Papers by Muhammed Emin AKYÜREK

Journal of Islamic Architecture, 2024
16 th-century Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan's mosques are one of the most efficient, refined, and... more 16 th-century Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan's mosques are one of the most efficient, refined, and elegant examples of mosque architecture. Sinan's mosques, replicated until today, have also been built widely with modern technology and materials. However, the incompatibility of the structural system and materials are seen in many new mosques is identified as a problem in this study. The study aims to develop a novel design with a contemporary structural system and material based on the principles and schemes of Sinan's highly praised and adopted mosques. First, an ideal form was derived by detecting a harmony between Sinan's mosques and the chain model; then, it was transformed and optimized according to the requirements of the timber (CLT) folded plate envisaged to be applied on a small scale. Proportions of the Sinan's mosques, parametric design and Turkish triangle were benefited to define the size and form of the emerging model. Afterward, they were discussed and evaluated in terms of plan, section, and facade. The discussion is focused on structural form yet also mentions design flexibility according to local touch and sites. Finally, a novel, contemporary, and adaptable design model that evokes the image of Sinan's mosques has been proposed.

Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 2023
The size and detail of some grid shells were defined and relationship between the radius of curva... more The size and detail of some grid shells were defined and relationship between the radius of curvature was examined. The radius of curvature for some Turkish woods, which are not found in the literature, were achieved through analytical methods, and some relationships were developed. Turkish woods were also compared with structural timber and samples in the case studies and European woods. Figure A. Comparison of radius of curvature with elastic modulus/ density and cost of some woods in Turkey in 20mm thickness Purpose: The general purpose of this study is to define the bendability criteria of grid shell. In particular, it is aimed to determine the suitability of woods in Turkey for grid shell with analytical methods. Theory and Methods: In this study, bending capacity of grid shells were examined according to tree type, sizing and detailing. Design radius of curvature (Rt) was defined for 20mm thick laths regarding Turkiye woods simply in terms of allowable bending strength (em) and elastic modulus (E). Rt values were compared with USFPL's experimental radius of curvature (Rd) to verify the relationship between design and experimental method, relationship was confirmed with very high correlation coefficient t (r=0.97). Proper woods were determined through regression analyses among Rt, E, ρ, production amount and cost. Bendability and mechanical characteristics of some woods were also compared with the case studies and Europe. Finally, wood species in Turkiye were classified through the criteria of usability and ordering to the importance in the grid shell. Results: In the structures examined, the ratio of height to length of the laths is 0.23-0.30, and the ratio to span is 0.33-0.41. In terms of lightness and bendability, the material should have a thin section, straight fibers, few knots, high bending strength, low elastic modulus and low density. In terms of lightness and bendability, larch from softwoods and maple and linden from hardwoods are the most efficient examples Yet, production of maple and linden are insufficient. Generally, the cost increases as the radius of curvature decreases. Oak is relatively expensive due to its durability (Figure A). The bending ability of larch, oak and beech is higher than its European counterparts with its low elastic modulus and high bending strength. The European Spruce, on the other hand, is more qualified than its example in Turkey. Conclusion: Among all Turkish woods examined, Oak, beech and larch in Turkıye are the most suitable woods in terms of supply, mechanical properties and bendability for grid shell construction.
Hendese Dergisi, 2021
Sinan, her defasında yeni terkipler sunan, bir
sonrakine ve gelecek nesillere örnek teşkil eden
e... more Sinan, her defasında yeni terkipler sunan, bir
sonrakine ve gelecek nesillere örnek teşkil eden
eserleriyle muhayyilesi oldukça güçlü bir mimardı.
Ayrıca, tabiata; fiziğe ve malzemeye yönelik
olağanüstü duyarlılığı ile yetenekli bir yapı mühendisiydi.
Roma’daki Pantheon, Ayasofya ve
Floransa Katedrali gibi devasa yapılara rağmen
temkinlilik, sıradışı işlerde gösterdiği ihtimam ve
âfetlere karşı aldığı önemler onun olgun, kararlı ve
mutedil bir mühendis oluşuna işaret etmektedir.
Sinan’ın imzasını taşıyan yegâne eser olan Büyükçekmece
Köprüsü, onun sanatında gösterdiği
bu inceliklerin veciz bir örneğidir. Bu köprüyü; tabiatla
amansız kavgalarımızı, beyhude hırçınlığımızı
dizginlemek üzere hatırlamak istedik.

Sanat Tarihi Dergisi, 2021
Nowadays, the architect is moving away from the concept of structure system and
the engineer fro... more Nowadays, the architect is moving away from the concept of structure system and
the engineer from the concept of form. Mimar Sinan’s works which left mark on the 16th
century, are good examples of considering, analyzing, and evaluating these two disciplines together. The structural art which was put forward and established towards the end of the
20th century, is rather than a pure art, centralizing the principles of economy, efficiency and
elegance in design. This concept offers a new perspective in terms of current understanding
of the design principles of Sinan and the quality of his works. In this study, Sinan’s
contributions to the structural art, the design principles of his mosques and geometry-formstructure relationship were examined. His mosques were evaluated through the legacy he
inherited, models, and his own works.
Sinan lived in the 16th century Ottoman Empire and worked as the chief architect
for 50 years. His unique architectural solutions have been the subject of many studies. In this
period, a spectacular architectural style was created with non-repetitive, innovative mosque
variations and was inherited to future generations. The unique architectural style in Sinan’s
mosques with its masonry framework, and polygonal baldachin developments enabled the
construction of larger, brighter and holistic spaces than the single-domed mosques built in
the early Ottoman period. Hiding piers and buttresses within upper flats, galleries and stairs
are efficient and functional solutions. The minarets located at the corners of the mosques
are also the solutions in this context, as being load-bearing elements. Suleymaniye in
four-pierred mosques and Selimiye in eight-pierred mosques stand out with their size and
Having a similar plan scheme, Suleymaniye Mosque is higher than Hagia Sophia
Mosque in proportion to the diameter of the dome. In this way, the dome load is transferred
to the base in stages. With the increase in the pier/ dome area ratio, the main arches were
thickened, and the outer thrust of the dome was prevented with the support of weight
towers and dome buttresses. Thus, the solution of the two semi-domed plan schema first
seen in Hagia Sophia was safely finalized. Suleymaniye Mosque is more elegant than El
Escorial Monastery and St. Peter Cathedral which are sembolically equivalent in terms
of wall thickness, dome thickness and pier area in proportion to the diameter. Among
all other domed structures have been compared, Selimiye Mosque has the lowest height
and smallest floor area in proportion to the diameter of the dome. Despite the same dome
diameter, the pier area is approximately a quarter of Hagia Sophia’s and nearly half of
St. Paul Cathedral’s. The total weight of baldachin and dome of Selimiye is half that of
St. Paul’s. The ratio of dome (load) to baldachin (structure system) weight in Selimiye
is much lesser than St. Paul. Besides, Hagia Sophia, St. Peter, and St. Paul couldn’t be
completed for many years due to design problems; sections were enlarged and re-designed
by different architects in different periods. Comparisons and evaluations based on drawings
and calculations show that, Suleymaniye and Selimiye are more economic, efficient and
elegant in terms material used, element size and construction period in comparison to Hagia
Sophia, El Escorial, St. Peter, and St. Paul. To sum up, Sinan mosques are extraordinary in the structural art of domed masonry structures.

