Papers by Bernardo Martins

– The brightness of a dimension stone after polishing is the main characteristic analyzed in rela... more – The brightness of a dimension stone after polishing is the main characteristic analyzed in relation to the quality of production, a factor that can be decisive during its commercialization. Empirically, it is said that resin is an influential part of the quality of the gloss after polishing the stone. For this purpose, this article demonstrates, through an experiment carried out in an industry, by polishing slabs of a quartzolytic rock, a difference in the measured brightness in surfaces that received different Epoxy Systems, in order to demonstrate what the characteristics of these systems that caused the direct influence on the brightness result. The results showed that there is an intimate relationship between the adopted system and the measured brightness results. In this study, the best system was the IV, presenting values much higher than others. Aspects related to the price of the inputs and production time must be considered when choosing which system should be adopted. T...
TUBB4A novel mutation reinforces the genotype–phenotype correlation of hypomyelination with atrop... more TUBB4A novel mutation reinforces the genotype–phenotype correlation of hypomyelination with atrophy of the basal ganglia and cerebellum

Em Teia | Revista de Educação Matemática e Tecnológica Iberoamericana, 2021
Este artigo tem por propósito trazer algumas reflexões sobre a aprendizagem de uma turma do 5º an... more Este artigo tem por propósito trazer algumas reflexões sobre a aprendizagem de uma turma do 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental, envolvendo geometria e suas representações espaciais no plano. Ele foi desenvolvido em um curso de extensão no ano de 2019 em parceria com a Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul e a Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo, com o objetivo de aprofundar as reflexões dos professores sobre o Currículo da Cidade e os materiais curriculares por ela produzidos. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada foi a qualitativa com observação participante em um processo de formação envolvendo o Estudo de Aula em uma perspectiva colaborativa. Dentre os resultados encontrados, percebemos que os professores conseguiram identificar as dúvidas de seus alunos em relação ao ensino das representações dos prismas e pirâmides em um plano, a partir de referenciais teóricos que possibilitaram a compreensão das dúvidas apresentadas pelos estudantes sobre esse tema matemático.

International journal of clinical and experimental pathology, 2014
Excessive accumulation of intracellular calcium is the most critical step after spinal cord injur... more Excessive accumulation of intracellular calcium is the most critical step after spinal cord injury (SCI). Reducing the calcium influx should result in a better recovery from SCI. Calcium channel blockers have been shown a great potential in reducing brain and spinal cord injury. In this study, we first tested the neuroprotective effect of MVIIC on slices of spinal cord subjected to ischemia evaluating cell death and caspase-3 activation. Thereafter, we evaluated the efficacy of MVIIC in ameliorating damage following SCI in rats, for the first time in vivo. The spinal cord slices subjected a pretreatment with MVIIC showed a cell protection with a reduction of dead cells in 24.34% and of caspase-3-specific protease activation. In the in vivo experiment, Wistar rats were subjected to extradural compression of the spinal cord at the T12 vertebral level using a weigh of 70 g/cm, following intralesional treatment with either placebo or MVIIC in different doses (15, 30 and 60 pmol) five mi...

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia, 2020
RESUMO O perfil epizootiológico da cinomose canina em Belo Horizonte é desatualizado e não alberg... more RESUMO O perfil epizootiológico da cinomose canina em Belo Horizonte é desatualizado e não alberga algumas características relevantes. Uma análise recente da distribuição do vírus em relação às características do hospedeiro e do meio ambiente associada aos principais sinais clínicos e achados laboratoriais são importantes para se adotarem medidas estratégicas para o controle da enfermidade. Objetivou-se, assim, determinar as características epizootiológicas da infecção pelo vírus da cinomose canina associada à variedade de sinais clínico-neurológicos e laboratoriais em Belo Horizonte, auxiliando no diagnóstico precoce da infecção e na diminuição das taxas de morbidade e mortalidade da doença. A avaliação do perfil epizootiológico de 90 cães revelou que a doença é mais frequente em animais adultos (um a seis anos de idade) e que não receberam vacinas conforme recomendado pelos protocolos. Os sinais clínicos extraneurais e neurais foram variados, com predomínio para manifestações gast...

