Tag: block
Embed PDF Viewer
(19 valutazioni totali)Embed a PDF from the Media Library or elsewhere via oEmbed or as a block into an iframe tag.
Gutena Forms – Contact Forms Block
(7 valutazioni totali)Light-weight and easy plugin create forms inside the block editor.
Content Blocks (Custom Post Widget)
(79 valutazioni totali)This plugin enables you to edit and display Content Blocks in a sidebar widget or using a shortcode.
Snow Monkey Forms
(5 valutazioni totali)The Snow Monkey Forms is a mail form plugin for the block editor.
Highlighting Code Block
(21 valutazioni totali)Add code block with syntax highlighting using prism.js. (Available for Gutenberg and Classic Editor)
Accordion Blocks
(36 valutazioni totali)Gutenberg block for creating responsive accordion drop-downs.
YASR – Yet Another Star Rating Plugin for WordPress
(320 valutazioni totali)Migliora il modo in cui le persone interagiscono con il tuo sito con un semplice sistema di rating per WordPress! Con i dati strutturati YASR migliorera la tua SEO
Lightbox for Gallery & Image Block
(82 valutazioni totali)Adds a simple & lightweight Lightbox to the standard WordPress Gallery & Image Block. No lock in and no dependencies.
SimpleTOC – Table of Contents Block
(72 valutazioni totali)SEO-friendly Table of Contents Gutenberg block. No JavaScript and no CSS means faster loading.
IP Location Block
(29 valutazioni totali)Easily setup location block based on the visitor country by using ip and asn details. Protects your site from spam, login attempts, zero-day exploits, …
BlockSpare: Gutenberg Blocks & Patterns for Blogs, Magazines, Business Sites – Post Grids, Sliders, Carousels, Counters, Page Builder & Starter Site Imports, No Coding Needed
(27 valutazioni totali)Effortless Drag & Drop Website Building, and Starter Templates Imports, No Coding Needed
Advanced Post Block- Great solution for displaying Posts
(16 valutazioni totali)Enhance Your Post Displays in Gutenberg with Advanced Layouts. Create Grids, Masonry, Sliders, or Tickers Easily. Transform your posts now!
Elementor Blocks for Gutenberg
(17 valutazioni totali)Elementor Blocks for Gutenberg, officially created by Elementor Page Builder, allows you to easily insert any Elementor template into Gutenberg.
Qubely – Advanced Gutenberg Blocks
(65 valutazioni totali)Readymade gutenberg blocks and sections with rich customization options. Enhance Gutenberg editor with easy UI and functional blocks.
Lightweight Accordion
(57 valutazioni totali)Simple accordion for adding collapse elements to pages without affecting page load time. Includes Gutenberg block and shortcode for classic editor.
Meow Gallery
(179 valutazioni totali)Una galleria bella e curata, costruita per essere semplice e veloce. Presenta un blocco galleria, uno shortcode o sostituisce la galleria standard di WordPress.
PDF Viewer Block for Gutenberg
(7 valutazioni totali)A simple and 100% free Gutenberg Block to display PDF Viewers / Readers on your website.
Advance Custom HTML
(2 valutazioni totali)This plugin lets you write, display, and preview code output elegantly in WordPress. Enjoy interactive features and customizable styling options.