Sanat Tarihi Dergisi, 2021
Nowadays, the architect is moving away from the concept of structure system and the engineer from... more Nowadays, the architect is moving away from the concept of structure system and the engineer from the concept of form. Mimar Sinan’s works which left mark on the 16th century, are good examples of considering, analyzing, and evaluating these two disciplines together. The structural art which was put forward and established towards the end of the 20th century, is rather than a pure art, centralizing the principles of economy, efficiency and elegance in design. This concept offers a new perspective in terms of current understanding of the design principles of Sinan and the quality of his works. In this study, Sinan’s contributions to the structural art, the design principles of his mosques and geometry-form-structure relationship were examined. His mosques were evaluated through the legacy he inherited, models, and his own works. Sinan lived in the 16th century Ottoman Empire and worked as the chief architect for 50 years. His unique architectural solutions have been the subject of many studies. In this period, a spectacular architectural style was created with non-repetitive, innovative mosque variations and was inherited to future generations. The unique architectural style in Sinan’s mosques with its masonry framework, and polygonal baldachin developments enabled the construction of larger, brighter and holistic spaces than the single-domed mosques built in the early Ottoman period. Hiding piers and buttresses within upper flats, galleries and stairs are efficient and functional solutions. The minarets located at the corners of the mosques are also the solutions in this context, as being load-bearing elements. Suleymaniye in four-pierred mosques and Selimiye in eight-pierred mosques stand out with their size and architecture. Having a similar plan scheme, Suleymaniye Mosque is higher than Hagia Sophia Mosque in proportion to the diameter of the dome. In this way, the dome load is transferred to the base in stages. With the increase in the pier/ dome area ratio, the main arches were thickened, and the outer thrust of the dome was prevented with the support of weight towers and dome buttresses. Thus, the solution of the two semi-domed plan schema first seen in Hagia Sophia was safely finalized. Suleymaniye Mosque is more elegant than El Escorial Monastery and St. Peter Cathedral which are sembolically equivalent in terms of wall thickness, dome thickness and pier area in proportion to the diameter. Among all other domed structures have been compared, Selimiye Mosque has the lowest height and smallest floor area in proportion to the diameter of the dome. Despite the same dome diameter, the pier area is approximately a quarter of Hagia Sophia’s and nearly half of St. Paul Cathedral’s. The total weight of baldachin and dome of Selimiye is half that of St. Paul’s. The ratio of dome (load) to baldachin (structure system) weight in Selimiye is much lesser than St. Paul. Besides, Hagia Sophia, St. Peter, and St. Paul couldn’t be completed for many years due to design problems; sections were enlarged and re-designed by different architects in different periods. Comparisons and evaluations based on drawings and calculations show that, Suleymaniye and Selimiye are more economic, efficient and elegant in terms material used, element size and construction period in comparison to Hagia Sophia, El Escorial, St. Peter, and St. Paul. To sum up, Sinan mosques are extraordinary in the structural art of domed masonry structures.

Tasarım+Kuram, 2021
Hiperbolik paraboloit çift eğrilikli bir yüzey türüdür. Bu yüzey türünün bir strüktür olarak kull... more Hiperbolik paraboloit çift eğrilikli bir yüzey türüdür. Bu yüzey türünün bir strüktür olarak kullanımı betonarmenin yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte mümkün olmuştur. Bu strüktür yapı endüstrisinde çeşitli yüzeylerin birbiriyle entegrasyonuyla birçok kez ortaya konmuştur. Her noktasında çekme ve basınç gerilmelerini karşılaması onu diğer kabuk yapılara oranla daha ince ve estetik kılmıştır. Öte yandan kalıp işçiliği, donatı yerleştirilmesi, beton dökümü, yalıtım ve kaplama katmanlarının teşkilinin zorluğu nedeniyle bu strüktürlerin uygulanması belirli bölgelerle sınırlı kalmıştır. Bunun yanında ilerleyen yapı teknolojisi ve yeni malzemelerin icat edilmesi çeşitli çağdaş uygulamaların ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Çalışmada ülkemizde nadir rastlanan hipar kabukların mühendislik ve mimarlık ortak disiplininde betonarmeye yönelik teorik bir çerçeve çizip onun plastik boyutu olan ince kabuk strüktürlerden bahsedilmiştir. 20.yüzyılın önemli kabuk tasarımcıları ve dönemine damga vuran yapılarına değinildikten sonra kabuk strüktürler arasında strüktürel etkinlik ve estetik bağlamında en iddialı formlardan olan hiperbolik paraboloit (hipar) kabuklar tarihi gelişim ve yapım yöntemleri bağlamında incelenmiştir. Öncüler, gelişme/ zirve ve çağdaş uygulamalar başlıkları altında sınıflandırılan betonarme hipar kabuk uygulamaları, yapım sorunları, yapım tekniği ve kolaylığı, geçilen açıklık, strüktür malzemesi ve kalınlığı gibi ayırt edici özellikler içeren bir tabloda özetlenmiştir. Elde edilen bulguların özellikle mimarlık ve mühendislik öğrencileri için alandaki Türkçe kaynak eksikliğine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

İZÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2020
Türkiye toplumunun cumhuriyetin ilanı ile birlikte aradığı yeni kimlik arayışı mimariye de yansım... more Türkiye toplumunun cumhuriyetin ilanı ile birlikte aradığı yeni kimlik arayışı mimariye de yansımıştır. Cumhuriyet döneminde Sedad Hakkı Eldem ve Emin Onat'ın önderliğinde gelişen II. Ulusal Mimarlık akımı ile plan tipinde ve yapı elemanlarında standardizasyon, yerli malzeme ve yerli iş gücü kavramları ortaya çıkmıştır. Eldem'in II. Ulusal Mimarlık Akımı'nın ışığında, Geleneksel Türk Evi üzerine sağlamış olduğu edinimin bir yorumu olarak ortaya koyduğu projelerden birisi Zeyrek Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu kompleksidir. Unkapanı ile Saraçhane'yi birbirine bağlayan cadde üzerinde bulunan Zeyrek SSK binaları, Zeyrek yokuşunun alt kotuna kadar küçülerek alçalan 5 ayrı kütleden oluşmaktadır. Kullanılan standart söve, pencere, cephe kaplaması ve saçaklar yapıya karakteristik özellik katmaktadır. Betonarme karkas sistemle oluşturulmuş bu yapı, belirgin ve standart akslarla oluşturulmuş bir strüktürel sisteme sahiptir. Bina kompleksinin öne çıkan karakteristik özelliklerinden olan çift çıkmalar, döşeme üzerine yerleştirilen prefabrike betonarme söveler ile desteklenmektedir. Böylelikle bu yapı manzumesi, Geleneksel Türk Sivil Mimarisi öğelerinin dönemin inşaat teknikleriyle yeni bir ifadesi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı 1964'ten beri ayakta olan Zeyrek SSK kompleksinin strüktürel incelemesini yapmak ve yapısal elemanlarının güncel durumunu tespit etmektir. Bu kapsamda: (i)Yapıyla ilgili çeşitli kaynaklar süperpoze edilerek kısmi olarak tekrar projelendirilmiş ve modellenmiştir. (ii) Yapı elemanlarına ve strüktüre dair olası hasarlar yerinde gözlemlenerek tespit edilmiştir. (iii) Yapının taşıyıcı sisteminin güncel deprem yönetmeliğine uygun olmayan tarafları ortaya konmuştur. Bunların sonucunda elde edilen verilerle konstrüksiyonel sürdürülebilirliğin; doğru detaylandırma, uygun malzeme seçimi ve düzgün işçilik ile sağlanabileceği kanısına varılmıştır.