An awareness program and a Civil Construction workers training, aiming to adopt safe practices in... more An awareness program and a Civil Construction workers training, aiming to adopt safe practices in the construction sites, elaborated through an understandable language has been applied by construction companies in the town of Ponta Grossa. The main focus in the training were pointed out after diagnosing the major problems that occur systematically in construction sites. It was observed that there is a great expectation by the workers for their participation in technical training projects, but on the other hand, the employers have little or no interest in providing awareness to their workers in construction sites. It is searched, through this project, to encourage that practice by companies, aiming to gain in several levels, such as: quality of life at work, safe construction sites, reduction of absences, better quality of products, higher productivity and consequently a lower cost and higher competitiveness in the market.

Educação Matemática Debate
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar se as atividades propostas no material curricular de ... more O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar se as atividades propostas no material curricular de Matemática, denominado Caderno do Aluno, do projeto Educação Matemática nos Anos Iniciais (EMAI), dos três primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental, empregado pela Rede Estadual de Ensino de São Paulo, permitem o desenvolvimento da Literacia Estatística dos estudantes. Assim, optou-se pela análise documental na perspectiva de Bardin (2016). Como resultados, foi possível observar que as atividades analisadas contribuem para a promoção do desenvolvimento da Literacia Estatística, por encaminhar os estudantes na compreensão das informações estatísticas, na organização dos dados e na representação de tabelas. Contudo, observou-se que a aquisição da Literacia Estatística requer outras habilidades que as atividades não incentivam tanto — a capacidade de argumentar, a construção e representação de gráficos e tabelas, a apropriação do vocabulário estatístico e a competência de produzir textos acerca...

Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
The phospholipase A2 group VI (PLA2G6) gene is associated with several neurodegenerative diseases... more The phospholipase A2 group VI (PLA2G6) gene is associated with several neurodegenerative diseases with diverse clinical presentations. Nearly 200 variants of PLA2G6 have been reported in 3 gene variant databases (ClinVar, Human Gene Mutation Database (HMGD), and Leiden Open Variation Database (LOVD)). This significant genetic heterogeneity is considered a contributing factor to this clinical spectrum and diversity. These neurodegenerative diseases are classified according to age of onset and clinical progression. One such condition is the rare, neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA)/ hereditary dystonia (DYT)/designated genes involved in familial Parkinson’s disease (PARK)-PLA2G6 or autosomal recessive parkinsonism type 14 (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man #612953), characterized by parkinsonism and early-onset dystonia. The clinical spectrum of NBIA/DYT/PARK-PLA2G6 comprises severe cognitive decline, psychiatric disorders such as depression and hallucinations, dysarthria, dysphonia, dysphagia, rigid-akinetic syndrome, ataxia, and epilepsy. Herein we describe a Brazilian patient with early-onset neurodegeneration, iron brain accumulation on imaging, and heterozygous PLA2G6 variants, compatible with the early-onset dystonia–parkinsonism phenotype. A 42-year-old woman experienced an onset of clinical manifestations with psychiatric symptoms, including mood changes, fear, and aggressiveness at the age of 24 years. There had been no problems at birth, and her neurodevelopmental milestones were normal. The patient developed stiffness probably caused by neuroleptic use (haloperidol and aripiprazole) attributed to psychiatric symptoms. This side effect was improved by the short-term use of biperiden. During the following years, she had no new psychiatric features, and these medications were withdrawn. Posteriorly, it was necessary the use of sertraline for mood disorder symptoms. At 31 years of age, she developed atypical symmetrical rigidakinetic parkinsonism. Levodopa/benserazida, 100/25 mg twice a day, induced dyskinesias, but with no functional improvement. The patient developed gait impairment and became wheelchair bound at the age of 35 years. This was followed by generalized tonic–clonic seizures 1 year later. Administration of valproic acid and lamotrigine controlled the seizures. Currently she is bedridden with tracheostomy with continuous positive airway pressure and gastrostomy. She is on akinetic mutism, with generalized and severe rigidity and spasticity, bradykinesia and tremor in both hands, dystonia in the upper limbs, bilateral Babinski sign, and generalized hyperreflexia (Video 1). There is also autonomic dysfunction with urinary incontinence and constipation. At 32 years of age, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain showed signs of brain volume reduction, which was more evident in the cerebellum, and iron deposition in the caudate nuclei and putamen. Another MRI scan 10 years later demonstrated generalized cerebral and cerebellar atrophy with severe caudate nuclei atrophy. Susceptibility-weighted images revealed more extensive iron accumulation in the globus pallidus and putamen, including the posterior portion (Fig. 1). Repeated electroencephalograms did not show any abnormalities. An electroneuromyography failed to show abnormalities. Serum copper, ceruloplasmine, and creatine phosphokinase levels were normal. Acanthocytes were not detected in the blood smear. Genetic tests for spinocerebellar ataxia types 1, 2, 3, and 7 were normal. Examination of the family revealed no consanguinity, and the patient’s 2 siblings are healthy. Next-generation sequencing of a panel of 56 genes related to dystonia was performed using the
Research, Society and Development, Dec 8, 2016
Research, Society and Development
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar as características conceituais sobre grupos colab... more O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar as características conceituais sobre grupos colaborativos e identificar sua importância no processo de desenvolvimento profissional de professores que ensinam Matemática. Para isso, adotamos uma metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica em que trazemos autores que discutem esta temática. Nosso referencial teórico se apoia em autores que discutem a importância dos grupos colaborativos no ensino de Matemática. Os resultados mostram que os grupos colaborativos contribuem para o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores ao promover, por meio da reflexividade, espaços de discussões coletivas sobre a prática dos professores em sala de aula.

Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento
In the current article, the historical transformations of teaching activity in Brazil as well as ... more In the current article, the historical transformations of teaching activity in Brazil as well as its participation in academic-scientific research is addressed, considering from the influences arising from inherited religions from Europe to the hallmarks of resources technologies in the hands of domestic users. This moment is marked by the transition between the 20th and 21st centuries, thus representing a rampant revolution in the technological sector, with the Internet being the main tool of communication and research, which resulted in a long process of adaptation. It is necessary to mention the difficulty that there is in the process of isolating the knowledge of his local culture, opinions and experiences of his own and the academic baggage with which a teacher needs to transmit to the student body, because he must understand that the Brazil records influences of various peoples around the world, which has made us have such a mixed culture. In the midst of so many historical tr...
Brazilian Journal of Development

Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia
Esta discussão é pautada nos resultados de um projeto de investigação financiado pela FAPESP, que... more Esta discussão é pautada nos resultados de um projeto de investigação financiado pela FAPESP, que envolve uma experiência realizada com dez professoras dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, de duas escolas da rede pública da cidade de São Paulo, e pesquisadores de uma Universidade de caráter privado. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar as contribuições e limites de um projeto que envolve grupos colaborativos e a metodologia de formação de professores denominada Lesson Study (Estudo de Aula). Entre os resultados, destacam-se a importância da constituição do grupo colaborativo para a melhoria das práticas das professoras e a valoração que elas passaram a dar para a dinâmica grupal, tanto na primeira como na terceira etapa da metodologia Lesson Study. Houve um avanço considerável na preparação e análise das aulas das professoras, na apropriação e consecução de pesquisas, e na análise de orientações curriculares nos momentos de reunião do grupo colaborativo.
Apresentações Trabalhos Científicos
Apresentações Trabalhos Científicos
Apresentações Trabalhos Científicos
Papers by Bernardo Martins