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WooCommerce Wishlist (High customization, fast setup, Free Elementor Wishlist, most features)

WooCommerce Wishlist (High customization, fast setup, Free Elementor Wishlist, most features)


🚀 Supercharge your WooCommerce sales with the MoreConvert WooCommerce Wishlist plugin. How? Read on to find out!

Versione gratuita:
WooCommerce Wishlist: Crea facilmente le liste dei desideri.
– Belle icone in varie posizioni + shortcode
Elementor Widgets: Personalizza con Elementor
Oltre 100 integrazioni con plugin e temi.
– Alta personalizzazione e configurazione veloce.

📚 DOCUMENTATION |✨ 23 Significant Update in 2023 |⚡ Swift and Attentive Support Team

Premium Version:
– Back-in-Stock Notifier: Alert when items return.
– Save Cart for later: Retain shopping carts.
– Advanced Analytics: Uncover user insights.
– Email Campaigns & Automation: Targeted emails, automated.
– And over 47 other cool and useful options.

🌟 TRY MC Woocommerce Wishlist PREMIUM For FREE

Free Version Details

  • Wishlist Buttons and Wishlist Page for Woocommerce
  • Wishlist counter similar to the WooCommerce mini cart.
  • Elementor widget for the Wishlist page, Add to Wishlist Button, and the counter/mini Wishlist.
  • WordPress widget for the counter.
  • Support for Woocommerce Variable products and integration with most addons.
  • Share the wishlist on social media, via link, or export it as a PDF.
  • Easily change all words without translator plugins.
  • Quick Wizard for fast configuration.
  • Login/signup invitation for unregistered users.
  • Full customization options for the front-end, including all sections of the Wishlist page, buttons, counters, icons, etc.
  • Change button text after adding a product to the wishlist.
  • Well-designed icons for the woocommerce wishlist plugin button.
  • Button type options: icon, text, or both.
  • Button tooltip for product pages and shop pages.
  • Colore dell’icona per la condivisione personalizzabile.
  • Enable/disable automatic removal of products from the woocommerce wishlist and moving them to the cart after purchase.
  • Abilita / disabilita la funzionalità della lista dei desideri di WooCommerce per gli utenti non registrati.
  • Choose the wishlist button action: either a popup or direct redirection to the wishlist page.
  • Customizable appearance for the wishlist redirecting pop-up, including text and image.
  • Gestione dei prodotti esauriti nella gestione del pulsante della lista dei desideri.
  • Possibilità di aggiungere l’intera lista dei desideri al carrello.
  • Usa gli shortcode per posizionare i pulsanti desiderati.
  • Simplified behavior for “remove from wishlist” action (removal on the second click).
  • Aggiungi al menu con un solo clic sul contatore.
  • Quattro opzioni per posizionare il numero del contatore.
  • Shortcode e widget disponibili per il contatore.
  • Customizable counter (text, icon, color) for the add to menu feature.
  • Automazione delle email per la lista dei desideri: aggiornamenti di stato ed inviti all’acquisto.
  • Imposta le condizioni basate sullo stato della lista dei desideri di WooCommerce, sui prodotti o sui prezzi per l’automazione delle email.
  • Schedula cinque email personalizzabili con diversi modelli per incrementare le vendite.
  • Definire coupon di sconto automatici con date di scadenza e cancellazione automatica.
  • L’automazione delle email s’ interrompe dopo l’utilizzo del coupon e l’acquisto da parte dell’utente.
  • Personalizza le notifiche e le email di follow-up per gli utenti, consentendo di annullare l’iscrizione.
  • Stili CSS personalizzati.
  • Import and Export plugin settings.
  • Fast AJAX interaction for all frontend events.
  • Compatibility with popular themes and page builders such as Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi, Astra, Storefront, OceanWP, Flatsome, and more.
  • Over 100 integrations with plugins and themes.
  • Advanced cache-friendly functionality.
  • Translation-ready and compatible with all translation plugins.
  • Customize the wishlist table page to display product image, name, review, price, discount, stock status, quantity, date added, and variations.
  • Customizable appearance for the add to wishlist button, including options for different icons, text, color, size, border, and more.
  • Change WooCommerce Wishlist button position on product and shop pages.
  • Mini Wishlist for the counter and sidebar widget.