ABSTRACT After proclamation of republic, New idendity which Turkey's society seeking was also reflected in architecture. During the Republican period, Sedad Hakkı Eldem and Emin Onat leading the II. National Architecture Movement, emerged concepts of standardization, local materials and local labor within plan type and building elements. Zeyrek Social Security Institution Complex is one of the project designed by Eldem under the light of this movement is an interpretation of his repertuar on traditional Turkish houses. Zeyrek SSI Complex, located on the street connecting Unkapanı and Sarachane, is composed by 5 different masses that descend to the lower elevation of the Zeyrek slope. The standard posts, windows, facade cladding and eaves used in the building contribute characteristic features to the structure. This building, which has been constructed with reinforced concrete frame system, has a structural system which is formed with explicit and standard axis. The prominent characteristic features of the building complex are the double protrusions supported by prefabricated reinforced concrete posts placed on the slabs. Thus, this building complex emerges as a new expression of traditional Turkish civil architecture elements built with the construction techniques of the period. The main goal of this study is to conduct a structural analysis of Zeyrek SSI complex which has been standing since 1964 and to determine the current status of its structural elements. In this context: (i) Various references related to the structure were superposed and partially re-drawed and remodelled. (ii) Possible damage to the building elements and the structure were determined by observing them on site. (iii) The parts of the structural system of the building which do not comply with the current earthquake regulations have been revealed. As the result of these data, main factors of the constructional sustainability are correct detailing, proper material selection and smooth workmanship.
Thesis Chapters by Muhammed Emin AKYÜREK

MSGSU Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020
Hyperbolic paraboloid is a type of anticlastic surface with double curvature. This surface is for... more Hyperbolic paraboloid is a type of anticlastic surface with double curvature. This surface is formed by translating a parabola perpendicularly to another parabola in the opposite direction or by shifting the two ends of a line (generatrix) on curved or straight directix in different planes. It will be understood that, the hyperbolic paraboloid may be formed not only by the curvature (translational element) being parabola, but also by being straight line. In addition, the directix of the hyperbolic paraboloids as the ruled surface does not need to be curved. In this case, all of the elements that form the surface are line segment. In this sense, the hypar is divided into two categories depending on whether the edges are straight or curved. Hyperbolic paraboloid surfaces with straight edges are formed by shifting the two ends of a oblique line to the plane on two other oblique lines opposite but not parallel to each other. If so, the sections taken from the surface give hyperbola and parabola as on the curved edge surface. If it’s needed to objectify hypar; it is a form that resembles the passage between two mountains, the form of a chips or the saddle of a horse.
Hypar, is generally a shell structure transfer the load with surface activity. It has constant and equal shear stresses at every point thanks to its anticlastic curvatures. That is to say, the buckling response caused by the compressive force acting in one direction is prevented by the tensile force acting in the other direction. The torsional force acting on the surface is less than the tensile and compressive force and is generally prevented by side beams. Due to this advantages, hypar can be produced in more delicate dimensions than other forms. This reduces costs by reducing the amount of material used.
Hypar-shaped structures have been widely applied from past to present under the following three headings: reinforced concrete thin shell, wooden shell and cable net structures. It has been one of the most widely practiced forms in the 20th century because of structural effectiveness. Beside, low amount of material required for construction and its aesthetic view are features that makes it popular. In addition, combination of both curved-edged and straight-edged hyperbolic paraboloids in various sizes and shapes, supported at various points provided innovation and diversity in its architectural design.
The use of this surface as a roof construction in the building industry has become possible with the spread of reinforced concrete. Felix Candela, introducing this structure to the building industry, built several structures by integrating various surfaces. Balancing the tensile and compressive stresses at every point, makes it thinner and more aesthetic than other shell forms. On the other hand, it was not easy to introduce hypar concrete shells to the construction industry. One of the most important reasons for this is the fact that these surfaces, which are a double curvature mathematical form, are not well known by either designers nor constractors. Beside, erection of wooden formwork is difficult and expensive. Therefore, the production of these surfaces, which are applied as reinforced concrete shell system, has been limited in certain regions with similar works of the same construction team. Causes such as cracking of concrete shells over time, rusting of reinforcement and construction difficulties have led researchers to try recent technologies such as use of a membrane as a mold, use of shotcrete and reinforcing concrete with a fabric. Consructing the old with less and more perfect are inadequate efforts due to the lack of implementation in the industry. In addition, with the advancing construction technology and the derivation of new materials, various contemporary applications have emerged.
