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There are several tools in the literature that support innovation in organizations. Some of the most cited are the so-called technology roadmapping methods, also known as TRM. However, these methods are designed primarily for... more
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      MarketingBusiness and Management
The use of technology development process (TDP) models by the enterprises can contribute to the usage control of natural resources of technologies before or after its integration on products, services or processes. Although the choice of... more
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    • Management of Innovation
RESUMO As aeronaves estão sujeitas a restrições em suas operações nos aeroportos durante o pouso, sendo as condições meteorológicas uma de suas principais. Algumas tecnologias de navegação aérea têm sido desenvolvidas para diminuir o... more
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      Air TransportAir Traffic Management
Um aeroporto inteligente é caracterizado pela melhoria da produtividade nas condições de agilidade, eficácia e eficiência. O tema aeroportos inteligentes é um assunto novo e o estudo do presente artigo, através da revisão sistemática,... more
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    • Aeroportos
A satisfação do passageiro em aeroportos é tema de grande importância para a comunidade científica e para o operador, dado que o usuário se trata de um importante cliente ao aeroporto. Observa-se, na literatura nacional e internacional,... more
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      Airport DevelopmentData Envelopment AnalysisAirportsTransportes
O agronegócio apresenta contribuições significativas para o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) de Goiás, sendo a soja um dos principais produtos da economia goiana. A logística relacionada a esse produto, por sua vez, representa um dos maiores... more
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There are different tools to support the innovation planning, however, the paradigm of open innovation shows that there is a need to adopt different partners in the development of technology, product, service or process, and many of the... more
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      Open InnovationInnovation processStrategic PlanTechnology Investment
This study provides an analysis of airline ticket price and its determinants, such as operating costs, supply and demand. The research aimed to establish the relationship between ticket price and these influencing variables, using a... more
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Purpose: This study proposes a conceptual model of level of service evaluation to a small-sized airport with a focus on departing passengers.Design/Methodology: The variables selected to compose the model were chosen according to their... more
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The business models innovation in airlines can contribute to the creation of value, competitive advantage and profitability with new possibilities of action. The proposed paper aimed to identify the business models adopted by airlines and... more
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    • Innovation
The existing relations between the supply of air transport services and economic development have been a relevant area of research in transport management. This study aims to analyze the influence of the productive performance of some... more
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It is anticipated that the next twenty years the air transport will present an increase of almost double the growth rate of world GDP. This accelerated expansion of the sector has caused some negative consequences, such as the significant... more
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Purpose Roadmapping has been used as an approach to support market, product and technology-integrated planning, resulting in a document commonly known as a roadmap. Despite the gains made in relation to the technique, recent studies... more
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    • Innovation Management
Identifying the main characteristics of geometric designs of landing runways and takeoffs at small airports becomes necessary for the optimization of investments as well as the offer of operational safety. This study identifies the... more
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According to the strategic innovation paradigm, service companies have their innovative efforts guided by market needs, so customer demand is crucial to successful innovation. However, the service literature about air transportation has... more
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The city of Barretos in Brazil has the largest cancer treatment center in Latin America, the Barretos Hospital of Cancer (HCB). The hospital provides medical care to about 4,000 daily. These patients come from about 1,600 cities,... more
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Problemas associados aos atrasos e cancelamentos de voos impactam significativamente o desenvolvimento do setor de aviação. Condições climáticas desfavoráveis estão entre algumas das principais razões para esses problemas, o que demanda a... more
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    • Transportes
Studies about airport operational efficiency models generally disregard the correlation between operational efficiencies and economic drivers. The goal of this study is, firstly, to isolate and detail the key economic drivers and then... more
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    • Operations and Supply Chain Management
The choice of fleet by a given airline must consider different elements associated with both the aircraft and the airports to be operated, making it necessary a method to assist the aircraft choice process. This study assesses the... more
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This study seeks to identify factors associated with both airports costs and revenues, specifically in the context of small airports. The main variables of airports costs and revenues, applied in small airports, and data from small... more
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