Premium Version Details

🔒 Advanced WooCommerce Wishlist features
Popup for sharing options.
Selectable list layouts by users (grid or list).
– Shortcode for User Counter on Wishlist on the product page
– Move Products between Lists
– Drag and Drop items among List
– Copy Products from other shared Lists to your List
– Toast Style Management
– Open New Tab For External Product Add To Cart for affiliate shops
– Total price with three style (classic, marketing, modern) and different position and style.

🔒 WooCommerce Unlimited lists (Bookmark system/or use as Bundle builder)
All Advanced and free WooCommerce Wishlist features plus:
Customize names and descriptions for each list.
Add or move products between multiple lists.
Choose whether to make lists public or private.
Attractive display in the WooCommerce My Account section.
Additional dedicated button to encourage user engagement and lead generation.
Sharing feature as popup or under the lists.
Dedicated counter with all customizable options and mini lists.

🔒 WooCommerce Waitlist options
All WooCommerce Wishlist Features
Dedicated Waitlist Button, Wishlist Page and Counter for Woocommerce
Email Notifier for Back in Stock, Limited Stock, Price Changes, and Special Sales
Email Automation with Five Follow-ups
Product-Specific Email Automation for Variable Products in All Modes (Back in Stock, Limited Stock, Price Change, Special Sale)
Create Combined Conditions for Email Campaigns and Automation based on User Behavior in Wishlist, Waitlist, Shopping Cart, and Multilist, and User Status and Purchase History.
Exclusive Out-of-Stock Product Box with Two Customizable Styles

🔒 Next purchase cart for save cart for later
– Secret Next Purchase Cart Button
– Add Next Purchase Cart under cart table or in Separate Tab
Pop-up Prevents Removal from Cart and Invites to Add to Next Shopping Cart
Hide Next Purchase Cart Button, Show on Removal Request
Customizable Buttons and Texts and Well-designed icons with Full Details
Support for Changing and Out-of-Stock Products
Invitation Button for Similar Products When Unavailable in Next Purchase Cart
Email Notifier with Automatic Follow-ups and Discount Code (Similar to Waitlist)
– Attractive and Professional Styles to Reduce Cart Removal
– Define for guests, users, or both
– Three styles to choose from for the save for later button position.
– Easily add products to cart with one click using “Save for Later” or remove them from the list.
– Option to include a prominent call-to-action bar with notification on top the list.
– Convenient “Add All to Cart” button on the cart page for added convenience.

🔒 Comprehensive analytics
Analyze Individual User Behavior
Filter, View and export Users based on Various Conditions (List

Status, List Ownership, User Status, Previous Purchases, Combined Conditions)
Save User Segments based on Categories
Send Email Campaigns to Users with Category-based Filtering
Check Users based on Lists and Previous Purchases
Add Notes to Users for CRM Purposes
View and Analyze List Indicators for Improved Sales
View Lists of Individual Users with Various Condition.
View Product Status in Each List and All Lists
Identify Users of Specific Products
Define Multiple Conditions for Analytics and Targeting High Sales Numbers without General Ads


🔒 Unlimited automated email sequences
Define dozens of automated emails based on conditions from lists, purchase history, and user status.
Create exclusive discount codes for each user with automatic deletion after purchase and customizable conditions.
Set up five automatic follow-up emails with specific timings and various appearance templates.
Generate automatic sales through email automation.
– View detailed click rate, open rate, and sales reports for each email automation.
Automatically send emails using the website’s SMTP with a system to reduce server pressure.
Personalize email content based on user characteristics and lists.
Allow users to unsubscribe from email automation.
Email automation stops after coupon use and user’s purchase.