Cast in-situ concrete shell structure implementations seem to have been abandoned because of many construction problems. However the adventure of hypar, which gained momentum with Candela, continued with Nowicki’s pioneering cable net structure, wooden shell with Catalano, gridshell with Natterer and Otto.
The cable net structure, which has been constructed in various places since the 1950s, has become a structure alternative that provides efficiency in many ways rather than being a trend with its rapid construction and wide span effectiveness. Stabilize the cable net with reinforced concrete has expanded the possibilities of the structure by transforming it into a monolithic surface. One of the first examples is found in the Philips Pavilion review. Similarly, the Saddledome Stadium, which has a circular plan, appears to be connecting the cable net with precast elements and in-situ cast concrete.
Another structure following the hypar-shaped reinforced concrete thin shell technology is wooden shells. With this structure, was developed under the leadership of Booth and Tottenham in England, formwork cost was almost eliminated and thus more economic roof structures were revealed. Wood shells became an architectural style in England between 1957-1975 with the elegance and aesthetics it offers. With standardization in these structures, construction could be faster, easier and cheaper. This feature procures wooden shells to be a structure system alternative in different periods and regions. Thus, it became known the literature.
In addition to examples where the surface has become a complete shell, there are also examples of structures formed with linear beams. These structures, which was gained to the literature as gridshell, are especially preferred in free-form structures. The auditorium in the Paraiso Park, which consists of a multi-layered wooden grid and Antwerp Law Court which was formed with laminated beams are the examples of gridshell. In addition to these, various materials and methods such as bamboo pergola, prefabricated stone and steel tie integrated canopy are encountered in various regions.
These studies show that the search for re-implementation of this form under various structure classifications in accordance with today's construction technology continues. The reason for this is undoubtedly the structural efficency provided by this form, the ability of the surface to be build in various forms and the aesthetic effect it offers to the designers. Despite the construction of hypar structure with many materials and methods in many regions of the world, there is almost no presence in Turkey. The complex geometry of the structure led to the belief that its construction would be difficult. In addition, with the lack of collaboration between architect and civil engineer, establishment of the structure and its structural behavior could not be observed. The most important reason of implementation deprivation is that the geometry and construction methods of hyperbolic paraboloids are not well known. As a matter of fact, the architectural and civil engineering education have not aroused enough interest for the students to go beyond the classical structures.
In this study, it is aimed to understand the hypar geometry, structural design and behavior and the materials or techniques that can be constructed with hypar-shaped structures. In this way, various examinations have been conducted and the defined geometry of the form has been emphasized through experiments such as both physical and digital models. The behavior of the surface under load is expressed with observations on models. Hypar-shaped structures are classified and examined with their historical development, construction methods and contemporary building examples. Findings were compared and evaluated on the basis of factors such as construction method, span, material used. Thus, an analytical resource was presented fort he design theory of hypar-shaped structures.
Keywords: Hyperbolic paraboloid, Concrete Shell, Wooden Shell, Gridshell, Cable Net Structure
Books by Muhammed Emin AKYÜREK
Yapı Elemanları-I: Temel ve Duvar, 2023
Yapı Elemanları-II: Döşeme ve Merdiven, 2023

Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, 2020
Prof. Dr. M. Oktay Cansun’un, İ.T.Ü. Mimarlık Fakültesinde ve 2012’den beri İstanb... more KİTAP HAKKINDA
Prof. Dr. M. Oktay Cansun’un, İ.T.Ü. Mimarlık Fakültesinde ve 2012’den beri İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümünde verdiği Yapı Elemanları-I dersinin ders notları yeniden düzenlenmiş, şekiller Araş. Gör. Mimar M. Emin Akyürek tarafından bilgisayar ortamında çizilerek kitap hâline getirilmiştir. Kitabın sonunda, yazarın serbest el çizimlerinin özgün hâlleri görülmektedir.
Kitap A4 boyutunda 144 sayfadan oluşmakta, bol şekilli ve kısa açıklamalarla öğrenciyi yormayacak şekilde, çizerek ve ayrıştırarak öğrenmeye teşvik edici niteliktedir.
Kitap yapı elemanları konularından temel ve duvarlar ile sınırlıdır. Kitabın devamı olarak döşeme, merdivenler, çatı ve ince yapı diye adlandırılan doğramaları da içine alacak şekilde hazırlanacaktır.
Yapı, Yapı Bilgisi, Yapı Elemanları veya Konstrüksiyon gibi kelimelerle tanımlanan ve mimarlık eğitiminin temel konularını oluşturan bilgiler, öğrencinin ilk senelerinde kavramakta güçlük çektiği konulardır. Aynı zamanda mimari tasarımın olgunlaşmasında ve gerçekleşmesinde de bilinmesi gereklidir. Mimari tasarımın başarısı detaylarının doğruluğu ile yakın ilişkilidir ki bu da yapı konusunda temel bilgilerin öğrenilmesi ile mümkündür.
Kitap bu özellikleri ile önemli bir açığı kapatmaktadır.
