Sofia Charvel
Mexico City
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Papers by Sofia Charvel
Salud asociado con iniciativas de comunicación social de
las campañas de prevención de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores (Zika, chikunguña y dengue) y la evaluación de impacto o resultados. Material y métodos. La información se obtuvo de 690 contratos de prestación de servicios de comunicación social (2015-2017), asociados con dos declaraciones de emergencia epidemiológica (EE2-2015 y EE-1-2016). Resultados. Se concluye una débil evaluación de impacto del gasto público. No existe evidencia suficiente que demuestre la correspondencia del gasto en comunicación social con la efectividad y cumplimiento de las campañas. Conclusiones. Los hallazgos permiten definir recomendaciones para vigilar, transparentar y hacer más
eficiente el gasto público. Existe información pública sobre el gasto; sin embargo, es necesario garantizar mecanismos de transparencia, trazabilidad de contratos y evaluación de impacto de las campañas.
To briefly describe and to analyze, the expenditure of the Minister of Health associated with social communication campaigns for the prevention of vector-transmitted
diseases (Zika, chikungunya and dengue). Materials and
methods. The information was obtained through the analysis of 690 contracts for the provision of social communication services (2015-2017). The analyzed contracts are linked with two epidemiological emergency declarations (EE-2-2015, EE-1-2016). Results. The analysis concludes a weak evaluation of the impact of public spending. There is not enough evidence to show the correspondence of social communication spending with the effectiveness and compliance of the campaigns aim goals. Conclusions. Findings allow defining
recommendations to monitor public spending. There are
platforms that provide information on social communication spending; however, it is necessary to guarantee transparency, accountability and the governance of those responsible for social communication and official advertising and strengthen
outcomes evaluation mechanisms.
SUMMARY This article pursues three goals: to describe the obstacles that in Mexico faces the complete exigibility of the right to health, to present the main problems arising in what, generally speaking, could be referred to as "relations between law and health", and finally to offer some proposals in order to reach a working relation between the aforementioned disciplines.
investment of former administrations, and due to poorly-implemented reforms made by the current
9/7/2020 Human Rights at Risk During the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico | Bill of Health
https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2020/06/01/mexico-global-responses-covid19/ 2/8
In Mexico, the design of a response plan during a health crisis relies on Executive Power. At the
Federal level two mechanisms exist to do so, and are established in the Constitution: the suspension
of rights and the power of the Sanitary Health Council (CSG in Spanish).
Salud asociado con iniciativas de comunicación social de
las campañas de prevención de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores (Zika, chikunguña y dengue) y la evaluación de impacto o resultados. Material y métodos. La información se obtuvo de 690 contratos de prestación de servicios de comunicación social (2015-2017), asociados con dos declaraciones de emergencia epidemiológica (EE2-2015 y EE-1-2016). Resultados. Se concluye una débil evaluación de impacto del gasto público. No existe evidencia suficiente que demuestre la correspondencia del gasto en comunicación social con la efectividad y cumplimiento de las campañas. Conclusiones. Los hallazgos permiten definir recomendaciones para vigilar, transparentar y hacer más
eficiente el gasto público. Existe información pública sobre el gasto; sin embargo, es necesario garantizar mecanismos de transparencia, trazabilidad de contratos y evaluación de impacto de las campañas.
To briefly describe and to analyze, the expenditure of the Minister of Health associated with social communication campaigns for the prevention of vector-transmitted
diseases (Zika, chikungunya and dengue). Materials and
methods. The information was obtained through the analysis of 690 contracts for the provision of social communication services (2015-2017). The analyzed contracts are linked with two epidemiological emergency declarations (EE-2-2015, EE-1-2016). Results. The analysis concludes a weak evaluation of the impact of public spending. There is not enough evidence to show the correspondence of social communication spending with the effectiveness and compliance of the campaigns aim goals. Conclusions. Findings allow defining
recommendations to monitor public spending. There are
platforms that provide information on social communication spending; however, it is necessary to guarantee transparency, accountability and the governance of those responsible for social communication and official advertising and strengthen
outcomes evaluation mechanisms.
SUMMARY This article pursues three goals: to describe the obstacles that in Mexico faces the complete exigibility of the right to health, to present the main problems arising in what, generally speaking, could be referred to as "relations between law and health", and finally to offer some proposals in order to reach a working relation between the aforementioned disciplines.
investment of former administrations, and due to poorly-implemented reforms made by the current
9/7/2020 Human Rights at Risk During the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico | Bill of Health
https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2020/06/01/mexico-global-responses-covid19/ 2/8
In Mexico, the design of a response plan during a health crisis relies on Executive Power. At the
Federal level two mechanisms exist to do so, and are established in the Constitution: the suspension
of rights and the power of the Sanitary Health Council (CSG in Spanish).