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The present article aims at analyzing The Quartet Series, one of the numerous symbolist topics that the Transylvanian painter Octavian Smigelschi (1866-1912 approached in his artistic carrier; though researchers in the field have... more
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PANTONE 7 711 U U r rosu PANTONE 1 1 Black Black R e v i s t ã d e c c u l t u r ã • s e r i e n n o u ã • a n u l V V I I I • 1 6 -3 3 1 i i a n u a r i e 2 0 0 9 3 lei
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R e v i s t ã d e c u l t u r ã • s e r i e n o u ã • a n u l I X • 1 6 -3 1 o c t o m b r i e 2 0 1 0 Excelsior Ilustraþia numãrului: Renate Christin (Germania) din ciclul Fluviul Vieþii -Dunãrea
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Vernisajul Expoziţiei de pictură "Octavian Smigelschi -între tradiţie şi inovaţie" care a avut loc sala mare a noului sediu al Muzeului Ţării Crişurilor din Oradea, joi, 19 iunie 2014
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Bilingual catalogue of a temporary exhibition organized by the authors at the National History Museum of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca, in 2013. Ed. Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, 19 p. Translation:  Ana-Maria Gruia.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryExhibition, Museum, Expositions and Worlds FairsAncient Egypt
Atmosferă animată, pregătiri intense, spaţii arhipline, lume bună, artişti profesionişti, mult tineret, studenţi, forfotă, nenumărate lucrăricam aşa au stat lucrurile în cazul celor mai multe episoade cu subiect artistic în formă... more
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    • Contemporary Art
Autor: Ioana GRUIŢĂ SAVU | Categoria: Arte | 0 comentarii Recomanda articolul prin: Tipareste pagina Marime text Pe Octavian Smigelschi nu prea aveţi de unde să-l cunoaşteţi, numai dacă întîmplător aţi studiat istoria artei, dacă aţi... more
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Abstract: This article intends to bring into attention the creation process behind Octavian Smigelschi’s works. The Transylvanian painter used different artistic mediums to ease his preparatory work and this... more
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The Postmodern Cat Devours the Decorative Ceramics, Repercussions of Cluj International Ceramic Biennale (CICB), Second Edition 2015 CICB has reached its 2nd edition, becoming a festival dedicated to contemporary ceramics. A series of... more
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    • Contemporary Art
1001 Fragments and Stories - an Alchemic Collage Berlin-Cluj “Fragmente des Anderen / Fragmentele celuilalt/ Fragments of the Other” is an ongoing project, with a long history - 500 collages and 15 years of artistic dialogue between two... more
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    • Contemporary Art
The visual artist from Cluj started in the 80’s as a neoexpressionist painter, with a personal mythology. Later on he included a social component, having a critical ironical approach to sore subjects expressed in a postmodern, neo-pop... more
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    • Contemporary Art
Szőcs Éva Andrea is a visual artist having an interdisciplinary and conceptual approach in her works. Recently she developed a new series where she included another dimension to her works by using Braille writing, being interested in the... more
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    • Contemporary Art
Georgiana Cozma is a visual artist involved in social problems and as expected the recent European refugees’ crisis stirred a powerful artistic statement on her part. In summer, she started a series of ceramic installations meant to... more
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    • Contemporary Art
Vînătoarea de fluturi (4 noiembrie 2015, Muzeul de Artă Cluj-Napoca) este o expoziţie jurnal de călătorie  care are ca punct de pornire o experienţă comună a doi artişti prieteni - Andor Kőmives şi Gheorghe Ilea...
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    • Contemporary Art
FORBIDDEN DIRECTION – A DEVIOUS DIRECTION AN EXHIBITION TO WHICH IT MAKES SENSE TO GO PREPARED Ioana Gruiţă-Savu The article takes into discussion the recent temporary exhibition “FORBIDDEN DIRECTION, Romanian Graphic Art, Drawing and... more
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    • Contemporary Art
Exhibition catalog, 14 October – 26 November 2017, National Museum Of Transylvanian History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania The art event BETWEEN BLACK AND WHITE, organised by NMTH (curator Ioana Gruiţă Savu) during the 3rd Cluj Ceramics... more
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    • Contemporary Art
Blind date – A Post-Factum Perception and Intention Summary Lateral Art Space, a platform created in 2012 for promoting young artists, hosted by the well-known Paintbrush Factory in Cluj-Napoca, launched in December 2017 an inciting... more
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