Erol Gürdal
Conference Presentations by Muhammed Emin AKYÜREK

Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, 2019
ÖZET Türkiye toplumunun cumhuriyetin ilanı ile birlikte aradığı yeni kimlik arayışı mimariye de y... more ÖZET Türkiye toplumunun cumhuriyetin ilanı ile birlikte aradığı yeni kimlik arayışı mimariye de yansımıştır. Cumhuriyet döneminde Sedad Hakkı Eldem ve Emin Onat'ın önderliğinde gelişen II. Ulusal Mimarlık akımı ile plan tipinde ve yapı elemanlarında standardizasyon, yerli malzeme ve yerli iş gücü kavramları ortaya çıkmıştır. Eldem'in II. Ulusal Mimarlık Akımı'nın ışığında, geleneksel türk evi üzerine sağlamış olduğu edinimin bir yorumu olarak ortaya koyduğu projelerden birisi Zeyrek Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu Külliyesi'dir. Unkapanı ile Saraçhane'yi birbirine bağlayan cadde üzerinde bulunan Zeyrek SSK Külliyesi Zeyrek yokuşunun alt kotuna kadar küçülerek alçalan 5 ayrı kütleden oluşmaktadır. Kullanılan standart söve, pencere, cephe kaplaması ve saçaklar yapıya karakteristik özellik katmaktadır. Betonarme karkas sistemle oluşturulmuş bu yapı, belirgin ve standart akslarla oluşturulmuş bir strüktürel sisteme sahiptir. Bina kompleksinin öne çıkan karakteristik özelliklerinden olan çift çıkmalar, döşeme üzerine yerleştirilen prefabrike betonarme söveler ile desteklenmektedir. Böylelikle bu yapı manzumesi, geleneksel türk sivil mimarisi öğelerinin dönemin inşaat teknikleriyle yeni bir ifadesi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı 1964'ten beri ayakta olan Zeyrek SSK kompleksinin strüktürel incelemesini yapmak ve yapısal elemanlarının güncel durumunu tespit etmektir. Bu kapsamda: • Yapıyla ilgili çeşitli kaynaklar süperpoze edilerek kısmi olarak tekrar projelendirilmiştir. • Yapı elemanların boyutları ve yapıya dair olası hasarlar yerinde gözlemlenerek tespit edilmiştir. • Yapının taşıyıcı sisteminin güncel deprem yönetmeliğine uygun olmayan tarafları ortaya konmuştur. Bunların sonucunda elde edilen verilerle konstrüksiyonel sürdürülebilirliğin; doğru detaylandırma, uygun malzeme seçimi ve düzgün işçilik ile sağlanabileceği kanısına varılmıştır.
Papers by Muhammed Emin AKYÜREK
sonrakine ve gelecek nesillere örnek teşkil eden
eserleriyle muhayyilesi oldukça güçlü bir mimardı.
Ayrıca, tabiata; fiziğe ve malzemeye yönelik
olağanüstü duyarlılığı ile yetenekli bir yapı mühendisiydi.
Roma’daki Pantheon, Ayasofya ve
Floransa Katedrali gibi devasa yapılara rağmen
temkinlilik, sıradışı işlerde gösterdiği ihtimam ve
âfetlere karşı aldığı önemler onun olgun, kararlı ve
mutedil bir mühendis oluşuna işaret etmektedir.
Sinan’ın imzasını taşıyan yegâne eser olan Büyükçekmece
Köprüsü, onun sanatında gösterdiği
bu inceliklerin veciz bir örneğidir. Bu köprüyü; tabiatla
amansız kavgalarımızı, beyhude hırçınlığımızı
dizginlemek üzere hatırlamak istedik.
the engineer from the concept of form. Mimar Sinan’s works which left mark on the 16th
century, are good examples of considering, analyzing, and evaluating these two disciplines together. The structural art which was put forward and established towards the end of the
20th century, is rather than a pure art, centralizing the principles of economy, efficiency and
elegance in design. This concept offers a new perspective in terms of current understanding
of the design principles of Sinan and the quality of his works. In this study, Sinan’s
contributions to the structural art, the design principles of his mosques and geometry-formstructure relationship were examined. His mosques were evaluated through the legacy he
inherited, models, and his own works.
Sinan lived in the 16th century Ottoman Empire and worked as the chief architect
for 50 years. His unique architectural solutions have been the subject of many studies. In this
period, a spectacular architectural style was created with non-repetitive, innovative mosque
variations and was inherited to future generations. The unique architectural style in Sinan’s
mosques with its masonry framework, and polygonal baldachin developments enabled the
construction of larger, brighter and holistic spaces than the single-domed mosques built in
the early Ottoman period. Hiding piers and buttresses within upper flats, galleries and stairs
are efficient and functional solutions. The minarets located at the corners of the mosques
are also the solutions in this context, as being load-bearing elements. Suleymaniye in
four-pierred mosques and Selimiye in eight-pierred mosques stand out with their size and
Having a similar plan scheme, Suleymaniye Mosque is higher than Hagia Sophia
Mosque in proportion to the diameter of the dome. In this way, the dome load is transferred
to the base in stages. With the increase in the pier/ dome area ratio, the main arches were
thickened, and the outer thrust of the dome was prevented with the support of weight
towers and dome buttresses. Thus, the solution of the two semi-domed plan schema first
seen in Hagia Sophia was safely finalized. Suleymaniye Mosque is more elegant than El
Escorial Monastery and St. Peter Cathedral which are sembolically equivalent in terms
of wall thickness, dome thickness and pier area in proportion to the diameter. Among
all other domed structures have been compared, Selimiye Mosque has the lowest height
and smallest floor area in proportion to the diameter of the dome. Despite the same dome
diameter, the pier area is approximately a quarter of Hagia Sophia’s and nearly half of
St. Paul Cathedral’s. The total weight of baldachin and dome of Selimiye is half that of
St. Paul’s. The ratio of dome (load) to baldachin (structure system) weight in Selimiye
is much lesser than St. Paul. Besides, Hagia Sophia, St. Peter, and St. Paul couldn’t be
completed for many years due to design problems; sections were enlarged and re-designed
by different architects in different periods. Comparisons and evaluations based on drawings
and calculations show that, Suleymaniye and Selimiye are more economic, efficient and
elegant in terms material used, element size and construction period in comparison to Hagia
Sophia, El Escorial, St. Peter, and St. Paul. To sum up, Sinan mosques are extraordinary in the structural art of domed masonry structures.
ABSTRACT After proclamation of republic, New idendity which Turkey's society seeking was also reflected in architecture. During the Republican period, Sedad Hakkı Eldem and Emin Onat leading the II. National Architecture Movement, emerged concepts of standardization, local materials and local labor within plan type and building elements. Zeyrek Social Security Institution Complex is one of the project designed by Eldem under the light of this movement is an interpretation of his repertuar on traditional Turkish houses. Zeyrek SSI Complex, located on the street connecting Unkapanı and Sarachane, is composed by 5 different masses that descend to the lower elevation of the Zeyrek slope. The standard posts, windows, facade cladding and eaves used in the building contribute characteristic features to the structure. This building, which has been constructed with reinforced concrete frame system, has a structural system which is formed with explicit and standard axis. The prominent characteristic features of the building complex are the double protrusions supported by prefabricated reinforced concrete posts placed on the slabs. Thus, this building complex emerges as a new expression of traditional Turkish civil architecture elements built with the construction techniques of the period. The main goal of this study is to conduct a structural analysis of Zeyrek SSI complex which has been standing since 1964 and to determine the current status of its structural elements. In this context: (i) Various references related to the structure were superposed and partially re-drawed and remodelled. (ii) Possible damage to the building elements and the structure were determined by observing them on site. (iii) The parts of the structural system of the building which do not comply with the current earthquake regulations have been revealed. As the result of these data, main factors of the constructional sustainability are correct detailing, proper material selection and smooth workmanship.