🔒 One-shot Email campaign
Define dozens of one-time emails based on detailed conditions from lists, purchase history, and user status.
Create exclusive discount codes for each user with automatic deletion after purchase and customization options.
– Schedule and send bulk emails.
– View detailed click rate, open rate, and sales reports for each email campaign.
Automatically send emails using the website’s SMTP with a system to reduce server pressure.
Personalize email content based on user characteristics and lists.
Allow users to unsubscribe from email campaigns.

Le funzioni più avanzate della versione premium includono:

  • Visualizza tutti gli elenchi in un’unica pagina utilizzando schede o pagine diverse.
  • Impostazioni migliorate per l’email marketing.
  • Supporto prioritario ed aggiornamenti più rapidi e completi.
  • Compatibile con un’ampia gamma di temi e plugin popolari per WordPress.
  • Ottimizzato per un’esperienza di visualizzazione senza soluzione di continuità sia su dispositivi desktop che su dispositivi mobile.
  • Supporta sia i prodotti semplici che le variabili dei prodotti.


Perché questo plugin è migliore di tutti gli altri?

  • All these lists (waitlist, wishlist, multilist, save for later, etc.) have the same core, installing different plugins with disproportionate updates will slow down your site and cost and trouble increases you, we give you a much lighter plugin than the sum of those plugins, without conflicts with other plugins.
  • The styling and graphics of the plugin are very flexible, professional and correctly coded, and without a single line of coding, you can add several different buttons to the product, store, and shopping cart pages in exactly the way you want.
  • Other plugins store user data without any use, but we do not burden your database, but multiply the behavior of your users by analyzing this data professionally.
  • Monitor the user’s behavior on the store, products, and cart pages and give special offers to each user based on the user’s behavior, which will significantly increase your sales.
  • You don’t need more traffic, you need a higher conversion rate, with this plugin you can easily increase your sales without the need for expensive email marketing servers and dozens of different plugins.
  • Strengthen customer loyalty with personalized lists, encourage repeat visits, and repeat purchases.


Probabilmente ti starai chiedendo perché questo plugin è così fantastico e necessario, vero? Lascia che te lo spieghi:

⚡ Fai in modo che i tuoi clienti siano entusiasti dei tuoi prodotti con una lista d’attesa pre-lancio o con avvisi di ribasso dei prezzi. È come dare loro un pass per il backstage di offerte esclusive, incoraggiandoli a fare acquisti ed a sentirsi parte di una cerchia ristretta e speciale.

⚡ Crea un senso d’ urgenza notificando ai clienti quando un prodotto sta per esaurirsi. Non vorranno perdersi i loro articoli preferiti, quindi saranno motivati ad acquistarli prima che sia troppo tardi!

⚡ Puoi anche offrire avvisi sull’aumento dei prezzi, per spingere i tuoi clienti a fare acquisti tempestivi ed evitare di perdere le offerte con i prezzi più convenienti.

⚡ Ti è mai capitato che i clienti ti chiedessero quando certi prodotti torneranno in stock? Il nostro plugin si occupa anche di questo! I tuoi clienti riceveranno notifiche quando prodotti specifici o simili torneranno nuovamente disponibili sugli scaffali.

⚡ Di’ addio ad i processi complicati! Il nostro plugin offre opzioni di contatori e mini-liste che rendono tutto molto semplice e facile da usare.

⚡ Oh, e ti ho detto che puoi personalizzare l’aspetto, la condivisione ed i contatori degli elenchi e dei pulsanti? È come avere un’ assistente personalizzato ed elegante che si occupa di tutto.

Ma aspetta, c’è di più! Questo plugin offre una serie di vantaggi pratici ed utili:

🛒 Increase sales with saved carts:
With the “Save Cart for Later” feature, your customers can conveniently save their favorite items for future purchases. The Next Purchase Cart ensures that they won’t forget the products they love, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

📊 Comprehensive Analytics for Informed Decision-Making:
Take your business intelligence to the next level with detailed analytics. Understand individual user behavior, segment users based on various conditions, and target high-sales opportunities without general ads. The plugin allows you to view product status in each list, identify users of specific products, and create multiple conditions for effective analytics.

