presence of issues related to surroundings, such as scene (silverware, norm, etc.) and appeal (fresh, dish, etc.). These results demonstrate that closely or remotely associated concepts correlate with shallow or in-depth cognitive levels based on creative solutions.

This paper investigates the in-depth cognitive levels at the early stage of idea generation for c... more This paper investigates the in-depth cognitive levels at the early stage of idea generation for craftsmen and designers. Examining this early stage may explain the fundamental thoughts in observing and defining design problems. We conducted an experiment using think-aloud protocol, where verbalized thoughts were analyzed using a concept network method based on associative concept analysis. Furthermore, we identified semantic relationships based on Factor Analysis. The findings showed that craftsmen tended to activate low-weighted associative concepts at in-depth cognitive level with a smaller number of polysemous features, thus explaining their concerns about tangible-related issues, such as proportion and shape. Designers, however, activated highly weighted associative concepts with more polysemous features, and they were typically concerned with intangible issues, such as surroundings context (i.e., eating culture) and users’ affective preferences (i.e., companion, appeal).
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers

Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition
Our goal was to understand potential aspects of cognitive fixedness in people who possess traditi... more Our goal was to understand potential aspects of cognitive fixedness in people who possess traditional viewpoints. We conducted an experiment that involved design training (in-studio design and creativity training). We observed several stages of idea generation during which artisans generated ideas for new design of traditional wooden sandals. During the first stage, artisans were challenged to generate ideas at extreme levels based on their prior knowledge. We examined their conceptual sketches and verbalized thoughts to obtain stimuli (stimulating keywords). Interestingly, the stimuli, painful, broken, and upside-down, did not match their fundamental knowledge and conceptions of sandals related to criteria, "continuity" and "appropriateness." During the second stage, the artisans redeveloped previous ideas by employing stimulating keywords.
Papers by Deny Willy Junaidy
Citation: Feher, K., Junaidy, D. W., Larasati, D., Kovacs, A. & Rahardjo, B. (2017) Prospects of Creative Industries and Digital Economy. Perspectives from Southeast Asia and Central Europe. In. Novak, T. (ed) Go Hungary – Go Indonesia: Understanding Economic and Business Issues. Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences, pp.151-172. ISBN: 978-615-5607-26-4
Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP) - FLAGSHIP INDUSTRY
Research funding: Ministry of Education ,Malaysia; Malaysian Timber Industry Board
Title: Design Prototype for Commercial Commodity Sector: Rattan Material
Reference to this poster should be made as follows:
Al Rashid, A.H., Junaidy, D.W., Nor Hamizah, A.H., Muhamad Ezran, Z.A., Mohd Firuz, M.A., Mohd Firdaus, M.H. (2016). Rattan Furniture Design-Training Delivery Towards Commercial Value of Commodity Sector. In Abstract of 3rd National Conference on Knowledge Transfer (NCKT 2016).
Pengembangan piranti permainan alternatif bagi Pendidikan Anak Dini Usia dini (PADU : 4-6 tahun) ini merupakan hasil rekayasa penelitian yang juga melibatkan kegiatan pemberdayaan kewirausahaan kaum muda kawasan pemukiman padat di Lebak Siliwangi, Bandung.
Citation: Feher, K., Junaidy, D. W., Larasati, D., Kovacs, A. & Rahardjo, B. (2017) Prospects of Creative Industries and Digital Economy. Perspectives from Southeast Asia and Central Europe. In. Novak, T. (ed) Go Hungary – Go Indonesia: Understanding Economic and Business Issues. Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences, pp.151-172. ISBN: 978-615-5607-26-4
Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP) - FLAGSHIP INDUSTRY
Research funding: Ministry of Education ,Malaysia; Malaysian Timber Industry Board
Title: Design Prototype for Commercial Commodity Sector: Rattan Material
Reference to this poster should be made as follows:
Al Rashid, A.H., Junaidy, D.W., Nor Hamizah, A.H., Muhamad Ezran, Z.A., Mohd Firuz, M.A., Mohd Firdaus, M.H. (2016). Rattan Furniture Design-Training Delivery Towards Commercial Value of Commodity Sector. In Abstract of 3rd National Conference on Knowledge Transfer (NCKT 2016).
Pengembangan piranti permainan alternatif bagi Pendidikan Anak Dini Usia dini (PADU : 4-6 tahun) ini merupakan hasil rekayasa penelitian yang juga melibatkan kegiatan pemberdayaan kewirausahaan kaum muda kawasan pemukiman padat di Lebak Siliwangi, Bandung.
This chapter gives a brief introduction to current CCI figures and after that it will focus on CCI trends in Southeast Asia (SEA with countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE countries as Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania).
Citation: Feher, K., Junaidy, D. W., Larasati, D., Kovacs, A. & Rahardjo, B. (2017) Prospects of Creative Industries and Digital Economy. Perspectives from Southeast Asia and Central Europe. In. Novak, T. (ed) Go Hungary – Go Indonesia: Understanding Economic and Business Issues. Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences, pp.151-172. ISBN: 978-615-5607-26-4