Thesis Chapters by Muhammed Emin AKYÜREK
Hypar, is generally a shell structure transfer the load with surface activity. It has constant and equal shear stresses at every point thanks to its anticlastic curvatures. That is to say, the buckling response caused by the compressive force acting in one direction is prevented by the tensile force acting in the other direction. The torsional force acting on the surface is less than the tensile and compressive force and is generally prevented by side beams. Due to this advantages, hypar can be produced in more delicate dimensions than other forms. This reduces costs by reducing the amount of material used.
Hypar-shaped structures have been widely applied from past to present under the following three headings: reinforced concrete thin shell, wooden shell and cable net structures. It has been one of the most widely practiced forms in the 20th century because of structural effectiveness. Beside, low amount of material required for construction and its aesthetic view are features that makes it popular. In addition, combination of both curved-edged and straight-edged hyperbolic paraboloids in various sizes and shapes, supported at various points provided innovation and diversity in its architectural design.
The use of this surface as a roof construction in the building industry has become possible with the spread of reinforced concrete. Felix Candela, introducing this structure to the building industry, built several structures by integrating various surfaces. Balancing the tensile and compressive stresses at every point, makes it thinner and more aesthetic than other shell forms. On the other hand, it was not easy to introduce hypar concrete shells to the construction industry. One of the most important reasons for this is the fact that these surfaces, which are a double curvature mathematical form, are not well known by either designers nor constractors. Beside, erection of wooden formwork is difficult and expensive. Therefore, the production of these surfaces, which are applied as reinforced concrete shell system, has been limited in certain regions with similar works of the same construction team. Causes such as cracking of concrete shells over time, rusting of reinforcement and construction difficulties have led researchers to try recent technologies such as use of a membrane as a mold, use of shotcrete and reinforcing concrete with a fabric. Consructing the old with less and more perfect are inadequate efforts due to the lack of implementation in the industry. In addition, with the advancing construction technology and the derivation of new materials, various contemporary applications have emerged.
Cast in-situ concrete shell structure implementations seem to have been abandoned because of many construction problems. However the adventure of hypar, which gained momentum with Candela, continued with Nowicki’s pioneering cable net structure, wooden shell with Catalano, gridshell with Natterer and Otto.
The cable net structure, which has been constructed in various places since the 1950s, has become a structure alternative that provides efficiency in many ways rather than being a trend with its rapid construction and wide span effectiveness. Stabilize the cable net with reinforced concrete has expanded the possibilities of the structure by transforming it into a monolithic surface. One of the first examples is found in the Philips Pavilion review. Similarly, the Saddledome Stadium, which has a circular plan, appears to be connecting the cable net with precast elements and in-situ cast concrete.
Another structure following the hypar-shaped reinforced concrete thin shell technology is wooden shells. With this structure, was developed under the leadership of Booth and Tottenham in England, formwork cost was almost eliminated and thus more economic roof structures were revealed. Wood shells became an architectural style in England between 1957-1975 with the elegance and aesthetics it offers. With standardization in these structures, construction could be faster, easier and cheaper. This feature procures wooden shells to be a structure system alternative in different periods and regions. Thus, it became known the literature.
In addition to examples where the surface has become a complete shell, there are also examples of structures formed with linear beams. These structures, which was gained to the literature as gridshell, are especially preferred in free-form structures. The auditorium in the Paraiso Park, which consists of a multi-layered wooden grid and Antwerp Law Court which was formed with laminated beams are the examples of gridshell. In addition to these, various materials and methods such as bamboo pergola, prefabricated stone and steel tie integrated canopy are encountered in various regions.
These studies show that the search for re-implementation of this form under various structure classifications in accordance with today's construction technology continues. The reason for this is undoubtedly the structural efficency provided by this form, the ability of the surface to be build in various forms and the aesthetic effect it offers to the designers. Despite the construction of hypar structure with many materials and methods in many regions of the world, there is almost no presence in Turkey. The complex geometry of the structure led to the belief that its construction would be difficult. In addition, with the lack of collaboration between architect and civil engineer, establishment of the structure and its structural behavior could not be observed. The most important reason of implementation deprivation is that the geometry and construction methods of hyperbolic paraboloids are not well known. As a matter of fact, the architectural and civil engineering education have not aroused enough interest for the students to go beyond the classical structures.
In this study, it is aimed to understand the hypar geometry, structural design and behavior and the materials or techniques that can be constructed with hypar-shaped structures. In this way, various examinations have been conducted and the defined geometry of the form has been emphasized through experiments such as both physical and digital models. The behavior of the surface under load is expressed with observations on models. Hypar-shaped structures are classified and examined with their historical development, construction methods and contemporary building examples. Findings were compared and evaluated on the basis of factors such as construction method, span, material used. Thus, an analytical resource was presented fort he design theory of hypar-shaped structures.
Keywords: Hyperbolic paraboloid, Concrete Shell, Wooden Shell, Gridshell, Cable Net Structure
Books by Muhammed Emin AKYÜREK
Prof. Dr. M. Oktay Cansun’un, İ.T.Ü. Mimarlık Fakültesinde ve 2012’den beri İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümünde verdiği Yapı Elemanları-I dersinin ders notları yeniden düzenlenmiş, şekiller Araş. Gör. Mimar M. Emin Akyürek tarafından bilgisayar ortamında çizilerek kitap hâline getirilmiştir. Kitabın sonunda, yazarın serbest el çizimlerinin özgün hâlleri görülmektedir.
Kitap A4 boyutunda 144 sayfadan oluşmakta, bol şekilli ve kısa açıklamalarla öğrenciyi yormayacak şekilde, çizerek ve ayrıştırarak öğrenmeye teşvik edici niteliktedir.