📈 Unlimited Automated Email Sequences:
Engage your customers with personalized and automated email sequences. Define dozens of emails based on user lists, purchase history, and user status. Create exclusive discount codes, set up automatic follow-ups, and generate sales through targeted email campaigns. Monitor click rates, open rates, and sales reports for each email, ensuring a data-driven approach to your marketing strategy.

📧 One-Shot Email Campaigns:
For one-time promotions, the plugin enables you to define one-time emails based on specific conditions. Schedule and send bulk emails, view detailed campaign reports, and personalize content based on user characteristics and lists. It’s a powerful tool to run effective and targeted promotional campaigns.

🌐 Optimized for Desktop and Mobile:
Whether your customers are browsing on a desktop or a mobile device, the MoreConvert WooCommerce Wishlist plugin provides a seamless and optimized experience. The responsive design ensures that users can easily interact with wishlists, waitlists, and more, enhancing their overall shopping experience.

🌟 Why MoreConvert?
Lightweight Plugin: Combines multiple functionalities in a single, efficient plugin without slowing down your site.
Flexible Styling: Professional and flexible styling options without the need for coding.
Smart Data Handling: Analyze user behavior without burdening your database, providing actionable insights.
Increased Conversion: Boost sales with personalized lists, encouraging repeat visits and purchases.
Cost-Effective: A comprehensive solution that eliminates the need for multiple plugins and expensive email marketing servers.

Sei pronto a potenziare le vendite del tuo negozio WooCommerce ed offrire un’esperienza d’acquisto eccezionale ai tuoi clienti? 🚀 Acquista subito la versione Premium!

🔥 Try the Free Demo of MC Wishlist Premium

Installazione ed utilizzo

  1. Upload smart-wishlist-for-more-convert.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the Plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Make sure to disable caching on your checkout and thank you steps
  4. Watch the Video below to learn how to use the Plugin


  • Design different wishlist button styles.
  • Place every location that you want.
  • Design a gorgeous & responsive Wishlist page.
  • Create a faster way to access Wishlist.
  • Groundbreaking Integration with Elementor Page builder.
  • Optimize your wishlist button easily without any hassle.
  • Customize everything on your wishlist page.
  • Cambia il contatore della lista dei desideri e la visualizzazione della mini lista dei desideri.
  • Non è necessario pagare un servizio d’email marketing per l’automazione del retargeting.
  • Include opzioni di condivisione sui social media.
  • MC Wishlist viene fornito con la gestione dell’ottimizzazione della velocità.
  • Aggiungi diversi pulsanti alla tua pagina del prodotto e tutto con un solo plugin.
  • Personalizza le opzioni di condivisione ed i layout dei popup.
  • Opzioni avanzate di “Salva per dopo”.
  • Generate new customers with our advanced analytics.
  • Send seasonal one-shot campaigns to users based on advanced conditions.
  • Send automated emails based on conditions and increase sales.
  • Lista d’attesa avanzata di WooCommerce (Restock, cambio di prezzo, in vendita, stock limitato).


Quali funzioni di marketing posso utilizzare con questo plugin?

Il plugin MoreConvert WooCommerce Wishlist ti permette di aumentare le vendite inviando modelli di email convincenti in base alle varie circostanze e necessità degli utenti.

I miei clienti possono condividere le loro lista dei desideri sui social media?

Assolutamente sì! I clienti possono condividere le loro liste dei desideri sulle piattaforme dei social media. Possono anche personalizzare il titolo del loro link prima di pubblicarlo, aggiungendo un tocco personale alla loro esperienza di condivisione.

Il plugin MC WooCommerce Wishlist consente di aggiungere un pulsante “aggiungi alla lista dei desideri” ad i prodotti nella pagina del negozio e nelle pagine dell’archivio?

Sì, puoi inserire il pulsante “Aggiungi alla lista dei desideri” in varie pagine, tra cui la pagina del negozio, le pagine delle categorie, negli shortcode dei prodotti e nei cursori dei prodotti. La flessibilità si estende a tutti i punti in cui viene utilizzato il ciclo dei prodotti di WooCommerce.

Posso personalizzare la pagina della lista dei desideri?

