

Tutti i temi



Questo tema non è stato aggiornato da più di 2 anni. Potrebbe non essere più manutenuto o supportato e potrebbe presentare problemi di compatibilità quando utilizzato con versioni più recenti recenti di WordPress.

  • Versione 1.2.7
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 4 Gennaio 2019
  • Installazioni attive 600+
  • Versione WordPress 4.6.0

Tuto is a free flat-design magazine and blog WordPress theme which is suitable for modern online magazines, dynamic news websites, blogs and other content-focused websites from any content genre like technology, sports, business, lifestyle, fashion, travel or anything else. This fully responsive WordPress theme displays your content beautifully and well-organized on all kinds of desktop and mobile devices. Tuto is very user-friendly and can easily be configured through the theme options panel within the WordPress customizer. You can display your latest posts feed in a modern and appealing design including some nice CSS3 effects and animations. This free magazine theme also supports WordPress post formats and you may further choose between two archive layouts, change the sidebar position (right/left), make use of custom widgets and more.

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Installazioni attive: 600+