Kitap yapı elemanları konularından temel ve duvarlar ile sınırlıdır. Kitabın devamı olarak döşeme, merdivenler, çatı ve ince yapı diye adlandırılan doğramaları da içine alacak şekilde hazırlanacaktır.
Yapı, Yapı Bilgisi, Yapı Elemanları veya Konstrüksiyon gibi kelimelerle tanımlanan ve mimarlık eğitiminin temel konularını oluşturan bilgiler, öğrencinin ilk senelerinde kavramakta güçlük çektiği konulardır. Aynı zamanda mimari tasarımın olgunlaşmasında ve gerçekleşmesinde de bilinmesi gereklidir. Mimari tasarımın başarısı detaylarının doğruluğu ile yakın ilişkilidir ki bu da yapı konusunda temel bilgilerin öğrenilmesi ile mümkündür.
Kitap bu özellikleri ile önemli bir açığı kapatmaktadır.
Erol Gürdal
Conference Presentations by Muhammed Emin AKYÜREK
sonrakine ve gelecek nesillere örnek teşkil eden
eserleriyle muhayyilesi oldukça güçlü bir mimardı.
Ayrıca, tabiata; fiziğe ve malzemeye yönelik
olağanüstü duyarlılığı ile yetenekli bir yapı mühendisiydi.
Roma’daki Pantheon, Ayasofya ve
Floransa Katedrali gibi devasa yapılara rağmen
temkinlilik, sıradışı işlerde gösterdiği ihtimam ve
âfetlere karşı aldığı önemler onun olgun, kararlı ve
mutedil bir mühendis oluşuna işaret etmektedir.
Sinan’ın imzasını taşıyan yegâne eser olan Büyükçekmece
Köprüsü, onun sanatında gösterdiği
bu inceliklerin veciz bir örneğidir. Bu köprüyü; tabiatla
amansız kavgalarımızı, beyhude hırçınlığımızı
dizginlemek üzere hatırlamak istedik.
the engineer from the concept of form. Mimar Sinan’s works which left mark on the 16th
century, are good examples of considering, analyzing, and evaluating these two disciplines together. The structural art which was put forward and established towards the end of the
20th century, is rather than a pure art, centralizing the principles of economy, efficiency and
elegance in design. This concept offers a new perspective in terms of current understanding
of the design principles of Sinan and the quality of his works. In this study, Sinan’s
contributions to the structural art, the design principles of his mosques and geometry-formstructure relationship were examined. His mosques were evaluated through the legacy he
inherited, models, and his own works.
Sinan lived in the 16th century Ottoman Empire and worked as the chief architect
for 50 years. His unique architectural solutions have been the subject of many studies. In this
period, a spectacular architectural style was created with non-repetitive, innovative mosque
variations and was inherited to future generations. The unique architectural style in Sinan’s
mosques with its masonry framework, and polygonal baldachin developments enabled the
construction of larger, brighter and holistic spaces than the single-domed mosques built in
the early Ottoman period. Hiding piers and buttresses within upper flats, galleries and stairs
are efficient and functional solutions. The minarets located at the corners of the mosques
are also the solutions in this context, as being load-bearing elements. Suleymaniye in
four-pierred mosques and Selimiye in eight-pierred mosques stand out with their size and
Having a similar plan scheme, Suleymaniye Mosque is higher than Hagia Sophia
Mosque in proportion to the diameter of the dome. In this way, the dome load is transferred
to the base in stages. With the increase in the pier/ dome area ratio, the main arches were
thickened, and the outer thrust of the dome was prevented with the support of weight
towers and dome buttresses. Thus, the solution of the two semi-domed plan schema first
seen in Hagia Sophia was safely finalized. Suleymaniye Mosque is more elegant than El
Escorial Monastery and St. Peter Cathedral which are sembolically equivalent in terms
of wall thickness, dome thickness and pier area in proportion to the diameter. Among
all other domed structures have been compared, Selimiye Mosque has the lowest height
and smallest floor area in proportion to the diameter of the dome. Despite the same dome
diameter, the pier area is approximately a quarter of Hagia Sophia’s and nearly half of
St. Paul Cathedral’s. The total weight of baldachin and dome of Selimiye is half that of
St. Paul’s. The ratio of dome (load) to baldachin (structure system) weight in Selimiye
is much lesser than St. Paul. Besides, Hagia Sophia, St. Peter, and St. Paul couldn’t be
completed for many years due to design problems; sections were enlarged and re-designed
by different architects in different periods. Comparisons and evaluations based on drawings
and calculations show that, Suleymaniye and Selimiye are more economic, efficient and
elegant in terms material used, element size and construction period in comparison to Hagia
Sophia, El Escorial, St. Peter, and St. Paul. To sum up, Sinan mosques are extraordinary in the structural art of domed masonry structures.
ABSTRACT After proclamation of republic, New idendity which Turkey's society seeking was also reflected in architecture. During the Republican period, Sedad Hakkı Eldem and Emin Onat leading the II. National Architecture Movement, emerged concepts of standardization, local materials and local labor within plan type and building elements. Zeyrek Social Security Institution Complex is one of the project designed by Eldem under the light of this movement is an interpretation of his repertuar on traditional Turkish houses. Zeyrek SSI Complex, located on the street connecting Unkapanı and Sarachane, is composed by 5 different masses that descend to the lower elevation of the Zeyrek slope. The standard posts, windows, facade cladding and eaves used in the building contribute characteristic features to the structure. This building, which has been constructed with reinforced concrete frame system, has a structural system which is formed with explicit and standard axis. The prominent characteristic features of the building complex are the double protrusions supported by prefabricated reinforced concrete posts placed on the slabs. Thus, this building complex emerges as a new expression of traditional Turkish civil architecture elements built with the construction techniques of the period. The main goal of this study is to conduct a structural analysis of Zeyrek SSI complex which has been standing since 1964 and to determine the current status of its structural elements. In this context: (i) Various references related to the structure were superposed and partially re-drawed and remodelled. (ii) Possible damage to the building elements and the structure were determined by observing them on site. (iii) The parts of the structural system of the building which do not comply with the current earthquake regulations have been revealed. As the result of these data, main factors of the constructional sustainability are correct detailing, proper material selection and smooth workmanship.
