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Questo tema non è stato aggiornato da più di 2 anni. Potrebbe non essere più manutenuto o supportato e potrebbe presentare problemi di compatibilità quando utilizzato con versioni più recenti recenti di WordPress.

  • Versione 1.0.3
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 23 Marzo 2021
  • Installazioni attive 70+
  • Versione PHP 5.6

Incise- decorate your WordPress site with this theme. Mainly known for its amazing flexibility and multipurpose use, Incise is mostly considered as the feminine blog theme. It is suitable for the starter blog as it is clean & lightweight and most importantly, it is SEO ready. Additionally, it has the logo option available, copyright text option, header image option and also the footer section can be customized in an easy manner. Both header text & sub text can be used in the header section, and it is completely mobile responsive. The theme is cross browser compatible and can supports all the WordPress plugin.

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Installazioni attive: 70+


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