R: Certamente! La pagina della lista dei desideri è un semplice modello che puoi modificare inserendo il file del template “wishlist.php” nella cartella “woocommerce” del tuo tema.

Can I move the position of the “Add to wishlist” button?

R: Assolutamente sì! Puoi spostare il pulsante “Aggiungi alla lista dei desideri” in un’altra posizione predefinita oppure utilizzare lo shortcode direttamente nel codice del tuo tema.

Posso cambiare lo stile del pulsante “Aggiungi alla lista dei desideri”?

R: Sì, le opzioni di personalizzazione sono numerose. Puoi modificare i colori dello sfondo, del testo e dei bordi oppure applicare CSS personalizzati. Inoltre, puoi scegliere se utilizzare un link oppure un pulsante per la funzione “Aggiungi alla lista dei desideri”.

La pagina della lista dei desideri restituisce un errore 404. Cosa devo fare?

Se si verifica un errore 404 per la pagina della lista dei desideri, prova a rigenerare la pagina della lista dei desideri da Impostazioni -> Lista dei desideri -> Scheda della pagina della lista dei desideri -> modifica “Scegli la pagina della lista dei desideri” semplicemente salvandoli di nuovo.

Have you encountered anomalies after the plugin update that did not exist in the previous version?

Potrebbero verificarsi anomalie se il tuo tema sovrascrive i modelli dei plugin. Se utilizzi un tema popolare, informaci per ottenere una nuova compatibilità. In alternativa, prova il plugin nel tema predefinito di WordPress per escludere potenziali conflitti.

How can I report security bugs?

You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.

Where can I find documentation?

Una documentazione completa è disponibile online. Consulta la nostra documentazione online per ricevere assistenza nella configurazione.

Where can I get support or talk to other users?

For support and discussions, visit the Plugin Forum or our help page on our website.


27 Febbraio 2025
Honestly, by far the best wishlist plugin I’ve ever tested! The free features are already incredibly powerful and well-designed, far superior to what other plugins offer. Everything runs smoothly, the integration is seamless, and the user experience is just outstanding. I’m so impressed by the quality of the developers’ work that I’m going for the premium version, not just for the extra features but to support them! They truly deserve it because this is an exceptional tool. If you’re looking for the perfect wishlist plugin for WooCommerce, look no further—this is the one!
22 Febbraio 2025
I don’t write that often. But here’s why: 1) it does exactly what it says it does. 2) It’s super easy to install and set up, and 3) support is simply unbeatable. You can’t ask for more than that. I even easily added it to a completely customized “My Account” page as an additional icon.
13 Febbraio 2025
I have been using this plugin from a long time, which in itself is amazing that how can free plugin provide so many options! But recently, I was in requirement of technical support from plugin developers. I hesitantly messaged them knowing I am just using free version, but the support that I got, blew my mind. Thank you for such amazing plugin and amazing support.
1 Febbraio 2025
It’s a great app with many options that I can use for free, and I receive the fastest support whenever I need it. Thank you.
1 Febbraio 2025
I’ve been using this plugin for a while now, and it’s absolutely fantastic! It’s easy to set up, highly customizable, and integrates seamlessly with my website. The user interface is intuitive, and the performance is top-notch. The best part is the excellent customer support—quick responses and helpful solutions. Highly recommend this plugin for anyone looking to enhance their website functionality!”
Leggi tutte le recensioni di 103

Contributi e sviluppo

“WooCommerce Wishlist (High customization, fast setup, Free Elementor Wishlist, most features)” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


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Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.



  • Tested: WC 9.7.1
  • Added: wlfmc_email_headers filter to allow modification of email headers, including support for adding BCC and CC.
  • Fixed: resolved data-store issues.
  • Fixed: security by fixing SQL injection vulnerabilities.


  • Tested: WP 6.7.2
  • Tested: WC 9.6.2
  • Fixed: Improve integrity with burn2 woocommerce product table.
  • Fixed: fix some reported bugs.
  • Fixed: fix jquery event deprecated.
  • Updated: Change default value for some options.

Vedi il changelog completo di tutte le versioni.