Hypar, is generally a shell structure transfer the load with surface activity. It has constant and equal shear stresses at every point thanks to its anticlastic curvatures. That is to say, the buckling response caused by the compressive force acting in one direction is prevented by the tensile force acting in the other direction. The torsional force acting on the surface is less than the tensile and compressive force and is generally prevented by side beams. Due to this advantages, hypar can be produced in more delicate dimensions than other forms. This reduces costs by reducing the amount of material used.
Hypar-shaped structures have been widely applied from past to present under the following three headings: reinforced concrete thin shell, wooden shell and cable net structures. It has been one of the most widely practiced forms in the 20th century because of structural effectiveness. Beside, low amount of material required for construction and its aesthetic view are features that makes it popular. In addition, combination of both curved-edged and straight-edged hyperbolic paraboloids in various sizes and shapes, supported at various points provided innovation and diversity in its architectural design.
The use of this surface as a roof construction in the building industry has become possible with the spread of reinforced concrete. Felix Candela, introducing this structure to the building industry, built several structures by integrating various surfaces. Balancing the tensile and compressive stresses at every point, makes it thinner and more aesthetic than other shell forms. On the other hand, it was not easy to introduce hypar concrete shells to the construction industry. One of the most important reasons for this is the fact that these surfaces, which are a double curvature mathematical form, are not well known by either designers nor constractors. Beside, erection of wooden formwork is difficult and expensive. Therefore, the production of these surfaces, which are applied as reinforced concrete shell system, has been limited in certain regions with similar works of the same construction team. Causes such as cracking of concrete shells over time, rusting of reinforcement and construction difficulties have led researchers to try recent technologies such as use of a membrane as a mold, use of shotcrete and reinforcing concrete with a fabric. Consructing the old with less and more perfect are inadequate efforts due to the lack of implementation in the industry. In addition, with the advancing construction technology and the derivation of new materials, various contemporary applications have emerged.
Cast in-situ concrete shell structure implementations seem to have been abandoned because of many construction problems. However the adventure of hypar, which gained momentum with Candela, continued with Nowicki’s pioneering cable net structure, wooden shell with Catalano, gridshell with Natterer and Otto.
The cable net structure, which has been constructed in various places since the 1950s, has become a structure alternative that provides efficiency in many ways rather than being a trend with its rapid construction and wide span effectiveness. Stabilize the cable net with reinforced concrete has expanded the possibilities of the structure by transforming it into a monolithic surface. One of the first examples is found in the Philips Pavilion review. Similarly, the Saddledome Stadium, which has a circular plan, appears to be connecting the cable net with precast elements and in-situ cast concrete.
Another structure following the hypar-shaped reinforced concrete thin shell technology is wooden shells. With this structure, was developed under the leadership of Booth and Tottenham in England, formwork cost was almost eliminated and thus more economic roof structures were revealed. Wood shells became an architectural style in England between 1957-1975 with the elegance and aesthetics it offers. With standardization in these structures, construction could be faster, easier and cheaper. This feature procures wooden shells to be a structure system alternative in different periods and regions. Thus, it became known the literature.
In addition to examples where the surface has become a complete shell, there are also examples of structures formed with linear beams. These structures, which was gained to the literature as gridshell, are especially preferred in free-form structures. The auditorium in the Paraiso Park, which consists of a multi-layered wooden grid and Antwerp Law Court which was formed with laminated beams are the examples of gridshell. In addition to these, various materials and methods such as bamboo pergola, prefabricated stone and steel tie integrated canopy are encountered in various regions.
These studies show that the search for re-implementation of this form under various structure classifications in accordance with today's construction technology continues. The reason for this is undoubtedly the structural efficency provided by this form, the ability of the surface to be build in various forms and the aesthetic effect it offers to the designers. Despite the construction of hypar structure with many materials and methods in many regions of the world, there is almost no presence in Turkey. The complex geometry of the structure led to the belief that its construction would be difficult. In addition, with the lack of collaboration between architect and civil engineer, establishment of the structure and its structural behavior could not be observed. The most important reason of implementation deprivation is that the geometry and construction methods of hyperbolic paraboloids are not well known. As a matter of fact, the architectural and civil engineering education have not aroused enough interest for the students to go beyond the classical structures.
In this study, it is aimed to understand the hypar geometry, structural design and behavior and the materials or techniques that can be constructed with hypar-shaped structures. In this way, various examinations have been conducted and the defined geometry of the form has been emphasized through experiments such as both physical and digital models. The behavior of the surface under load is expressed with observations on models. Hypar-shaped structures are classified and examined with their historical development, construction methods and contemporary building examples. Findings were compared and evaluated on the basis of factors such as construction method, span, material used. Thus, an analytical resource was presented fort he design theory of hypar-shaped structures.
Keywords: Hyperbolic paraboloid, Concrete Shell, Wooden Shell, Gridshell, Cable Net Structure
Prof. Dr. M. Oktay Cansun’un, İ.T.Ü. Mimarlık Fakültesinde ve 2012’den beri İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümünde verdiği Yapı Elemanları-I dersinin ders notları yeniden düzenlenmiş, şekiller Araş. Gör. Mimar M. Emin Akyürek tarafından bilgisayar ortamında çizilerek kitap hâline getirilmiştir. Kitabın sonunda, yazarın serbest el çizimlerinin özgün hâlleri görülmektedir.
Kitap A4 boyutunda 144 sayfadan oluşmakta, bol şekilli ve kısa açıklamalarla öğrenciyi yormayacak şekilde, çizerek ve ayrıştırarak öğrenmeye teşvik edici niteliktedir.
Kitap yapı elemanları konularından temel ve duvarlar ile sınırlıdır. Kitabın devamı olarak döşeme, merdivenler, çatı ve ince yapı diye adlandırılan doğramaları da içine alacak şekilde hazırlanacaktır.
Yapı, Yapı Bilgisi, Yapı Elemanları veya Konstrüksiyon gibi kelimelerle tanımlanan ve mimarlık eğitiminin temel konularını oluşturan bilgiler, öğrencinin ilk senelerinde kavramakta güçlük çektiği konulardır. Aynı zamanda mimari tasarımın olgunlaşmasında ve gerçekleşmesinde de bilinmesi gereklidir. Mimari tasarımın başarısı detaylarının doğruluğu ile yakın ilişkilidir ki bu da yapı konusunda temel bilgilerin öğrenilmesi ile mümkündür.
Kitap bu özellikleri ile önemli bir açığı kapatmaktadır.
Erol Gürdal