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This volume presents the 14th edition of the International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese (PROPOR 2020). The conference was held at the Colégio do Espírito Santo, Universidade de Évora, in Évora, Portugal, during... more
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This paper addresses the problem of grapheme to phoneme conversion in order to create a pronunciation dictionary from a vocabulary of the most frequent words in European Portuguese. A system based on a mixed approach funded on a... more
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    • Computer Science
Spontaneous speech is full of hesitations, such as fillers, word cutoffs , repetitions and segmental extensions. Automatic identification of such hesitations has several applications; however, it is a challenging research problem. In this... more
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      PsychologyComputer Science
This paper presents research results on new syllable structures for the Portuguese language. The location of the syllable boundaries is a well known problem of nonconsensual resolution in Portuguese, mainly when the acoustic-phonetic... more
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      HistoryComputer Science
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    • Computer Science
This paper addresses the problem of grapheme to phoneme conversion in order to create a pronunciation dictionary from a vocabulary of the most frequent words in European Portuguese. A system based on a mixed approach funded on a... more
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    • Computer Science
This study presents an approach to the task of automatically classifying and detecting speaking styles. The detection of speaking styles is useful for the segmentation of multimedia data into consistent parts and has important... more
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    • Computer Science
This paper presents a study of European Portuguese elderly speech, in which the acoustic characteristics of two groups of elderly speakers (aged 60-75 and over 75) are compared with those of young adult speakers (aged 19-30). The... more
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    • Computer Science
This paper describes a project with the overall goal of providing a natural interaction communication platform accessible and adapted for all users, especially for people with speech impairments and elderly, by sharing knowledge between... more
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    • Engineering
Automatically recognising children's speech is a very difficult task. This difficulty can be attributed to the high variability in children's speech, both within and across speakers. The variability is due to developmental changes in... more
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      PsychologyComputer Science
A conversão de grafema para fonema diz respeito à tarefa de encontrar a pronúncia de um vocábulo dado na sua forma escrita, a qual tem uma forte componente de aplicação em sistemas de reconhecimento e de síntese de fala. Uma nova... more
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    • Computer Science
One of the frequent symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive dysarthria, the difficulty with articulation. Characterization of dysarthric speech is important, for instance, for the adaptation of speech recognition systems to... more
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In this paper we present a free, open source platform, that translates in real time (written) European Portuguese into Portuguese Sign Language, being the signs produced by an avatar. We discuss basic needs of such a system in terms of... more
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Several efforts have been done towards the development of platforms that allow the translation of specific sign languages to the correspondent spoken language (and vice-versa). In this (demo) paper, we describe a freely available system... more
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    • Computer Science
Cumpre-me manifestar o meu reconhecimento a todos quanto contribuíram para a concretização deste trabalho. Presto o meu penhorado tributo à opinião avisada do Prof. Doutor Telmo dos Santos Verdelho, com quem pude contar, ao longo deste... more
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      SociologyPortuguese Linguistics
To evaluate the reading performance of children, human assessment is usually involved, where a teacher or tutor has to take time to individually estimate the performance in terms of fluency (speed, accuracy and expression). Automatic... more
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    • Computer Science
Reading aloud performance in children is typically assessed by teachers on an individual basis, manually marking reading time and incorrectly read words. A computational tool that assists with recording reading tasks, automatically... more
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To automatically evaluate the performance of children reading aloud or to follow a child's reading in reading tutor applications, different types of reading disfluencies and mispronunciations must be accounted for. In this work, we aim to... more
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    • Computer Science
Evaluating children's reading aloud proficiency is typically a task done by teachers on an individual basis, where reading time and wrong words are marked manually. A computational tool that assists with recording reading tasks,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceLinguisticsSpeech Communication
This paper proposes an approach to automatically parse children's reading of sentences by detecting word pronunciations and extra content, and to classify words as correctly or incorrectly pronounced. This approach can be directly helpful... more
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    • Computer Science